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Topics - orepicker

Pages: [1]
People 250 / rolling start
« on: April 13, 2012, 03:35:20 AM »
Can you roll start a scooter with a cvt drive, like a standard clutch system? I've never tried it. It seems it might be like trying to roll start a car with an automatic tranny. Since the People 250 has no kick starter you're sorta screwed if the battery is dead. I got caught by surprise once when the battery died w/out warning.

People 250 / foot pegs
« on: February 29, 2012, 03:28:27 AM »
Sometimes, I need to stretch my legs while riding. Has anyone mounted foot pegs on the People 250? If so what did you attach them to?

General Discussion / carrying a Beagle
« on: February 14, 2012, 02:52:34 AM »
My wife says I can go anywhere I want on my scoot, if I take the dog. Has anyone had any experience with a pet carrier? What about a side car for a People 250?

People 250 / Shudder/vibration
« on: February 02, 2012, 04:07:48 AM »
When I am just starting to move and the cvt is going through it's changes, or I am moving slowly as through a parking lot, I get some vibration/shuddering from the rear of my People 250. It feels like the drive belt is catching a little as it "gears up". This happened once before and I went into the unit and cleaned and wiped around the drive belt. The problem cleared up for about a thousand miles. The repeat of the issue seems to come too soon. Anyone else have this problem?

People 250 / Top heavy?
« on: June 28, 2011, 03:52:11 AM »
I've owned a 2006 People 250 for a couple of years and basically love it.  However I've been increasingly aware that it feels top heavy and have had a few incidents when it almost went over while parking or maneuvering in a tight spot. I base this on the radiator, fuel and water tanks near the top. It's wonderful on the road with enough power to keep up with traffic so I don't want to go back to a smaller air cooled scooter. Plus the larger wheels are great. I'm getting longer in the tooth with  some back problems so I get a little nervous sometimes. Anyone else have an issue with this?

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