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Messages - Chris0381

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General Discussion / Re: Zombie
« on: May 05, 2016, 12:12:49 AM »
I thought we had all come to an agreement he was spotted in here a while back!!!

General Discussion / Re: Making these seats more bearable......
« on: May 02, 2016, 11:07:25 AM »
Glad to hear that Dan. Same here, I had a nice long ride this weekend polyester fleece quilt.

I'm starting to be really convinced the texture and quality of the seat cover is important. This Kymco came with a seat cover that feel like IMO it came from a box of crackerjax.

General Discussion / Re: DO NOT BUY from KYMCOPARTSONLINE.COM
« on: April 27, 2016, 11:52:21 AM »
This is why you should always buy 2 brand new bikes the same so you can keep one for spare parts.

Seriously, always check reviews online if you can as like what we are reading here etc. YELP can be informative but needs a good amount of reviews to be accurate as sock puppets do come out of the woodwork.

General Discussion / Re: Sold the Scooter last week
« on: April 27, 2016, 11:42:58 AM »
Wish I had a place to store a motorcycle. I would do the same.

Good luck with the Yamaha!!!! I hope it serves you well.

General Discussion / Re: who are these weirdos??
« on: April 27, 2016, 11:33:59 AM »
Yea!! Like the group of people that used to hang out in our condo parking lot during the NFL Playoffs. No one hangs outside during the playoffs. I was going to call the police on them. Had to be something suspicious going on.

General Discussion / Re: Making these seats more bearable......
« on: April 26, 2016, 11:42:03 AM »
I saw some flanged ones earlier but can't seem to find them now. From the photo it looks like you could cut and tube just below the bars.

Thats a tough one. I dont know if there is enough stock to to a cut and splice. I not sure I want to disconnect all the wiring to do a cut but I would consider it if it can be done safely.

I have been looking around. And mainly since Im not a big scooter mechanic, I am possibly overlooking something. In the mix during my searches, I get kids scooters and medical scooters that make things more tedious.

Maybe I should call a dealer and see if its even possible for the Super 8.

Here is a pic of the handlebars (not my photos) and its all welded together. I assume that bolt holds all in place and the collar fits over a circular bearing like in a bicycle stem.

After looking at schematics, it seems the raise would have to be near the steering stem that attaches to the front shocks.

General Discussion / Re: Making these seats more bearable......
« on: April 25, 2016, 08:14:29 PM »
Here is the steering diagram for the Super 8

Not too sure if you can get handlebar risers for this bike. That handle bar is all one piece. There is room though to stretch the cables an inch or two.

Technical | How To / Re: attempted to steal my bike
« on: April 25, 2016, 06:55:38 PM »
Here is the wiring diagram.

Looks like they wanted to drive it away. Go to the marine store get some 1/2" chain and put it thru a wheel with a quality lock. At least they wont know they can drive it away without having to carry large bolt cutters with them. And they better have a good reason to be in possession of them as the cutter could be considered burglary tools.

General Discussion / Re: Making these seats more bearable......
« on: April 25, 2016, 04:52:49 PM »
Called handle bar risers, there are a few places selling them, just need to figure out which ones you need.

Thanks MJR.

I will look into them and see if I can find quality ones. I installed a riser on my trail bike 10 speed and if I remember its important to buy a part as such from a reputable seller. We did and may still have issues with sellers selling poor quality composite parts that were injuring a lot of bikers. A handle bar riser is definitely apart you want quality and strength on.

For Sale / Re: Grand Vista Part out / B&L update
« on: April 25, 2016, 12:47:33 PM »
Good to see your ok with no fractures etc.

I need a LH Switch (horn, blinkers etc) with its 2 connector for the 2013 Super 8 50 t.

Ill offer $20 including the shipping if they will work.

Roadcraft / Re: Texting while driving
« on: April 25, 2016, 12:19:50 PM »
I cant even text while sitting on the couch, how do they do it while driving???!!!!

Treat it like DUI!!!!!!

General Discussion / Re: Making these seats more bearable......
« on: April 25, 2016, 11:59:55 AM »
Well first off: After yesterday's ride, it appears with the handle bars so low and my short arms, I tend to have a forward lean. And thus can't make use of a back rest as I have really no backwards lean. Anyway to get the handle bars higher ?

On the bright side, I kinda liked the polyester fleece saddle pad I found (I put a little thin foam also under it). It has a padded quilt. It seemed to make the ride more bearable and fun and not wanting to go back home for a longer stretch. I can also move back on the hump for a spell without getting humped by the hump.

I say its a good step up from the stock seat.

I would like to get a 18" x 18" piece of sheepskin to put over it but at $40-$50, I'll wait to see what I come across.

I think the seat vinyl and texture plays a good part and if one goes to a consignment shop and gets a large leather jacket and replaces the original vinyl, then add foam to flatten the seat (remove hump) the seat will be so much better.

Dan, I bet if you got some padded quilting to attach to that sheepskin, add foam under quilt to flatten hump, it may work better for you. The issue I see is thats it may be hard to get a seamstress needle thru the sheepskin.

General Discussion / Re: Neewbie
« on: April 24, 2016, 04:37:32 PM »
Do I see a seat redesign, how does the seat feel ? Maybe an option to buy that seat and put it on a 2013 model. Love the protruding (non covered) handle bars. Would be nice if they can somehow hide the brake reservoir. The 2016 has none of those rattling loose pesky passenger foot pegs either that I had to remove.

Wish I could raise my handle bars just 2 inches for better upright comfort.

Nice body redesign if you ask me.

Enjoy!!! And welcome on board.

General Discussion / Re: Making these seats more bearable......
« on: April 24, 2016, 04:35:45 PM »
I just finished the cover part and hope to try it out soon. Ill put a little foam under that.

The backrest will need some planning.

I would say that scooter get no love when it comes to seats, but searching for ideas brings me to a lot of unhappy motorcycle riders also.

I'll get some pics of the cover soon it seems to feel OK and not as slippery or as abrasive as the original seat. On the super 8, Kymco didn't adhere the foam to the seat or the cover so there is slippage inside and out.

General Discussion / Making these seats more bearable......
« on: April 24, 2016, 12:54:15 PM »
Right now I am working on making this Super 8 seat more bearable to ride.

I am working on modifying a horse saddle pad someone gave me to attach to the seat.

But something that crossed my mind is the possibility of adding a car headreset as a backrest.
I have some spare headrests I took from my Kia Forte that were too tall and reduced visibility;
so I swapped them with the rears and put the fronts in the basement.

What if I cut the rods on the headrest, threaded them, and poked them thru the seat and
bolted them with a strip of aluminium or wood to increase stiffness.

Other options would be a bag of dogfood or charcoal brickettes.

I have not tried a scooter that has one of those small back rest humps on the seat so I wouldn't know.

Would such a plan make longer rides easier on the back??

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