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Topics - Joachim16

Pages: [1]
Yesterday I adjusted the valve clearance on the scooter (7000 km), everything was fine at the inlet, the outlet was a bit narrow. Let's see whether this also has a positive effect on the run immediately after the cold start. There was also some soot in the exhaust gas recirculation, and removing it certainly didn't do any harm.

Now, here’s the question: In the engine compartment, on the right hand side, looking in the direction of travel, there is the open end of a hose, see photo. It appears to be a molded hose, bent almost 180 degrees, leading under the footboard.
Does anyone know where to connect the hose? I couldn't find a suitable position straight away.
Some other cables and hoses were also no longer in their holders / clamps, maybe an inspection at the precious owner's was not completely careful.
I haven't looked for the other end under the running board yet, that's my next action, if nobody has an idea here either.

I am curious, looking forward to read your ideas.

Thank you and have a good ride,


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