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Topics - francuz69

Pages: [1]
Downtown 300 / How to check faulty ISC on DT300
« on: February 08, 2021, 01:58:50 PM »
Hi there,
after having and resolving electric issues with rectifier and some other things, everything was working fine. Had a new set of tyres - Pirelli Diablo Rosso. Fantastic rubber...
But now i am having another issue. DT on startup works fine but after few kilometers/miles of riding it begans to stall when stoping. Normally it idles around 1600-1700 RPM but after a short ride it falls to 1000, sometimes even lower...
I can do a workaround by slightly giving a throttle when stopping but it can be very annoying.
Fuel is new, tank doesn't make a vacuum and a swoosh sound when opened, sparkplug is brand new CR7E, and i have a beautiful spark. No clogged or pinched hoses. Everything seems perfect except that stall on idle after few miles.
Which leads me to one thing. Few days ago when i turn the key to on, I've used to hear a buzzing/clicking sound which comes from ISC. Now i don't hear it anymore. Could it be that ISC died on me?
I've read all topics on stalling regarding DT300 and also read the service manual, but i can't seem to find the procedure on how to check is the ISC faulty or not. Only thing i have found is this guy's post on YT regarding ISC operation but i doesn't say how to check a faulty one:
Also, one more question regarding ISC/TPM reset procedure... How to know did i perform it well. Does some signal lights up on the dash when a reset is performed or not. I suspected that ISC maybe got "unpaired" with the scooter while i have removed it for visual inspection, but i can't be sure did the ISC/TPM procedure go well or not.
Hope someone has the answer...
Best Regards

Downtown 300 / Wont turn off???
« on: December 26, 2020, 06:47:24 PM »
Hello everyone,
here's a new one, didn't find anything about this on the internet, nor the DT300 service manual.
My DT won't turn off. I start it normally, but when i want to stop it, almost nothing happens.
When i turn the key left, dash goes off, but the engine does not, it keeps running.
Hitting the kill switch or side stand does nothing. Only thing that i notice when i hit either one of those two is veeery slight change in sound of the engine, but barely noticable.
I have disassembled the key cluster but the contacts were clean. Cleaned them again just to make sure. Also cleaned the connector from the key cluster onwards.

Only thing that i know that is faulty is regulator/rectifier since it charges 18.8V which is way more than normal, but i don't think that it has anythyng to do with shut down problem. (i Will order a new one and change it)

I am banging my head against the wall...
Any ideas?

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