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Topics - Dasein

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General Discussion / Thoughts/opinions on G-Dink 250i?
« on: September 19, 2018, 12:45:33 PM »
Hey gang,

I'm in the market for a mid-size scoot for commuting 30km to work one way, and among the models I'm considering is the "G-Dink 250i". One of the reasons I like it is that it's more compact than the Forza and Xmax, while putting out 19.9PS and having ample underseat storage. Oh, and ABS is another plus.

It's not listed in the "Scooters - 125 to 300" section of this forum, and there's very little info online. I'm wondering if it's marketed under a different name outside my country (Japan). For those who've ridden it and the Downtown 300, how does it compare?

Other Kymco models available here are the DownTown 350i and the K-XCT 300i. One advantage of 250cc scoots over 300cc and above is that there is no biennial inspection.


Grandvista 250 / Width of Grand Dink (Vista) 250
« on: October 18, 2013, 06:04:34 PM »

I'm looking to get a 250cc scooter for commuting, and noticed that a nearby shop has a leftover Grand Dink 250 in stock at a discounted price. Since my commute involves some filtering, I'd like to know the widest width of this scooter. The user's manual states that the "overall width" is "770 mm". However, since the mirrors fold inward, does this mean the width would be less when they are folded in?

Thanks in advance

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