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Topics - Pactnmmt

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Flat tire on the road-advice?
« on: May 24, 2015, 09:31:10 PM »
i know anyone can end up with a flat tire, but it is something I had not considered when out riding on my 500!  Are scooters more prone to flats?  I've watched videos on patching a tire, but don't have a kit yet.  What flat tire kits do you suggest to carry? 

Xciting 500 / After market windscreen
« on: May 23, 2015, 09:17:44 PM »
Love my Xciting 500, hate the "sporty" windscreen! Has anyone replaced their windscreen? I tried to purchase the Givi Airflow but was told they are no longer manufacturing it (whether they meant for Xciting or all screens, I don't know).  I know that Givi makes a full touring windscreen but I'm hesitant to purchase it since the one I bought for the Downtown 300 I had was too tall. I am 5'6". The top edge was right at eye level and I had to either scrunch down to look through it or raise up to see over it.  I am wondering about the MRA X-creen. Has anyone tried that particular one?  Any help and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks.

General Discussion / New to this forum
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:27:33 PM »
Hello, I stumbled upon this forum yesterday and thought I'd introduce myself.  At the tender age of 62 I decided to buy a scooter. There is a motorcycle shop down the hill from me and they sell Kymcos. For several years I drove by it and finally decided to bite the bullet. Last August I bought a Super 8 150cc, had it one week when my husband (a none rider) said he wished I would get something with more power. So when I took the Super 8 in for its 100 mile "check up" I came home with a Downtown 300. Love it, was happy with it! Then my husband said that as long as I'm going to be out on two wheels and at the mercy of inattentive motorists that he really wanted me to have a scooter with ABS so three weeks ago I bought an Xciting 500i.  I looked for a Burgman 400 because of its lower seat but none are to be found in my part of the country (Montana- this is not SCOOTER country).

The Xciting was in Washington State and was shipped here. I love it but it is too darn tall for my short legs so I have to stand on my tiptoes at a stop ( I prefer both feet on the ground at a stop). The second day I had the Xciting, I dropped in in my driveway. Embarrassed? Oh yes! Lost a bit of confidence, yep! But I kept at it. To compensate for my short inseam, I purchased a pair of Lady Star Daytona boots to add some height. Great boots, very expensive - took quite a hit to my pocketbook.

Upon purchasing the Super 8 back at the end of August, I took the MSF course using one of their bikes, a small one a Kawasaki Eliminator, passed it (not a stellar score). I wanted to learn more so the first week of June, I'm taking the next level course using my Xciting 500.

I started riding back in the late 1970's on a red Columbia Moped, then in mid '80's rode a Honda Passport 49cc then stopped as we finally started a family. 

I am a firm believer in ATGATT.

I have been browsing through the different categories on this forum and am learning quite a bit.

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