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Topics - BigB32

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Agility 50 / Agility City 50 exactly how to deristrict
« on: March 17, 2012, 05:20:51 PM »
Hello all I am new to Kymco  have had the above scooter for 3 weeks now I purchased it from my local dealer here in U.K. and I have to say first impressions are very good apart from one thing .I bought the scooter knowing it is restricted to 30mph and I was told it could be de-ristricted to enable a touch more speed maybe 40mph or so that will do for me I thought.
Anyway to my point  what exactly do you need to do to the set up now to achieve say 40 ish mph ,after viewing posts on this forum  I took the scooter back to the dealer and he viewed posts on here as well and undertook some work on it put a 82 main jet in and done something with the variator
something about weights ,I dont really understand what he was on about  anyway the scooter is no better at all still will get up to 30mph and thats the lot, now I mentioned this CDI box fix about cutting the green wire but I thought I have read on this forum that Kymco do not now restrict them in that way is that true now my sooter is a 2012 model.
Any thoughts/ comments  please

Thank you


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