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Agility 50 / Re: 72cc BBK
« on: December 17, 2012, 07:04:22 AM »
Can you see a noticeable difference in the malossi vs ncy torque driver? I know there is a BIG price difference $170 vs$33.

There are some differences when you study them close enough, the NCY has a tiny bit more play than the Malossi, but on the other hand it gives a choice between two distinct settings for the guide track angle, while the two settings on the Malossi only have a very subtle difference...

In practice they're both good, and with both of them setup at the smallest angle of the two available (for the most constant rpm), I really can't tell the difference...

By the way, I've paid about €30,- for each of them... Sometimes they do get their pricing wrong, maybe I was lucky  8)

Agility 50 / Re: Carb Problems
« on: December 16, 2012, 09:46:49 PM »

Stiffer contra spring AND lighter rollers ?  You'll probably run the poor machine right into the revlimiter all the time  :o

Better try to change only one thing at a time, CVTs are a bitch to get right otherwise...

And take small steps only, from 6.5g to 5.3g sounds like a lot to me. My experience is that a difference of 0.25g is already noticeable in most cases (unless you're running into the revlimiter, but then it gets hard to tell any difference anyway...)

Agility 50 / Re: EGR Block off plate?
« on: December 16, 2012, 12:39:49 PM »

Quote is also storing it's own carbon in your pipe...

I've never seen the sticky kind of carbon deposits you get with a two stroke in the exhaust of a four stroke...

I'm not going to worry about it.. I've owned a few cars without EGR / secondary air systems, that had done more than 100000km.. And I've never seen a serious carbon buildup in the exhaust of any of them, only a thin coat of dry soot, of which any excess is just blown away... As far as I know, this could only become a problem if you're driving with a worn piston and rings, and burn as much oil as a two stroke  8)

Agility 50 / Re: 72cc BBK
« on: December 15, 2012, 09:28:46 PM »

Well, if you already own a 180cc Ruckus, and just need a bit of an upgrade for the Agility as a reliable daily driver, I think it's fine to go with the 72cc indeed... With a decent kit, this will still be a very reliable setup, but it will be a lot easier to keep up with traffic, especially when you add a T2 camshaft for a bit of extra punch towards the top end...

I'm very pleased with my 85cc+T2 setup on the 12" A50 nowadays, but it's a bit early to tell whether it's as reliable as the 72cc setup on my 10" A50, which lasts for quite a while already and still shows no signs of wear...

My scoots both run the stock variator and belt + NCY and Malossi torquedrives + slightly modified stock airbox + stock exhaust + Bridgestone ML50 sticky tyres...  Roller weights on the 10"/72cc are chosen for maximum power, but for the 12"/85cc I went for a lower revving setup, since it has power to spare and I like the deep sound  8)

I've been disappointed by some variators other than stock, and I also don't like the idea of noisy dry-weather-only open air filters and flaky/noisy/way-too-shiny performance exhausts...

Agility 50 / Re: 72cc BBK
« on: December 15, 2012, 10:27:01 AM »

NCY is OK.

With a 72cc I can recommend the NCY T2 camshaft.... You'll love it, but first try the 72cc on its own, the difference is interesting..

By the way, in my experience, it's better to go for the 85cc. Without the camshaft, it doesn't cost much more than the 72cc plus camshaft, and performs about the same or even a bit better... The difference is that you can go another step faster by adding the camshaft later on, while with the 72cc, you're stuck at a lower level...

And, if cash is a limiting factor, it's better spent on a good BBK and torquedrive than on a smaller/cheaper BBK and variator...

Agility 50 / Re: 100 cc bbk
« on: December 14, 2012, 09:12:57 PM »

A 50,- 100cc BBK ?

100cc sounds like just a bit too much of an upgrade for a small 50cc engine...

I wouldn't be surprised if you ran into heat issues very soon, and crankshaft bearing issues some time thereafter...
And, at 50,- I wouldn't expect the kit to last very long either...

On the other hand, if you've got a scoot or engine to spare, and you're looking for a cheap kick..  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Agility 50 / Re: EGR Block off plate?
« on: December 14, 2012, 09:05:53 PM »

I shut off mine to get rid of that awful sound at idle.... Contrary to what I expected, the engine is a bit quieter over the whole rpm/load range now...

As I did expect, I noticed absolutely no difference in performance, but for making the scoot sound less cheap and annoying, I think it's worth the effort...

The only downside is an invisible one : the system is meant to deliver oxygen to burn some of the gasoline residues and carbon monoxide which are present in the exhaust gases...

So in theory the engine pollutes more now..

In practice these systems are not so efficient, especially in the primitive way they're implemented on our scoots...
And, in a world where large jet airliners spill hundreds of litres of unburnt fuel at takeoff, and solvent-based paint and aerosols are used in extremely large quantities, I really can't feel guilty about adding a teensy tiny bit of gasoline to that cloud...

Agility 50 / Re: Carb Problems
« on: December 14, 2012, 08:34:08 PM »
I've opened the float bowl and the first thing that i noted that was obviously different was that the idle jet on the new carb stands proud of its location tube.... whereas the idle jet on the old carb sits deep inside the tube so it shrouds the jet (maybe this is why I was having idling problems me thinks? - maybe with the jet being shrouded it was struggling to get a good and regular supply of gas?)

Nope, it's just a different design... (unless it isn't and they just didn't turn it into place all the way, of course  8) )

With the actual passage being only .35mm diameter or so, it definitely won't struggle for gas... The .35mm opening is the limiting factor by design... Any shrouding around it will relatively be such a small hindrance to the flow that it's completely negligible...

Agility 50 / Re: Carb Problems
« on: December 12, 2012, 11:23:05 PM »

Seems typical for every forum that has to do with something that's connected to fashion or zealotry, like e.g. Vespa's or high-end audio... You're either in or out, cool or uncool, knowing or ignorant... The kind of people that will turn anything into a competition, just trying too hard to be somebody...

I guess that's one of the reasons that this forum is so relaxed, Kymco is just not a fashion thing...  8)

Agility 50 / Re: Carb Problems
« on: December 10, 2012, 07:40:17 AM »

His Agility starts first time every time, so I guess there's nothing wrong with the ignition itself. It might need a new plug though, it's possible that it has an insulation fault that doesn't show when cold, but my money is still on a carb/air leak issue...

@fabio : did you have a look at the plug right after the engine dies ? If you clean it before starting (preferably when the engine is warmed up, so the choke is off) and check after it died, it can tell whether you have to look again for an air leak or blocked passage in the idle circuit (clean plug), or whether it's running way too rich from e.g. a damaged idle mixture screw seat (black soot on the nose and/or top of the threads)...

Also, have you checked the float level and reliability of the float valve ?

Agility 50 / Re: Carb Problems
« on: December 08, 2012, 06:30:30 PM »

Does the idle rpm also go up and down when you don't touch the throttle after a successful start ?
Or does the "hunting" only begin after "blipping" the throttle one or more times ?

I've had problems like these because of the carb slide sticking, took me a while to find out...

I was lucky to see that the slide was still open when I disconnected the air hose after stalling the engine one time, but it spontaneously "unstuck" as soon as I noticed, and the engine was running fine again... So I might as well have never found out that there were a few grains of sand in the air hose, making the slide stick every now and then...

Agility 50 / Re: capacitor
« on: December 08, 2012, 10:48:12 AM »
Bypassing the regulator won't work since this is a shunt regulator, which is only active when the voltage gets too high... It doesn't do anything at idle anyway... The core of the problem is that the stator coils don't have enough windings to generate 12V AC at idle with a 45 Watt load or so...

There's nothing you can do about it, apart from making your own stator coils with a few extra windings, but then you would also have to find (or build) a regulator which can stand the extra power at higher rpms....

Oh, and if you're really adventurous and skilled in electronics you can rewire everything to a DC-only configuration, which also means you'll have to design a charging circuit which uses all the stator coils for charging the battery, instead of only the smaller coil..

I've been thinking about these solutions for a while myself, but solving this small problem is just not worth the trouble it will take... Trust me, I make a living designing and building custom electronics...

Best solution : adjust the idle rpm somewhat higher (but not so high that the clutch will engage of course), your lights will be brighter, and your engine will be happier since the oil pump will also give more flow of that precious juice which keeps it healthy   8)

Agility 50 / Re: battery
« on: December 07, 2012, 07:55:05 AM »

I never had any problem with the standard 5..7Ah batteries, even in winter...

Well, the only problem being that they only last for 3..4 years, but I'm not sure a larger one would last longer, it will however, be more expensive, and also a headache to fit and connect...

Agility 50 / Re: capacitor
« on: December 04, 2012, 09:29:09 PM »

1.5F is a _very_ large capacitor in electronics terms, the only way to make it a useable size at 12V is to use a technology that also makes it far less powerful than a good battery as far as I know..  But then again, I've been working in completely different fields in electronics for the last decade or so, maybe I missed some change in the laws of physics  ;D

Anyway, on an Agility the lights are on the AC circuit.... A large capacitor acts as a short circuit for AC (simplified explanation, but still true enough in this situation), so it will stabilize things for sure : your lights would be in a very stable state indeed :  "OFF"  8)

Agility 50 / Re: battery
« on: December 04, 2012, 09:05:46 PM »
There are too many variables to predict which one you should use.. (unless you want to dive into some books even deeper than Motorandy did  ;D )

Specs alone won't tell everything since starting batteries are often operated uncomfortably near their limits and manufacturers can't give exact numbers anyway - there's always some uncertainty in production circumstances, differences in the way they measure their numbers, etc... Also one of those batteries might just be in a better condition than the other one, even if you've bought them at the same time...

I think it's best to charge them both and try them for a week each - time will tell  ;D

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