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Messages - Rianna

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 121
General Discussion / Re: Snow near Adriatic sea...
« on: January 05, 2011, 03:46:57 AM »
Hi, iz kog grada si jasam zhivio u Zagrebu 10 godina  inace sam iz skopje.. pozdravljam te  .....

Downtown 300 / Re: Downtown sub-forum?
« on: January 04, 2011, 04:02:13 AM »
I'm sorry about your friend, sc00ter.

It wouldn't surprise me if the rumor you heard had truth behind it. Virginia loves to make laws!

And...Shhhhh...we're not getting older!!

We may be getting wiser, though. ;D

Agility 125 / Re: Tire Pressure: How Low Is Too Low?
« on: January 04, 2011, 03:55:34 AM »
'' these are made in Taiwan, just like my scooter   (ok my scooter is made in China but whatever lol)''

you can reference your VIN against this chart to see where your agility 125 is made. Mine is from taiwan, yours probably is as well. Hope you find a nice set of wrenches that will last a long time. The link above was provided by Rianna (thank you Rianna). I'm sure the chinese can make a great scoot but I know for sure the taiwanese do. thanks for an interesting thread Mr.Kymco. I agree with Axy, I am satisfied with the oem tires on the agility. I keep mine a little overinflated but I have a tendency to ride slower than most and don't take too many chances. I am still a novice. Someday I will get some better tires but they ain't broke so I won't fix 'em.

Cool, another one from Taiwan! My was made in Taiwan, too. I've forgotten what number it was. I do wonder how many were made in Taiwan for each year. (You're welcome, sparko.) Maybe I'll do a search and see what I can find out one of these days...

Oh, and my tools were made in Taiwan, too. :D

Let's hope the tools are as good as the scoots!

Agility 125 / Re: Tire Pressure: How Low Is Too Low?
« on: January 04, 2011, 03:49:28 AM »
Had no problems whatsoever with A125 OEM tires, except for the fact that they are flat and do not have somewhat roundish profile, making leaning over feel quite awkward.

This is exactly what I don't like about the OEM tires on the A50. They even look awkward to me. :D

It's a shame, too, because they will probably last a very long time before needing replaced.

Side By Side / Re: Parking Brake lock up
« on: January 04, 2011, 03:34:13 AM »
Sounds great, Dave! You going to put some threadlocker or something on those screws or just keep an eye on them?

Glad ya found it and it was an easy fix!!

Agility 50 / Re: winter rideing
« on: January 03, 2011, 03:36:40 AM »
Yeah, seems like paying a little more for the exhaust that won't rust should save you money and the hassle of replacing the OEM exhaust every couple of years because of the salt damage.

Downtown 300 / Re: Downtown sub-forum?
« on: January 03, 2011, 03:31:34 AM »
And welcome to the forum, sc00ter! :)

Downtown 300 / Re: Downtown sub-forum?
« on: January 03, 2011, 03:30:47 AM »
In Virginia no license is required if its (scooter or moped) no larger that 50cc, is DOT approved, will not exceed 35mph, and you have a helmet. No insurance of any kind is required. No tag/plate of any kind is required. I think the minimum age is 15 years old but that Im not sure about. 

That would depend on where you live in the Commonwealth of Virgina. Counties and independent cities also have the power to make their own regulations and some of those do require license plates, state that it must be 49cc or less to not need insurance, the rider must wear goggles/eye protection if the helmet is not a full face helmet, etc.

Agility 125 / Re: Seat hard to close
« on: January 02, 2011, 01:28:59 AM »
Hey, thanks, sparko. I didn't know that about keys and I will find out what I have.

Indy ... hmm. I have heard that Gary is somewhat of a crime capital. Folks in Indy drink 'pop', I believe, and experience some abhorrently COLD winters! Beautiful scenery, though.

And, I concur...NO pushing of scoots through undesirable neighborhoods! Ever! Anywhere!

Agility 50 / Re: gas prices
« on: January 02, 2011, 01:12:46 AM »
Miami - about $3.15/gal in the "normal area's"... Around $3.50/gal near expressway/airport
Sweden - ~$7/gal

I put about $3 worth of Shell V-Power every 1-2 weeks at about $3.30/gal
My girlfriend puts about $50 worth of 87 octane a week in her Jeep Liberty

Wow, aokark!

That really says it all!!

$200/month!!! :o

~Maybe your girlfriend would also like a scoot one day?? ;) :D

Side By Side / Re: Parking Brake lock up
« on: January 02, 2011, 12:51:12 AM »
Hi, Dave!

I don't have a UXV500, but I wanted to say welcome to the forum!! :)

I do wonder why it would lock up, though. ???

People 50 / Re: People 50 2 stroke - Where is the CDI?
« on: January 01, 2011, 04:47:38 AM »
Wow! That's weird, huh? I would not have guessed to look there for it. I'm glad you found it, Tim!!

Happy New Year!!

General Discussion / Re: Snow near Adriatic sea...
« on: January 01, 2011, 04:38:30 AM »
LOL! I don't drink alcohol either, axy. I've had less than you in the past decade. :D

I hope you have a happy year in 2011! :)

General Discussion / Re: Happy new year
« on: January 01, 2011, 04:18:23 AM »

Technical | How To / Re: Battery
« on: January 01, 2011, 04:12:02 AM »
That's a good idea, blue.

Hope it starts better for you next time! :)

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