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Topics - Ryder

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Super 8 150 / New to forum, need help with headlight problem
« on: June 13, 2012, 05:46:44 PM »
Greetings:   I have had my Super 8 for about 2 years, and love it. The only problem I have with it is the fact that, in order to save usage of the small battery, it is designed so that the headlight dims down to almost nothing when the bike is at idle. For city dwellers this is not an issue, but I live 20 miles outside of town and need to go over a small mountain pass to get home from town. The downhill side of the mountain is  very steep and curvy, necessitating the use only of the brake on the way down. Of course there are no streetlights there, and when the headlight dims there's not nearly enough light for me to see where I am going, so I am unable to come home from town after dark.

I need a resolution to this problem. Attach an additional headlight to the bike somehow, whether wired in to the battery or not? It would have to have an on/off switch so that it did not run all the time. I only need it going over the mountains at night, which is not daily, and when I do it only takes about 10 or 15 minutes to go over the pass; then I could switch it off.

I talked to the scooter dealer here, who said they had never heard of anyone having this problem before (guess they only sell to city riders) and couldn't help me. Two scooter repair shops have said they had no idea what I could do.

Surely I am not the only person who wants to be able to ride a Super 8 over a little mountain pass at night?
Can anyone here give me some advice on this?
Thank you.

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