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Messages - Chris0381

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 44
Technical | How To / Re: IRIDIUM Plugs Info
« on: April 22, 2016, 01:01:51 PM »
Its obvious under tightening can cause compression leakage but many would not think over tightening can cause leakage also. I'll have to look into where to get compression washers for the times I want to inspect my plug. I'll be changing my plug today actually as the old one seemed quite fouled on inspection.

9 : Under or over tightening

When the plug has not been tightened enough, the combustion gas leaks out the thread portion. This reduces the radiation of the plug, causing the metal shell to be heated, resulting in discolouration of the metal shell plating. If the metal shell continues to overheat the plug temperature may rise and abnormal combustion may result.

When the plug has been tightened too much the thread neck portion of the metal shell will be lengthened. When the threaded neck portion is lengthened, the insulator and metal will not seal tight enough, causing the combustion gas to leak. When the gas continues to leak, the plug will be overheated and abnormal combustion may result.

Technical | How To / Re: Clock battery on People 150 (2007)
« on: April 20, 2016, 09:09:19 PM »
It may have been a dream. I'd go to bed with a tape recorder recording just in case you have the same dream,talk in your sleep, and blurt of the instructions.

It worked in Gilligan's Island when the skipper had a dream of hoe to fix the radio. Unfortunately he was awoken by that clumsy GILLIGAN!! So wear ear plugs.

Technical | How To / I like this performance mod but.......
« on: April 20, 2016, 01:01:14 PM »
I like the thought of this performance mod but boy I should hold off until getting some feedback.

What it entails it using a Ford ignition coil p/n XW4U-12A366-BB XW4U-BB $6 on ebay (just search the p/n).

You trim the rubber boot on the Ford Coil and use a bracket to hold it onto the Kymco Plug.

Since the coil is a basic 2 wire coil, you simply get the Ford wiring or make a simple connector and replace the Kymco coil.

According to this thread, it gives a dramatic performance boost.

I have mixed feelings, but for the price and the fact others have done it with no harm, it may be worth a try.

I was trying to remove the left hand switch. Seems like someone glues the top screw in there and the head go stripped. Attempted to turn it 90 deg to get better leverage and ended up cracking the front plate. The weight of the mirror is stressing it during the ride now and is shaking.

I am seeing a few and would like to know if a 2007 People would fit or what models will fit the 2013 S8??

If anyone knows a USA source, please let me know.


In the mean time I'll try to drill and tap some screw holes for a small plate or do a gorilla glue job on it.

The side handle bar mirrors would be another solution.

Super 8 / Re: Kymco Super 8 50cc s Stroke 2014 - Need new Exhaust
« on: April 02, 2016, 08:16:49 PM »
I have a 2013 original exhaust I set aside after modding one from ebay. I didn't want to chop and weld my original in case it didn't come out well.

But wouldnt, you just want to plug that one pipe up and remove the canister I think it is.

Hopefully I can get back on this guy soon.

General Discussion / Re: Stig retiring ??? :-)
« on: March 07, 2016, 03:08:14 PM »
Im just recovering from 3x CABG with now 8 loops of wire in my sternum and attribute some of it to stress on the job. I weigh 145 lbs now. If you can afford it and keep yourself busy and happy, Id graciously say good by to that boss that will suck the energy out of you just being in the same building as him.

Maybe a tiny squirt of starting fluid in the carb intake or cylinder will get a fire up ????

Technical | How To / Re: agility city 50 de restricted but still 35 top end
« on: September 07, 2015, 10:33:46 AM »
What CDI did you buy to swap the stock one out with ?

Super 8 / No Super 8X/R Threads
« on: September 06, 2015, 11:41:26 AM »
Looks like the Kymco super 8 has fizzled out now. Just had time to read the 2015 reviews. An with a 3.7 HP 4T vs a 5.0 HP 2T, I'm thinking it just didn't spark too much interest.

90mpg is good, but who care about gas mileage these days and more so with a scooter? Just buy some RIG, TDW, RDC, DO, NE, NBR stocks as a hedge.

I guess some of us that bought 2013 and 2014 pretty much bought the last sporty super 8's.

Wondering whats coming for 2016.

Technical | How To / Re: People 50 2t lacks power
« on: September 06, 2015, 11:30:45 AM »
This is what I was referring to. Something like this.

I'd contact Scooter Asassins and see what they can do so you dont have to be cutting a CDI again

Technical | How To / Re: People 50 2t lacks power
« on: September 04, 2015, 09:27:42 PM »
Do a little searching, you may find a derestricted CDI replacement. I thought I saw some somewhere.

General Discussion / Re: At a stop light yesterday....
« on: September 04, 2015, 09:24:43 PM »
More fun than a barrel of monkeys!!!!!!!

General Discussion / Re: Hit and run
« on: August 31, 2015, 10:01:42 AM »
I should receive it Tuesday and will set up a long over due youtube soon.

Just google or search SJ4000 in youtube; and wow, you won't believe how popular this camera is.

It does have dashcam mode and cyclic/looping.

Beware of fakes if you decide to purchase one: if the price is too good to be true it probably is.

Im depth review here:

General Discussion / Re: Hit and run
« on: August 30, 2015, 10:01:08 AM »
Well after the car in front of me pulled right then did a U-turn making me stop and almost swinging into me, has made me decide to find a place to upload my cam vids when I have some free time. Each vid is about 400mb.

Title: Tales from the Cam coming soon!!!!

I just ordered an upgrade my pilot cam to one of these SJ400 action cams. Should receive it Tuesday.

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