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Topics - motulken

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Super 9 / need help with tuning
« on: August 31, 2011, 02:49:14 AM »
  I'm building a scooter for my nephew. It's a 2004 super 9 lc deristricted. Just did rings and piston to freshen up the motor. It ran good with stock pipe and stock 8.5 gm rollers. Of course I want more so I added a Leo Vince tt pipe and lighter ( came with the pipe ) rollers 6 gm.  It pulls good at high rpms and climbs hills good but I have lost all bottom end. When you crack the throttle it revs to 4000 RPMS but will not pull ( move ) at all, after a few seconds of lag time it comes on and runs strong.I have played with lighter rollers but all that happened was I lost top end speed and the motor rev like crazy. At this point it cannot pull out of it's own way and is about dangerous in traffic. Any suggestions? Do I need to change torque or clutch springs?  I hate to just replace parts trying to figure it out. Any body have the same experience?

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