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Topics - spencerlrsn

Pages: [1]
People 50 / engine revving without throttle
« on: March 15, 2016, 11:26:03 PM »
2001 Kymco People 50 2t

so i spent the last night in the garage tearing into my people because i wanted to get into the cylinder and see how it works and also clean it of carbon/replace the gaskets... i did cut my own gaskets so keep that in mind

everything went good (i thought) because when i went to kick it, it started up first kick like a charm. everything sounded great and it was idling way better than before i took the cylinder apart

then i leaned it forward off the center stand and as soon as the rear wheel hits the ground, the engine starts revving without the throttle being applied and the machine starts racing forward.

way too tired to try and fix it now, so i thought i'd post while i let my ideas on fixing it gather.. im 90% sure that it has to do with the throttle cable so thats where i'm looking first.. if yal have any input that would be awesome

this was my first time doing something like this and i wanna be able to come out feeling good about it

People 50 / carb and vacuum lines
« on: July 15, 2015, 06:17:00 PM »
so im having trouble starting my 2t people 50 after removing and cleaning the carb to install bigger jets.. im almost positive its because the carb isn't getting any gas.. when i open the drain screw at the bottom of the carb, no gas comes out.. i can take the fuel line off the carb and manually apply a vacuum to the vacuum line to get fuel to flow extremely well from the fuel line.. but when i put the fuel line back on and then suck on the vacuum line again, im positive no gas is going into the carb bc even with the drain screw open, no gas flows out.. what can i do to fix this?? ive cleaned the fuel input hole on the carb twice now..

People 50 / Stray Lines
« on: June 26, 2015, 07:51:12 PM »
back again lol

i had noticed 2 stray hoses/lines near my carb and CVT a while back but never got around to inquiring about them until now

if anyone can tell me what they are and if they're important that would be awesome.. also if anyone knows where they're supposed to be connected to rather than just dangling..

the thicker one i moved in front of the carb just so it could be seen better but it usually rests just behind the carb

People 50 / Rear Brake Lever
« on: June 21, 2015, 07:31:22 PM »
hey folks i have a question here about the left brake lever.. i know how to adjust the free play of the lever using the nut at the back of the scooter near the rear wheel.. but i cant figure out how to tighten the lever so it doesnt move up and down. right now its extremely loose in being able to move up and down whereas the right brake lever is firm and doesnt move.

can anyone share how to adjust the tightness of this lever??

People 50 / CDI Box Location??
« on: June 09, 2015, 01:10:19 AM »
hey folks first post here..

 im trying to get my recently purchased 2001 Kymco People 50 2 stroke back in good running condition. but im having trouble finding the dang CDI box..

 i read somewhere on here its behind the front panel? but where exactly is that? and how would i go about getting to the box if it is indeed there? or is it in a totally different spot? any help is appreciated

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