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Topics - matthew_addison

Pages: [1]
Agility 50 / agility 50 problems :(
« on: September 28, 2012, 09:15:23 PM »
Hi all I have a ag50 2009,

Right so here we go, my ag starts and runs fine with decent amounts of throttle but as soon as i let go of the throttle to slow down for junctions roundabouts etc it just looses all power and dies and i then have to leave it for about 10mins to wait to get it started but even after 50 kickstarts it will idle(very high) and then as soon as i touch the throttle it dies again and i'm back to square one :( its becoming ridiculous now and very dangerous, the only way it will move at 10mph after it dies is if i give it tiny short bursts of throttle too much and it just cuts out. I changed oil, fuel filter, spark plug and gear oil, new carb(old one was full of white gunky crap) also checked and changed valve clearance about 1000km ago or so and it worked fine for months then just developed this problem, help please!!!

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