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Topics - catman2130093

Pages: [1]
Grandvista 250 / Who's got the most miles on their GV?
« on: March 31, 2012, 12:16:13 AM »
I know you can beat me-6300 miles,and it's an 09. The riding season is young though ;D

Grandvista 250 / Tire recommendations for GV?
« on: December 03, 2011, 03:27:19 PM »
 Hi folks-It's time for a new rear tire for sure-and as it's 09 model,I'll also replace the front. bike has 6100 miles on it. Does anyone have recommendations as to brand/model?   I weigh 220,and most of my riding is in the 60 mph range (67 indicated). I live in the boonies,and on a US 2 lane hwy,so most trips are 80 miles or so. Thanks!!

Grandvista 250 / bizzaro tire wear
« on: November 15, 2011, 05:04:44 AM »
my gv's rear tire is worn much more on the left side than the right. Scoot now has 6k miles and I'll replace the tire soon (09) model,btw.  Why would the tire wear this way-my left butt cheek isn't heavier than my right!-and does the group have any recommendations re the rear tire? It has an Avon on it now..Thanks folks-I love my GV, and you folks are pretty cool too! ;D

Grandvista 250 / Weepy gas filler-why?
« on: September 29, 2011, 11:50:54 PM »
My 09 GV has recently started weeping around the gas cap, and also the black bezel around it. At first I thought the telltale streaking was my fault by over filling, continues weeping even when I'm down to the 3rd block on the fuel gauge. This continued,even after I popped open the lid and wiped it all out,which also would have relieved any pressure..the gasket on the back of the cap appears to be in good shape, and the cap does latch when I close it up. Anyone else experienced this? How did you solve it? It's not enough to affect the mileage, but the streaking down the plastic is unsightly. Thx!

Grandvista 250 / Possibly silly question
« on: August 05, 2011, 01:59:32 AM »
Since it's well known that most scooters have greatly optimistic speedometers,isn't it logical to assume that the odometer is also reading higher than actual??? Enquiring minds want to know!

Grandvista 250 / Ever notice Kymcos are seldom for sale used?
« on: July 21, 2011, 02:55:31 AM »
I found my 2009 GV on Craig's List-after 18 months of looking! I almost never see a Kymco on ebay either. Must be a lot of happy riders out there! ;D

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