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Messages - superfevergurl

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zx50 / Re: Turbo zx build?
« on: January 29, 2012, 12:57:33 AM »
Mine would go 50 on flat ground with no mods (except disrectriction) when I first got it. My mech claims that his grandson's will do 75mph (however I'm not sure what all the mods are on this one, I know it's derestricted, technigas pipe, 75cc kit, and possibly others)

zx50 / Re: Where should a newbie start?
« on: December 30, 2011, 10:44:47 PM »
Was able to get the lid off of the brake reservoir, so I will be flushing the brake system soon. However now my bike wants to act up and will not run beyond 5-10 mi/hr. This started all of a sudden and for no reason. I rode it home from work at 2:30AM and it ran just fine, went to leave the same day at 3PM and it was acting up. Since it was so sudden, I'm hoping it's the CDI box or a spark plug issue. However I have a feeling it could be the transmission or muffler (has clogged once before and been replaced, hopefully it's not clogged again). I will buy a new cdi and see if that helps. Do I have to buy a OEM cdi or can I buy an already derestricted CDI for my zx50?

Tested the voltage regulator and with the throttle all the way open I was getting readings of 14.56 on the red wire. This is on the higher end of what I should be getting, does this meaning that I will need to replace the voltage regulator?

zx50 / Re: Where should a newbie start?
« on: December 24, 2011, 10:45:15 PM »
Ok guys, I'm really going to need your help on this one. I went to replace my dash light bulbs and realized the there were only 3 spots for bulbs instead of 4. I figured that the spot for the turn signal blinker light was missing and that was something I could live without. When I replaced the bulb, the blinker light came on, which means that the housing for my oil light is gone! I was told by my mech that I just needed to replace the bulb and the oil light would come back on, however when my bike was repaired, they just put a rubber cap in place where the oil light is supposed to go.  >:( How do I fix something like this? Do I have to buy a new wiring harness just to replace the oil light?

Also I cannot get the lid off of the brake fluid reservoir, it's stuck. I took the screws out and the lid will not come off. Anybody have any ideas for this too?

zx50 / zx50 Treat!
« on: December 22, 2011, 11:32:47 PM »
Hello All,

I'm so thankful for everybody's help that I thought I would give you guys a treat. I spotted this while traveling through Japan two summers ago:

It's a HONDA ZX50!!!! I saw at least 2 of them while I was there. I almost flipped out the first time (swore up and down that it was a Kymco)

Here are some other interesting pics:

General Discussion / Re: Kymco got faster
« on: December 22, 2011, 07:45:47 PM »
I'm definitely not an expert (except maybe an expert on riding in cold temps), but air cooled engines tend to run better in cooler weather. Also changes in temp can affect the idle adjustment. I've noticed after a drop in temp outside, my bike idles higher.

zx50 / Re: Where should a newbie start?
« on: December 21, 2011, 02:47:34 AM »
Sorry I meant mudflap. ;D Luckily for me I live close to a harbor freight and sears so I'll stop by there soon. I'm getting all the royal purple stuff for free with amazon gift cards.  :D

@Sid: yes I have personally seen the effects of 4 stroke engine oil in a 2 stroke bike (not my own) and I will never make that mistake.

I will probably have to flush the brake system, because I just realized there is no brake fluid in my bike. The little window in the front is empty and I've never seen it like that. Of course I asked my mech 2 months ago to check it and he said it was fine. (there's no way I've used that much brake fluid in 2 months!) sigh.

zx50 / Re: Where should a newbie start?
« on: December 20, 2011, 08:13:37 PM »
Sid, so I would need a gear oil that is specifically for 2 strokes and SAE90? The manual only says SAE 90.

Here's what I was looking at:

zx50 / Re: Where should a newbie start?
« on: December 20, 2011, 11:46:07 AM »
Hello all, thanks for the replies and welcomes. I hardly have time to get on here because I work two jobs, but I got some days off with the holidays coming up and decided to spend some time with my beloved bike. I ordering a new headlight bulb off of amazon (was going to order the one sid suggested, but the seller's unavailable until Jan 5th), replacement dash light bulbs, a bottle of purple royal engine oil and purple royal gear oil 75W-90 and some brake oil. I was wondering for the brake oil if I should get DOT-4 or DOT-3?? My manual says to use DOT-3, but the brake fluid tank cover says to use DOT-4.

I'm also going to purchase a speedo cable and rear fender (original one was cut off when stolen). I've just cleaned the air filter and will test ride tomorrow or Thurs to see if there is any improvement. I plan to change the trans. oil, replace the speedo cable and rear fender, add brake fluid and replace light bulbs
before the end of the month.

zx50 / Where should a newbie start?
« on: December 14, 2011, 12:04:33 AM »
I've had my zx50 for over 5 years now and have been wanting to learn how to fix it myself for years. My mech and I had a falling out today, because my bike has two main issues. It keeps blowing headlight bulbs (currently on bulb #5 in less than a year) and sometimes will bog down and stop on me. Since my bike is my only form of transportation and I work late hours, I absolutely have to keep my bike in good shape. Three times this year my headlights had died one me while driving home late from work at night. Sunday night I was almost stranded on a major roadway in our town, with no way to transport my bike home (I ended up driving on the sidewalk, trying to avoid the cops). He doesn't understand how dangerous of a situation I was in, and acts like my bike problems are no big deal. Then tells me I need to leave my bike with him for a couple of days so he can figure out the problem. Well every time I leave my bike with him it never gets worked on or even looked at. So I'm cutting ties with my mech and will be catching our unreliable bus system until I get my bike figured out.

Ima newbie, so I don't want to jump right into the bike and tear it down. My bike runs good when it is acting right and really doesn't have any engine or motor problems. My first goal will be the dash and front of the bike. All the other moped shops in town don't have any headlight bulbs for my zx50 so I will have to find some online.

-Replace headlight bulb
-Replace running light bulbs (completed)
-Replace oil light bulb and dash light
-New right rear view mirror
-Replace/Repair glove compartment door (was ripped off when it was stolen)
-Front panel has a square hole (from being stolen) either repair or replace.

Sorry this thread's kinda long, I tend to type a lot.

zx50 / Re: Kymco ZX Super Fever CDI
« on: September 07, 2011, 05:08:55 AM »
So sorry for not replying sooner, I've been out of commission with a move and going to full-time at work. So glad to see you got yours working. I asked my mech about it and he really couldn't remember how he did it.

Welcome to the forum superfevergurl.  ;D
What mods have done to yours to date?.

I haven't done any mods to mine yet, cuz I'm repairing it from when it was stolen. The jerks did a number on it. It was
- spraypainted silver
-everything electrical was blown (all lights, no horn, signals, gauges)
-missing right rear view mirror
-cut a big square hole into the front panel
-tore plastic in seat trunk
-tore door off of glove compartment
-hacksawed off the mud flap and removed the rear fender

Once I get it back to it's previous glory then I will get a technigas pipe, have work down to the transmission and get a 70cc kit.
-there's more but that's all I can think of right now.

zx50 / Re: Kymco ZX Super Fever CDI
« on: March 31, 2011, 12:10:24 AM »
kymco has changed the zx 50 cdi boxes. We got one for my bike last year and when my mech was about to install it, he noticed that the colors of the wires were different. He poundered over it for couple of minutes, but was able to get it derestricted. I will be stopping at the shop tomorrow. I will ask him what he did and post it on here.

zx50 / Re: Would you buy? Things to check
« on: March 30, 2011, 11:52:18 PM »
yea u could definitely make more than $200 on part alone (ESPECIALLY THE PANELS!). This specific blue color of the ZX 50 is the rearest (this color blue was only done on the '03 and '04 models). The problems do not sound major and the bike is book valued at $800 so this is a great buy. If you part it out, I would definitely be interested. My bike was stolen and when I got it back, they had cut holes into the front panel and destroyed the side panels, and I'm looking for other parts too.

zx50 / Re: part out
« on: March 30, 2011, 11:45:13 PM »
Wait for me too! My bike was stolen and I got it back, however aescetically and electrically my bike was ruined. Today I was creating a part list:

-I need all body panels (but only if you have the '03 blue moped)
-A right rear view mirror
-Inner box seal, lid, clips and screws
-Rear fender and mudflap

The main ones are the rear fender/mudflap, right rear view mirror, and the inner box items. I can do without the panels. I may also need some electrically components. We won't be sure until my mech takes a deeper look at my bike.

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