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Messages - Syl

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Xciting 500 / Re: Givi V46 Box Mount to Xciting 500Ri
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:23:22 PM »
In looking over the diagrams to install the V46 GIVI Box...forget it....they are terrible and don't show how it is to hook up to the X500. The upright support bars have to be connected to the top of the shock mounts and a special tool would be needed to do so. You have to keep looking over the diagram to figure out where parts go & it just doesn't show how. If I knew this and didn't have a GIVI Box to begin with, I would have never used this particular brand. I can't believe they GIVI ships this hardware out without the sufficient diagrams etc. for the X500, 2012. I am very disturbed with this and went to the service dept. asking them if they can mount the rods for me and I'll wing through the rest of it...... hopefully. D_ _ _.....

Xciting 500 / Re: WOW! Picked up my new 2012 Xciting Ri
« on: May 18, 2012, 11:02:34 AM »
Hoolander2 thanks for that, good idea to remove the compartment bulb. Service looked over the latching and didn't find the problem but did see that it didn't latch correctly. If I can explain this as to how I will close it now.....standing behind the bike close the seat with your hand pushing down on the middle of the rear of the you are facing it (from the rear) the left latch of mine latches but not the right side correctly. Placing my hand and gripping the right rear corner, slightly lift up than push down very easily and the seat latches correctly and the light goes out. Of course others may have a different situation in closing but this may indirectly help. No slamming or banging needed.

Xciting 500 / Re: Givi V46 Box Mount to Xciting 500Ri
« on: May 17, 2012, 11:24:28 PM »
Received the mounting hardware today for the V46, doesn't look difficult other than knowing what would be the proper way in pulling the bolt out of the upper shocks to mount the flat end support bars. I guess I should go to the service department to inquire whether these particular bolts have pressure torque & is there compression or such that would pop loose in taking out the bolts. The seat (saddle) has to be opened completely by removing the hydraulic arm and than the saddle rear boot which exposes the battery area and the wheel area. Other than this connection to the upper shock mount, it doesn't look too difficult. I mentioned about ordering the light kit for the V46 round lights, I received the info on that and I don;t think I'll tackle that one myself. All one needs is a professional mechanics tool set and a degree in mechanical engineering.

Xciting 500 / Re: Rode 30 miles today
« on: May 17, 2012, 11:00:44 PM »
Sorry about that Cortez had no way of knowing that.

Xciting 500 / Re: Rode 30 miles today
« on: May 17, 2012, 03:47:54 PM »
Nice pix Cortez.....thanks for posting it. I like the angle and the height and exposure. I see one thing I would have done to do just a bit different and I am not meaning anything by that. Now I know there is another Photog in the house! Wished again that we all lived closer to make a big thing of all these "Scooter Rooters"!

Xciting 500 / Re: WOW! Picked up my new 2012 Xciting Ri
« on: May 17, 2012, 09:06:20 AM »
"Question", answering it myself...duh me! Opened the manual and looked at Seat in the index....yep..leaving it not closed securely will drain the battery being not only is the Met-On light lit but the under seat (Center Compartment) light is on also. Hmmm! I guess I'd best start looking over the manual more! I still have to go to service to have them look at why it is so difficult to close.

Xciting 500 / Rained on!
« on: May 17, 2012, 08:35:35 AM »
Took a chance on a 20 % rain probability and rode to work...well the sun was shinning and a great looking day but the rain did come down later in the afternoon before getting back to the parked unit! This is the first my scooter or myself with one got caught in the rain which I was concerned about but I guess there is/was no need to be. I used the key cover closing the key slot and I guess that helped! The seat was not soaked or was the inside the unit even though the back rest is movable. From now on am not going to worry about the scooter being in the rain just whether I have some dry cloth's or don't mind riding wet!

Xciting 500 / Service Manual for X500Ri
« on: May 17, 2012, 08:27:54 AM »
The other day I asked at the dealership if a "Service Manual" is out yet for the X500. I really didn't wish to buy one being I downloaded the one for the 300i & hope to do the same. Anyway, was told that eventually manuals are going to be basically downloadable instead of over the counter or order purchase. Looked over the inter-net for that ability but didn't come up with a site for that yet. Anyone know any differently?

Xciting 500 / Re: WOW! Picked up my new 2012 Xciting Ri
« on: May 17, 2012, 08:14:31 AM »
Question: As one/I breaks in the X500, does it get to having the idle set up higher as it does or seemingly lowers while breaking it in? Another question comes up now that I'll have to go to service to ask about....I have noted that the lid is VERY difficult to get closed/slammed to have the dash light go out. I must have had that light stay on the other day when I parked the unit for the about a day & 1/2 of no use and found that it barely kicked over. I wouldn't have thought this small drain from the LED would have drained the battery down that much. Now, I say this being this almost non-start hasn't happened before so I suspect this to be the cause. I am not a weakling to not be able to apply enough pressure to close this lid but it did test me!

Xciting 500 / Re: Givi V46 Box Mount to Xciting 500Ri
« on: May 17, 2012, 08:02:39 AM »
Went to site and looked over the info. they have on the V46. I read before that a brake light kit can be put into the V46 but didn't know the particulars. Was interesting to hear another version of this unit and what the light kit does. The circular reds on the box become the brake lights once wired to the existing brake light wiring and a inside lid light can be installed also. Not knowing of other sites, I E-Mailed RevZilla asking about this wiring to the X500. I am interested in this box light ability. I know there are others out there that are mechanically and electrically inclined and wired L.E.D's to their units and ended up making a great light look to the back of their scooters. I am a "Scooter Rooter" so I am learning on here all the time!!

Xciting 500 / Re: Givi V46 Box Mount to Xciting 500Ri
« on: May 16, 2012, 09:07:41 AM »
Of course I ordered the mounting hardware but I've been looking for a pix or diagram as to how those uprights are mounted/attached. The upper area is shown ok but wondering if anyone has or knows of a pix/diagram of the support mounting. Hey, I know it is the safe more secure way of mounting the box so I am not complaining about how it looks..I merely commented about it. As for the GIVI Box, I'll defend this one vs the other ones....I purchased a SHAD much earlier and returned it for a GIVI. For my Camera gear and many other items plus it being a carry away case I'll stick with it. I guess we get what we pay for even though the GIVI is expensive...I'll stick.!

Xciting 500 / Re: Rode 30 miles today
« on: May 16, 2012, 08:23:04 AM »
Hoolander & zombie, thanks for the pix compliment....this scene area is one of my favorite places to go to relax, sight seeing and just loafing!'s that other part of what you and I passed on to take on our scooter rooting! Wished there was a local scooter club around this area but I have been tossing around my idea about starting one and going to call it "Scooter Rooters". Scooters is not real big in this area but slowly I see a few of various types and sizes coming on. I don't know a darn thing about creating a club but am willing to learn whatever it takes. One think I do know though is, I sure learned a good bit about scooters due to this interesting and thankful Forum.

Downtown 300 / Re: New Downtown 300i Rider!!!
« on: May 16, 2012, 08:03:08 AM »
zombie, happy to hear there is a "ditto" out there. Too bad we don't live close, we could do our scootering friendship and watch all those other doing there thing which we passed on. I greatly enjoy the fact that I can carry on my photography profession as a hobby now with the scooter to do so with. I'm not young and want to enjoy my life with whatever years left on this great earth. I wish I should have started off with a 500 or so instead of going through the peoples 250 and the 300i. By the way, I am 6' 1", 245 and this 500 is comfortable for a change. Next, I really appreciate the fact that I can log on here and
receive all sorts of great ideas and recommendations. My goal in getting on this 500 is to be able to keep up with the bigger guys on their rides for "the homeless veterans of America". I am a vet and never want to forget what gives me/us the ability to ride free.

Downtown 300 / Re: New Downtown 300i Rider!!!
« on: May 16, 2012, 12:42:27 AM »
I'm located 23 miles N.E. of Pittsburgh, PA along the Allegheny River. I had a choice of boating, biking, hiking, sailing, fishing, hunting, bar rooms! and I chose scootering!! Even though it's seasonal, I have plenty to do in the cold months.

Xciting 500 / Rode 30 miles today
« on: May 16, 2012, 12:24:51 AM »
Ride was very comfortable with no problems. Will eventually get to the new windshield though as recommended. Shot a couple pictures before the V46 GIVI Box goes on of which I ordered the mounting bracket today. Going to put the two small side case on that I had on and showed with the 300.

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