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Topics - picklepacker

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MXU / New 150 - Need Help
« on: December 27, 2021, 06:36:20 PM »
I bought my son a new 150 for Christmas. For the most part we love the ATV. But we are having a few issues. I plan to contact the dealership once they return to work but was curious for some feedback on here.

1)The first day my son was out driving the atv he tried to turn around at the end of a field and had to end up putting it in Reverse to back up. When he got back to the house he told me he had put it in reverse and even after he let go of the throttle it "kept going backwards" and almost put him in a ditch. Curious to see what he was talking about I drove it around and sure enough, I put it in reverse and it started to back up just fine. But when I let off the throttle it was still revved up and it kept going backwards. Sometimes it does it, sometimes it revs normal and doesn't move in reverse unless you mash the throttle.

2)Sometimes it's difficult to get the gear to go from Neutral to Drive, Drive to Neutral and so forth. I know I'm not supposed to force it into gear so I don't. But I've even had to cut it off to get it to go into Neutral. And then sometimes when I crank it, I try to wait for it to idle down before putting it in drive so it doesn't jerk but sometimes it never idles down and it ends up jerking into gear.

3)Aside from problems 1 & 2 above we've had a ball driving the atv the last 2 days. However I got a call this morning from my wife and she told me my son had driven the atv and came back home, turned it off, and it immediately kept trying to start over and over. They had the kill switch engaged, the key was out and it still kept trying to crank. I quickly drove home to see if I could get it to stop but by the time I got there I guess the battery had died. Now i can't get the display to come on. I was able to get it to start with the kick starter and drove it around, hoping it might charge the battery back but the display never came back on. And lastly.... I decided to pull it under my carport and let it run for a few minutes and I put it down in neutral. As it was running I kept feeling it rock forward a little everytime it would idle up a bit. I double checked to make sure it was in neutral and it was. So I gently pressed the throttle and it moved forward even with the gear in neutral. Is that something that happens as a result of having to kick start it and the electric being dead?
 I know this is a lot. I know nothing about this kind of thing. Thanks for your help.

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