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Topics - Eherim

Pages: [1]
Agility 50 / Redneck Workaround: Clock and Navigation System
« on: March 20, 2014, 01:00:14 PM »
Cut a wooden block in the right shape. Paint it with silver paint and black ink for a nice finish.
Attach it to your dashboard with tough glue and perhaps a tiny screw. Attach velcro on top.

Bye a cheap watch. This one cost around 3$.

Or attach a smart phone for navigation. The angle on the wood block ensures that you get a clear picture when looking at the screen.

Works perfectly.   ;D

Agility 50 / Throttle stuck when weather is freezing
« on: January 23, 2014, 06:22:22 PM »

As the headline says, my Kymco Agility 50 has this problem that when the temperatures falls to below freezing point (0ºC=32ºF), the throttle gets stuck. It always happens in full throttle position. The throttle handle gets "loose", I can turn it whatever I want with ease, but the engine keeps on going in full throttle.

A month back I turned it in to a mechanic, and they solved the problem back then by doing something to the cable and/or the mechanism in the handle. They didn't do anything to the carburator.

I would very much avoid having to turn it in to a mechanic every other month throughout every winter to have them solve this problem. So - I'd be extremely happy if anyone here could explain to me what to do. I am still a newbie, and need all the help, I can get from you. :-)
Thanks in advance!

How do I get to the mechanism inside the throttle handle?

Agility 50 / Lubrication points?
« on: November 25, 2013, 08:57:55 PM »
Hi all.

I found these two images in the manual about lubrication points, when it comes to general maintainence.

But as a complete newbie, I would very much like some more information on how to come around it. Could anyone ad to this with photos/videos of how to do it?

All the very best to all of you.


Agility 50 / Gearing problem
« on: September 18, 2013, 09:00:38 AM »
Hi all.

I am new here, got my Agility 50 - a 2005 model - a few moths ago. So I am quite new to this scooter thing, and don't know a lot about engines and stuff. So please explain this to me as if i am a newbie, because that's what I am.  ;D

Since I got it, it has gotten new rollers, an unrestricted smooth boss and a new cdi-box with no restrictions. Now it runs 43 mi/h downhill. Other than that it used to run perfectly.

ANYHOW - Yesterday after a long ride, something went wrong with the gearing. Now it runs like it doesn't shift gears. The engine runs at very low revolutions at slow speeds, but normally at high speeds. This causes it to accelerate very slowly.

What could have caused this problem, and how is it fixed?

Thanks a lot in advance.

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