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Messages - rperry

Pages: 1 [2]
Super 8 150 / Re: Rear Shocks
« on: July 18, 2011, 09:06:59 PM »
Faux may be the brand, Can you get a new spring for the outside ?.

General Discussion / Re: Reflective vest for riding...
« on: July 18, 2011, 08:59:59 PM »
Most hardware stores now carry reflective vests. Ace, Lowes, Home Depot etc

Super 8 150 / Re: Rear Shocks
« on: July 18, 2011, 08:44:55 PM »
The stated amount, 29 psi ?. When you sit on the scooter, the shocks don't move at all ?.

Super 8 150 / Rear Shocks
« on: July 18, 2011, 06:31:43 PM »
Hi am i the only one who thinks the rear shocks are too stiff. They are on the lowest setting for spring tension, but seem so stiff. Does anyone have any ideas. I weigh 196 ?.

General Discussion / Dr Pulley Parts
« on: July 11, 2011, 07:56:27 PM »
What happened ?. The clutch is working super. Gradual takeup, not jerky when taking off. I was too tired as it was 106 when i was working in my garage. I am going on a trip tomorrow. Will be able to evaluate the variator then.

Ordered Dr Pulley variator sliders, slider weights 12g, big yellow spring behind clutch, 3 yellow clutch arm springs.
Ordered July 8 and received them July 11 at 2.30 at my home. Sent US Priority Mail from the US distributor.
I call that good service. I will let you know what difference it makes to my Kymco Super 8 / 150

Hi help how much do factory stock sliders or rollers weigh on 2009 Kymco Super 8 150.

The answer seems to be 12g anybody disagree ?.

I went ahead and put in Dr Pullet Sliders, Dr Pulley 12 g Slider weights.
Clutch arm springs, 3 yellow and Main Clutch big spring yellow.

Let you know how it turns out.

Boy the first thing i notice is the smoothness of the clutch engaging. It feels silky smooth.
I will report on the variator when i drive cross town tomorrow. A good upgrade for the money so far ?.

Super 8 150 / How much do rollers weigh super 8 150
« on: July 06, 2011, 10:07:16 PM »
Well went out and ran on some 55 mph roads. The Scooter was better in mid range, 40 to 50 and felt more crisp. It topped out at 65 mph on the Scooter Speedo. As i was catching up with the traffic it was close.
Was it worth the cost and work. I think so.

It was 106 today so i did the changes, but did not go for a very big ride.
The clutch modifications were worth it. Silky smooth take up, not jerky as the original equipment.

Hi well i went ahead and got a Dr Pulley variator sliders. Dr Pulley weights 13 g. Then for the clutch main spring yellow, three clutch arm springs yellow
 [/color]How would you go about getting a softer clutch hookup on a 150 super 8. Mine seems to be too abrupt. It has a the original clutch. Looks fine on examination ?. Any thoughts ?. I weigh 195

General Discussion / Re: How to
« on: July 06, 2011, 11:26:12 AM »
Thanks i think Hoolander2 has answered many of my basic questions. My clutch seems to engage at too high rpm's. I was looking for a more gentle hook up.
Someone had asked what kind of a wrench twister i was. I worked for a quarry on all running and fixed equipment. Face shovels, haul eqip etc. Bob

General Discussion / How to
« on: July 04, 2011, 04:44:17 PM »
Good morning just found the "Forum" it is a valuable tool for Kymco owners. I am somewhat an odd man out. I am a 72 year old new scooter owner. I was a trained mechanic in early life, but found better paying jobs ?. Surely there is an "A B C" method for altering a scooter.
If you do this the clutch will cut in at lower speed. If you do that you get so and so result ?.
I have a Kymco super 8 / 150 and love to tinker. What approach should i take, yet still retain the reliability of the scooter. Thanks Bob

General Discussion / kymco super 8 repair manual
« on: July 04, 2011, 12:22:28 AM »
where do you find a repair manual 2009 super 8 150

i have worked on my own stuff for years. But a good book helps know parts to unbolt etc.

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