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Topics - dizzum28

Pages: [1]
Technical | How To / Need some help @ Big Bore kit
« on: September 23, 2012, 04:42:54 PM »
Okay, So I have some time & cash to roll out and tinker with my 2T Yup 50 again..... Does anyone know what big bore kit is a direct bolt-on? I'm pretty sure it's an SF10 motor? Please correct me if i'm wrong? I see tons of 139qmb kits, but nothing for an SF10. Is the SF10 basically the same as the 139? I've read that these are decent engines? again, correct me if mistaken? I understand that most of you are not familiar with this model as there's not even a section for it on this forum. It's basically the same model as the "Sting", which is the UK version.  Thanks

Okay, So took a ride this morning and was hittin 50 riding with the wind. On way back into heavy wind I was riding along @ 40ish when all sudden it started making a winding noise and there was no acceleration. I slowed down and took off again, rode smooth up til 35-40 and started making the noise again and no acceleration. So I babied it back home and figured I would ask the guru's here before I started opening shlt up..... Any idea's?

Technical | How To / CDI Help
« on: May 20, 2012, 07:35:10 PM »
2001 Yup.... Can someone tell me if this CDI is restricted? And if it is, How to derestrict? I've seen posts regarding other scoots and cutting, then splicing light green into green..... Just want to be sure though. Pic of unit attached

Technical | How To / Yup 50 Tires
« on: May 03, 2012, 12:19:53 AM »
Hello people..... So I have a 130/70/12 rear & 120/70/12 front tire that's going to need replacing soon as I'm riding my yup quite a bit (It's pretty fun to scoot around town. Plus, I'm getting a great tan!). My question is, Can/Should I use wider tires or the same size on both front and rear? Which scenario would give better performance? If so, What sizes/brands are recommended.

Nobody ever answered why doesn't the "Yup" have it's own section in the forum? Are they the black sheep of kymco?  ???

Technical | How To / Kymco Yup 50 too fast for stock?
« on: April 29, 2012, 06:32:26 PM »
Hello everyone,

  So I just picked up a 2001 Yup 50 for $100...... Starts right up every time and runs great. The only thing is missing a few body parts (bottom skirts on both sides and under seat cover). So I figured being 49cc and me @ 220lbs that I would be lucky to break 40mph....... To my suprise though I can hit 47/48mph with no problem. So is this little 2 stroke this fast or has someone tuned/de-restricted it? How to tell without tearing apart?

Thanks and happy to find this forum (Although there's no "YUP" section.... What's up with that?)

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