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Topics - kimnvik

Pages: [1]
Agility 50 / My agility 50 wont turn off!
« on: November 29, 2011, 05:27:25 PM »
hi im vicky and im new to this forum. i was wondering if anyone can help!
i have an agility 50, just over a year old, which i use for work. today i was using it fine, and the battery seemed to have died, and it wouldnt start, so i purchased a new battery, and was connecting it up, when i attached the wires to the terminals it started attempting to fire up on its own, even tho the ignition was set to "off". even when i inserted the key and turned it to "on" then attached the terminals again, it continued to try and start itself up (it actually did start itself, but i could feel the starter still going as if it was trying to start) the only way i could stop it was to disconnect the terminals! can anyone please help as i have to be at work again tonight and as i look after elderly people i cant afford to not be there! any help will be much appreciated!

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