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Messages - Chris0381

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General Discussion / Re: wow !!
« on: July 06, 2020, 08:23:19 PM »
Wow again.

Scooter worked with me on the exhaust issue. They had me record a video of the exhaust and man its hard on the ears and I have to give kudos for listening to it.

Well the end result is they offered me some credit to buy some more scooter parts. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised given the exhaust really can't be resold and I de restricted it. Personally, I wouldn't want to even pass this exhaust off to anyone unless they were riding in the deep woods away form any homes. It will probably go to the transfer station.

All within about a week we came to a resolution that they were generous enough to offer and parts on the way and I'm really happy with the outcome.

Technical | How To / Pilot Jet Size for Pod Filter
« on: July 01, 2020, 01:26:40 PM »
 I want to give a pod filter a try, and the stock pilot/idle jet is #35.

Its been mentioned I should go 1 to 2 sizes up on the idle jet.

The next size available is #38

So that would be 3 sizes up or 1 size up.


I don't normally like posting Live Leak vids on forums but sometimes we can learn from reality.


But this is why I don't like to just motor through intersections. I like to pause a bit ans see what the traffic on the sides streets of the intersection are doing.

I have a Kymco super 8 2t , bought a nice but NOisy loud dirtbike sounding NAraku Traffic exhaust. It fits kymco super 8 AC, super 9AC, and vitality AC 2 STROKE BIKES. Its nice, adds power and is liiiiiight weight compared to stock, but the extra power wasnt worth the screaming pitch it makes at certain rpm's, like a 2 stroke dirtbike. Yes , i like it, but I wanted to keep the quietness just due to the hours I ride, always awkward early mornings or late night.   Anyways the exhaust is nice, still black and fresh. Couple small scuffs on it, but it looks brand new otherwise. Its only a month old. Ill sell it and ship it to anybody here for 100 cash. THE ONLY ISSUE,  i lost the bottom mounting spacer for it. I have the top one, the bottom one is nothing but a simple 1 inch long bushing..... well I went to home depot to buy one, but they didnt have the perfect sizee.... so i bought a 13mm 1/4 inch socket which literally has the exact outer dimensions as the bushing, and perfect length at an inch. It works perfect. Ill include that so its good to go on the bike. I no its stupid, but i just needed a spacer and fast that day lol my moped shop here in boston area told me to use nice harderened washers and stack them to the perfect length, but this socket is perfect. it even is tight to the bolt on the inside diameter.. like meant to be. anyways leme no. email me

Screaming pitch is absolutely right, This noise is absolutely horrible. Buyer beware. Lets not let others make the same mistake we made buying this exhaust. I hate to toss out a brand new exhaust but I can't ride around with it screeching like this. This thing is going into the trash heap.

General Discussion / Re: wow !!
« on: June 28, 2020, 10:14:08 AM »
Had to look that exhaust up.  Not the expansion chamber design I thought it may be, so surprised that it is that annoying.   You sure you have a good head to pipe seal?

Are you running the stock airbox?   Often on 2 strokes the intake noise is as bad as a loud exhaust if you don't.

Everything is tight. You can put your ear up to the chamber or muffler section when cold idling and you can hear metal rubbing inside causing a screeching sound and this amplifies once you are on the road at high RPM's.

I should of headed this guys warnings. He's had to make 2 posts to try and get rid of it.

General Discussion / Re: wow !!
« on: June 26, 2020, 11:42:47 PM »
Sorry Chris I removed my post when I seen you had already answered my question.
Hands down it performed better. That how horrible it sounds. Its a much better exhaust yet I will be tossing it aside. I mean, it just shoots you out of your driveway and up the road with an amazing linear acceleration.

General Discussion / Re: wow !!
« on: June 26, 2020, 09:42:52 PM »
 Two others on this forum mentioned a noise issue, but I didn't think it was that bad. I have posted a review now to let others know before buying the Naraku Traffic Exhaust.

I may try and find a Naraku contact and see what their response is to my complaint.

Super 8 / Naraku Traffic Exhaust Review
« on: June 26, 2020, 09:37:19 PM »
I just bought this exhaust to replace the de-restricted exhaust on the 2013 Kymco Super 8 49cc.

After yanking out the restriction and installing it, the scooter was very zippy with greater acceleration than the stock de-restricted exhaust. It is a great performance pipe IMO.

The restriction is a thick cone washer held on by 2 tack welds. Once the welds are ground down and broken, id did take considerable effort to remove the cone as it was in there pretty tight.

BUT Its sounds absolutely FREAKING HORRIBLE.

I liken the sound to someone scratching their nails on a chalk board and broadcasting it with a giant megaphone. I feel I would be run out of town riding around with this exhaust sounding like it did.

I can't ride it like that and I can't return it after de-restricting so its going in the garbage or the transfer station to get recycled. I don't think I would even want to give this a way.

I may try and sell on ebay with no minimum bid but I'd prefer to toss it out and move on and swallow the loss.

That's my honest opinion and review of this exhaust.

General Discussion / Re: wow !!
« on: June 26, 2020, 07:16:25 PM »
The exhaust has good performance but it sounds like someone is scratching their nails across the chalk board.

Its a naraku traffic. I wont be using it too much longer if I cant quiet that screeching noise at certain RPM's.

General Discussion / wow !!
« on: June 26, 2020, 04:11:04 PM »
Ordered an exhaust yesterday at 3pm coming from Quebec, Its already here at 12 noon in CT. Now thats fast shipping.


You just don't buy a 49cc scooter and ride it because it doesn't require a MC endorsement. You need to study how to ride it as safely as possible. It really concerns me when you see teens buying the VIP's form a big lot store and they are off riding around in sandals and no helmet. I have taken it seriously for the start and still have what happened to one of our members that lost his leg in the back of my mind to this day when I'm out on the streets.

If anyone wants me to be quiet and sit down and listen to them, just talk to me about scooter safety and defensive driving. I have seen so much of what can and has happened to scooter riders that take things to casually or drive recklessly it scares me to be the safest I can. A lot of what I've seen has been from Asia were they are just crazy with their scooters.

Kinda reminds of of the old days when the would show the video Signal 30 in MV school to scare new drivers. (thats actually on youtube)

With debris on the road and off to the side if I need to pull over and lots of small imperfections and small pot holes from winter abuse here in CT, I still like my big wheels.

I have about 9000 miles on my 2103 Supper 8. I don't think I have ever gone thru a major intersection wo looking all ways to make sure someone isn't running a red light.

I also watch for parked cars off to the side running whose wheels are turned to the road as if they may pull out.I may sound my horn when passing them.

I also do not stop in traffic right behind a car and leave a good gap in case the car behind me is distracted and may rear end me. If I feel the car behind me is not stopping, maybe I can then move to the side. So Im constantly looking through my rear view mirror.

Any car in the opposing lane that is taking a left turn, I will try to move right a bit to give extra room to try and avoid but thats hard if it happens and one of the biggest causes of cycle accidents.

I use hand signals a lot when turning and cars are behind me just in case they dont see my turn signals.

I wear bright clothing and have added led light to brighten up my front end and rear end.

I always assume cars are blinded by the sun. I always assume cars are texting.

Having to be constantly nervous and defensive takes some of the fun out of scooter driving, but its necessary. I make sure some low ridden country roads are part of my trip as most of my scooter riding is recreational.

Super 8 / Re: Leo Vince Touring vs. Stock Exhaust De-restrict Mod
« on: August 12, 2019, 01:16:12 PM »
If its still just a matter of removing the restrictor cone via a short piece of weld, I would give the LEO Vince ago if I was to do it again.

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