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Topics - BikerDude

Pages: [1]
Downtown 300 / Downtown 300 - Good long distance?
« on: November 04, 2011, 06:07:06 PM »

I'm seriously considering a Downtown 300i instead of a car. I have to say that cost is a reason though not the entire story. It would seem that after looking around, the DT300 offers the best value for money. Anyone want to argue that point? I went to have a look at a Suzuki Burgman 400 but my local dealer didn't have one in stock. It looked (from the photos) kinda similar to the DT300 for size, but was nearly 50% more expensive!

The DT300 would be my first bike, so want to make sure I get it right. I want to do long distance as well as commuting. By "long distance" I mean 350 miles each way...

The DT300 seems to have great performance and excellent fuel economy. Would it be up to long haul?


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