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Topics - jimk

Pages: [1]
People 250 / People 250 stalling
« on: June 07, 2011, 09:56:31 PM »
I've had a new-to-me 2007 People 250 for a few months now and finally getting some riding in. Last week I started having a little trouble starting it, the battery ran down, and I ended up buying a new battery (The original one made it 4 years). It starts now, but takes a little more coaxing with the throttle. But the past few days. I've had it stall out on me when slowing for stop signs or if I'm just sitting idling. It's pretty hot now, almost 90. Is that an issue. Or might I need a tune-up? It has 8,000 kms on it and the previous owner said he didn't have it tuned up last summer. It also looks like the "service'' indicator on the dash is red. Not sure what that means.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm just trying to get used to the bike and don't want to get stranded anywhere.



General Discussion / A new Kymco owner
« on: April 28, 2011, 04:25:30 PM »
I just bought my first Kymco scooter after thinking about it for several years. I picked up a 2007 People 250 from an 81-year-old man ... who wanted something bigger! 

And here's my first ride, a beautiful Honda C-70, which now has to leave my garage and find a new home.
/Users/jimkneiszel/Desktop/Honda c70small.jpg

I'm looking forward to talking Kymco with other happy owners!


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