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Topics - shermanfunk

Pages: [1]
Agility 50 / Slider Weight question
« on: March 03, 2010, 11:17:10 PM »
Ok, so I got 5.5 gram Dr. Pulley slider weights and put them in today and went for a ride. Only noticed a slight difference in take off. Acceleration was a little better, but not noticably $40 better after purchase and shipping. Is there some tuning involved that can make a difference?


Agility 50 / Stretched Drive Belt
« on: September 10, 2009, 03:42:22 AM »
This last weekend after taking a look at my roller weights, I apparently didn't tighten the 17mm nut tight enough, it fell off during a ride with an amazingly loud scary screaming sound while going up a hill! I pushed it home and cracked it open. I noticed the drive belt was looser. Now today the scooter broke down, luckily I was close to home. I cracked it open and the belt has no tension at all. did I totally ruin the belt?? i didn't know they could stretch like that... maybe something else is wrong?
any input would be greatly appreciated!!!



Agility 50 / Roller weight combinations
« on: August 16, 2009, 12:53:47 AM »
i just picked up a roller weight set, ranging from 3 grams to 8 grams, 3 of each size. I was told i could use different combinations of the weights, such as the 6's with the 5's, to get the 5.5 weight. Anyone on here done this, or have any advice for doing this?
btw, the writing on the package is in Chinese, so i don't know what brand they are. all it says is "Dio" in a stamp on the package...

Agility 50 / Where is the oil put in?
« on: May 03, 2009, 11:18:47 PM »
Where exactly do you put in oil? I see how to check the oil, but can't seem to find out exactly how to ADD more oil.

Thanks in advance!!

Agility 50 / More power to go up a hill?!?
« on: March 24, 2009, 07:40:30 AM »
I bought an '09 Agility 50 brand new. i've put around 1500 miles on it and i like it. It consistently goes 40 mph on flat ground, but as soon as i try to go up any hill, even slight inclines, there is absolutely no power. I live at the top of a hill, and everyday it is so embarrassing going up the hill, as I get down to about 10 mph!
HERE'S MY STRAIGHT UP QUESTION: How can I get a little more power out of this scooter???
I've been doing some researching, and everyone seems to have different ideas about what to upgrade on the Agility 50's...
Should I do the variator bushing and racing CDI? New exhaust?
Plus, i don't know how to do any of this myself. I did not get the bag of extra parts with my scooter, i'm probably going to call the place I got it from and ask them about that...
Please, any input would be greatly appreciated.

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