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Messages - wan72

Pages: 1 [2]
LIKE 200i / Re: Travelled 1,459kms with my Like 200i
« on: February 12, 2014, 11:51:12 AM »
Wow........ I do have 1 question...... How's your bum after that long ride???

General Discussion / Re: Where do you live?
« on: February 10, 2014, 03:10:40 AM »
Gold Coast Australia...... Might be a little far.

General Discussion / Re: Cold weather:(
« on: February 09, 2014, 08:15:30 PM »
Klaviator, that's too funny. I hope I don't get either, they both sound like terrible afflictions and I may just have to start up a ride down here in Australia to help support the cause.
I'll let you know how it goes.

Cheers :)

LIKE 200i / Re: Changing the rollers on my Like 200i
« on: February 09, 2014, 07:52:19 PM »
Thank for the information, I'm not sure how I feel about the possibility of losing anything off my top speed. I do a short run on the highway to get to and from work about 5 klms or approx 3 miles. It might only be short but I think I still need that top speed for it.

I will check out the thread and mull it over a bit more :)

Cheers again for the info.

Stay safe.

LIKE 200i / Re: Trailer Recommendations for 2 Like 200i's
« on: February 09, 2014, 11:02:24 AM »
Trailer in a bag is a great idea.  ;)

LIKE 200i / Re: Clear Roads for One Day!
« on: February 09, 2014, 08:01:33 AM »
Great photos Stig, we don't see anything Like that on the Gold Coast.

LIKE 200i / Changing the rollers on my Like 200i
« on: February 09, 2014, 07:53:13 AM »
I heard a guy talking about how he changed the rollers on his scooter and how it gives his scooter a quicker off the start at traffic lights etc.....
Can anyone tell me if you have done this to your scoot and what the pro' sand cons are for doing this.


LIKE 200i / Re: I'm new to the world of scoot.....
« on: February 09, 2014, 05:16:40 AM »
A couple of pics

LIKE 200i / Re: I'm new to the world of scoot.....
« on: February 09, 2014, 05:15:37 AM »
Hi Everyone,

I am very pleased to say I passed my QRide.... After 12 straight hours of gruelling training, testing and having to endure smart comments about my scooter not being a real bike, I managed to pass!!

By the end of the day, I had managed to change a few minds about scooters. Only 3 out of the 5 of us on the. Ourse managed to pass.

The instructor gave me a huge pat on the back at the end of the day and told me he now has a little more respect for scooters. He was surprised that I got through the slow figure 8's as easily as I did given that the other bike normally idle through them but the scoot had to keep on the gas.

Anyway, I am pretty proud of myself and Walter.

Some pics attached..... Hopefully

LIKE 200i / Re: I'm new to the world of scoot.....
« on: February 07, 2014, 10:57:59 AM »
Hey Stig,

Yup, here is Aus, you have to sit a 30 question test and can only get 3 answers wrong, once you have completed the test you MUST complete a QRide test, if you don't pass QRide, you don't get your bike license. Once you pass Q Ride you then go back to the Dept of Transport where they issue you with your licence.

There are different rules depending on how long you have held your car license, I've had mine for 24 years so I pretty much just sat my written test and I can go straight away to QRide.

I have chosen to do slow manoeuvre training for 5 hours prior to doing my test, just some extra training to make my husband feel better.

No snow here on the Gold Coast in Australia, but plenty of sun and almost as much rain at the moment, it's supposed to be raining all day tomorrow while I'm at QRide....... Should be fun!!
Can you get a side car for your scooter???

I will definitely take some photos tomorrow while I'm at Q Ride and hopefully I pass my test.... Fingers crossed.

LIKE 200i / Re: Finally got my new scooter delivered!
« on: February 06, 2014, 11:13:46 AM »

LIKE 200i / Re: I'm new to the world of scoot.....
« on: February 06, 2014, 11:08:22 AM »
Thanks for the compliment Stig, flattery will get you everywhere. I'm loving my new scoot who just happened to tell me his name this week, ....... Wait for it.......... Walter (White) ....... Unsuspecting chemistry teacher on the surface but a badass underneath.

I'm dying for the weekend to finally get here so I can go and do my full day with QRide and enjoy life with Walter..... My husband is totally jealous :)

LIKE 200i / Re: I'm new to the world of scoot.....
« on: February 02, 2014, 10:36:52 PM »
Thank you both so much for the awesome advice.

I now have a full faced helmet, Kevlar bike pants, gloves, Jacket and Boots and I have enrolled in QRide (the Australian / Queensland version of MSF) to start this weekend.
All I need now is to teach myself how to service my scoot and wait till he tells me his name.

I'm pretty excited to be a part of the fold and thanks again for the advice :)

LIKE 200i / I'm new to the world of scoot.....
« on: February 02, 2014, 09:52:10 AM »
Yesterday I bought myself a brand new 2013 Like 200i ........ I am a total newbie to riding scooters and to be honest I bought this scooter because I liked the way it looked.

I have managed to clock up 128 klms on it already and am wondering how long I have to run it in for?
Also, will it get faster the more it gets run in?

So far, I love it and have been asking myself why I waited till I was 40+ to buy one.

Is there anything that I should know or be aware of?

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