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Topics - burningsnow

Pages: [1]
People 150 / New owner in Arizona - service help
« on: June 10, 2011, 05:51:44 AM »
Hey all - I recently bought a 2009 Kymco People 150. I was wondering if anyone out there is from Arizona (Phoenix area) and could recommend a good local shop for repairs and questions. I plan on doing my own routine service but I would feel better if I had a shop for the tougher stuff.

Second question: Is there a guide anywhere online that outlines suggested service/maintenance over the life of the scooter? I want to take good care of my new ride but I am a first time owner so I have no clue what should be done and when.

Thanks in advance.

People 150 / New Rider - First Post
« on: April 05, 2011, 06:13:12 PM »
I just purchased a 2009 People 150. It has 4300km. I am extremely impressed so far. The pick up is great and the top speed is ideal for commuting. Yesterday I took my longest ride yet (approximately 12 miles averaging 50mph). When I got home i noticed kind of a burning or "over-heating" type smell. It wasn't really strong but it still bothered me so I thought I'd join the forum and throw out my first question. Is this smell normal after ride like this? I have gone on several short rides (less than 5 miles) without noticing anything.

I am headed out on another ride... hopefully it was a one time occurance but I will check after this ride. Any input would be great.


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