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Topics - phatboy

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General Discussion / anyone use tireflys on their scoot
« on: April 12, 2014, 07:37:30 AM »
you know tireflys, those light up things you put on a valve stem, I think it would be a good idea on a scoot at night to be seen.

any one use them on their scoot?

asking b/c scoots have those 90 degree valve stems, would the extra spinning weight cause problems

Agility 50 / drop in replacement carb
« on: April 11, 2014, 08:53:49 PM »

my brother in law has a stock A50, hes always asking me to work on his scoot. carb needs cleaned, i dont feel like doing it this year, i will just tell him buy a new carb and i'll put it on

can any one tell me what carb to buy, one that all ready has the right jets and inlet/outlet, wiring and linkage, to bolt right on and go.

links would be great


Agility 50 / sccoter worth more before or after mods
« on: March 20, 2014, 08:50:50 PM »

last summer i installed a 72cc bbk, A9 cam, intake and exhaust mods, upjet, 5g rollers. scoot has way more power. i don't regret the mods, scoot is much more rideable and less scary than 49cc. around here, 49cc is just plain dangerous

but, its still not enough.. i though about going 85cc this summer but im having secod thoughs, maybe better idea to get a 150cc scoot instead

question is, do you think the scoot is worth more now than stock (meaning should i put it back to 49cc before i sell my A50

please no bbk trolls telling us we wil blow the engine in 1000 miles

Agility 50 / did i kill the battery?
« on: March 16, 2014, 01:02:57 AM »
Over the winter i used fuel stablizer like your suppose to, i ran the bike every couple of months and made sure battery was full. did everyhting right

but like a dumbass, when i last ran the scoot i left the ignition key, its been on for 2 months and came out to a dead battery today, the nicest day of the year.  its a new battery only 8 months old

 its on charger now, an hour and still not charged. is the battery toast, can it survive being totally dead like that.

Agility 50 / Does weather change performance a lot
« on: August 12, 2013, 06:53:19 AM »
scoot didnt feel quite right today, power is down, worse acceleration and top end lost about 3-4 mph

i was hoping to be done with tweaking the scoot for the summer so before I tear into it again i wonder if its just weather

last week was 85-90 F and dry out and the performance was great

today it was 65 F and humid I want to say 65-70% humidity

i wouldn't think weather would matter so much but these scoot engines are pretty simple not like a car with fuel injection so i could be wrong. what do you think, from those who ride more than i do.

Agility 50 / A9 cam = best upgrade ever
« on: July 24, 2013, 11:33:28 PM »

just installed A9 cam, and OMG, this cam is amazing. comparing stock vs A9, the new cam visibly has a significantly more aggressive profile.

gained power all around, theres this hill i could get up at 22 now im going up at 27 no longer riding white line, doesnt sound like much but this is a 25 mph speed limit road, 22 is dangerous

on the flat the top speed went from 42 to 50+

this is the best single upgrade ive done, gave even more power increase than going 49cc to 72cc!

annnnd... im 280 lbs, a lighter rider would get quite a bit more.

Agility 50 / anyone installed an AC cdi
« on: July 19, 2013, 08:14:13 PM »

looks like 99% of CDI out there are AC but the A50 is DC CDI, and i'm looking at a cdi with adjustable rev limiter but it's ac, can't find a DC one.

despite posts here that say the A50 has an AC cdi, it's definitely DC. My question is has anyone converted to an AC cdi. looks like you could do it if you tapped a wire from the generator? problem is the generator has three wires, one is ground, which of the other two should you use.

buy the way in case anyone disagrees and thinks the A50 has an AC cdi, in the service manual wiring diagram, the generator only connects to the regulator, headlight switch and auto bystarter, NOT the CDI

second reason, i tested the voltage with a multimeter and there was 13v DC at the CDI power pin

third reason I used that power pin to run my tach, it works, if it was ac i'd probably have a fried tach

Agility 50 / dumb question about cams
« on: July 18, 2013, 05:21:40 PM »
looking at an A9 cam.

the thing is, the nuts that hold down the cam also hold down the head and cylinder so i will take the tension off the head gasket too.

so my question is, do I need to change the head gasket if I change the cam?

General Discussion / parking etiquette
« on: July 16, 2013, 07:47:59 PM »
today i parked in a big parking lot, right up front was a spot with a motorcycle in it, i figured theres plenty of room for a scooter too so i parked there, well away from the motorcycle but still in the spot

i figured its reasonable and the other rider would not mind but later it occurred to me is there an unspoken rule that this is ok or not.

Agility 50 / where to mount a tach
« on: July 16, 2013, 12:30:08 AM »
bought a tach, pictured, its slightly smaller than the speedo (looks bigger in pic due to angle)

i was wondering about mounting beside the speedo, replacing the hi beam and turn signal lights

or any other ideas let me know, where have others mounted tachs?

Agility 50 / grinding the variator boss
« on: July 12, 2013, 05:22:12 PM »

i see others grinding the boss down to get more top end. i have questions about that

first does grinding the boss mean i get taller gears all the time, so should put in lighter weights so i don't lose bottom end

second so i don't mess up my boss if i grind too much or dont get it straight, wht if i used my old restricted boss with the shoulder on it, and ground off the shoulder. and how smooth does the shoulder have to be, when ground down, is it like a machined surface, if its not perfect will it still be ok?


General Discussion / not all jets are created equal
« on: July 10, 2013, 05:57:20 PM »

i bought some jets from for my Ag 50 because I installed a bbk

I measured the original 80 jet and the 82 jet that was installed and neither were 0.80mm or 0.82mm, to my surprise they were each about 0.05mm smaller than indicated.

the jets i bought, 88, 90, 92 and 95 were all spot on, 0.88mm-0.95mm.

i did some reading and found not all jets are alike, just a warning to you all, different brands use different measurements for the same number. the moral is buy all your jets in the same place.

Agility 50 / 72cc BBK first ride
« on: June 27, 2013, 08:50:12 PM »

installed a 72cc BBK, finally got a bigger jet on there (drilled out to about 90), everything else is stock. running great, a tad rich but not bad

full throttle take off is very strong, acceleration up to 15-20 mph is great but above that it is a dog and seems like its revving a good deal higher than before. theres this big long hill i go up, with 49cc on there the scoot would go up at 20 mph, too slow. with bbk it goes exactly the same speed, no improvement at all. this very hill is the whole reason i put on the bbk, 20 is too slow and its dangerous

do you think I need heavier weights. I want a weight that works for best accel in the 20+ range to the top end, don't care if it's slower off the line. what's on there now, and what weight would you recommend.

Agility 50 / where to find float bowl gasket
« on: June 26, 2013, 06:40:22 AM »
i buggered up my float bowl gasket when replacing jets, came misaligned when installing and got pinched, now wont seal, leaks gas

i am having a hard time finding a replacement. Local dealer doesnt stock these. Online I can only find entire carb rebuild kits and entire carbs (a whole carb for $30-$40? tempting, but rather stick with stock for now)

I'm in USA.

Agility 50 / special break in oil?
« on: May 20, 2013, 02:52:03 AM »

when i bought my scoot a month ago i did some work to get it running, scoot had 300 miles .

when i changed oil it still had factory oil in it, I think. it was really thin, i mean thin like kerosene. manual says use 15W40 motor oil it was definitely not that (I used 10W40, i am guessing that's close enough)

is there a special thin break in oil or did a lot of gas get by the rings or something.

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