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Xciting 500 / Givi V46 Box Mount to Xciting 500Ri
« on: May 15, 2012, 07:54:12 AM »
E-Mailed a couple places about mounting hardware for the GIVI V46 Box. One reply was, I need a SR89 kit at $116.00. GIVI replied, I need a SR91 at $140.00.
I looked at some diagrams as to the mounting and first off didn't care for the vertical supports and 2nd, not sure if I am capable of mounting it myself from the looks of the way the vertical supports are mounted. Does anyone have experience with this attachment type and if so, will this look sort of cheap with those uprights? I had it mounted on my 300i and it didn't need the uprights therefore didn't look at all bad. This V46 is not cheap and I hope I can justify mounting it the way I see outlined in a small diagram. Appreciate your comments.

Downtown 300 / Re: New Downtown 300i Rider!!!
« on: May 14, 2012, 10:24:38 PM »
MrSolo, congrats on your new will have many hours of enjoyment with it. What color did you get? Where are you located? If close, yes, would be nice to see you on the road! GOOD LUCK!

Downtown 300 / Wow, picked up my new 2012 Xciting 500Ri
« on: May 14, 2012, 10:09:20 PM »
As the topic now a proud owner of a new ride! Please check out my input/topic in the Exciting 500 Area.

Xciting 500 / WOW! Picked up my new 2012 Xciting Ri
« on: May 14, 2012, 10:01:08 PM »
Writing my experience: Anxiously finished all paper work and put out a few bucks...drove home to get the 300i and return in about an hour. Concerned about the rain, it was drizzling on and off all morning but rode into service while they prepared the new purchase. Finishing up putting it together out of shipment, I mentioned for them to attach a battery cable for my trickle charger. I noted that the area the cover covered to the battery was not completely water tight so one open area was the run for the cable. Scooter was serviced, checked thoroughly, few things explained and I was good to go! On with my helmet, leather coat, gloves and boots which were on I nervously pulled out. I couldn't believe the difference.."WOW"! 1. The great power increase, the smooth throttle acceleration..even at low speed slow jump in increasing throttle. Handling and cornering as if I rode this for months, well balanced, rounded curves and corners with ease and jumping when throttling up (smooth). Wanting to beat the rain home, I drove the X-Way which is 65 mph but never went over 45-50 up and down. Only went 4 miles on it and it was really controllable and anxious to open up but I would not. This unit is so well balanced and I immediately felt at home riding it. Right into my garage I went before the rain and stood there admiring it for 1/2 hour! I like the parking brake, flashers, movable back rest, LED rear lights, gas cap ease from the ignition switch and other differences. Am going to use 91 or better Octane as recommended.....

Xciting 500 / Re: Said My Goodbye to 300i
« on: May 14, 2012, 09:43:32 PM »
sissy mary, thank you for all that and it is well taken. I will add a box and that is it! I don't like the mounting procedure I looked at from GIVI, SR91, $140.00 and the bracket mounting involved. I have to think hard about that at this point. Again, thank you for the input. Bye the way, I just picked up the new Xciting 500Ri this morning! Going to relate in my next topic a bit!

Xciting 500 / Re: Said My Goodbye to 300i
« on: May 14, 2012, 08:34:36 AM »
sissy Mary, sri, don't know what you mean about "leave it stock and ride it"???

Xciting 500 / Re: Said My Goodbye to 300i
« on: May 13, 2012, 11:27:49 AM »
Yes, I read your reply and thank you for that. Also, thanks for the praise of "Quality Photo's", will hope to live up to that! At least I know some of the great people leaving the 300i Forum will be available here! I am expecting a feeling of a bit more power so hopefully it will not be something that isn't what I expect it to be. I said before that a 200 wasn't going to be sold but here I am at a 500! This time, this will have to do and I can honestly state that I won't go up any wise and other! Thanks for your advise.

Xciting 500 / Said My Goodbye to 300i
« on: May 13, 2012, 11:10:30 AM »
Well, I stepped up in the world, I hope...and will pick up my new Xciting 500RI tomorrow. Have been with the 300i Forum for a time and hope to put my
layman comments and questions to 500i owners. Like a kid with a new toy, I can't wait to pick it up tomorrow and a white one at that. Looking forward to some of the different items of change especially the power and weight increase. My first question is from the 500RI owners, did I make a mistake in any way?
2nd, I have a V46 GIVI Box on the 300i, is there a mount available for it to the Xciting? Further...any advise, remarks would be greatly appreciated. I am a retired News Photographer (Photojournalist) and not a mechanic but am a tinker with things. Lookimg forward to meeting people here and reading the knowledge that one can obtain...

Downtown 300 / I went and did it!
« on: May 13, 2012, 10:59:34 AM »
Yesterday, I went to my dealer and decided to turn my 300i over for a Xciting 500RI ! What made me decide? Well, every year there are 2 rides for Homeless Veterans and I didn't participate being this large group ran the X-Way at 65 mph + or _ and I didn't feel totally secure with my scooter size. I realize many 300i owners run these speeds but I further will want to run with a rider now and than. Almost double the CC, another 100 lbs of scooter weight, larger tires, double front disks + other things made my decision. It is a 2012 and am looking forward to picking it up tomorrow.... I have a GIVI V46 Box on the back of my 300 and I have them checking if I can obtain a mount for the Xciting. I chose the color (white) but it is not a true (white) which grew on me a bit. At this point, I have to say here, I met 300i owners and put my layman 2 cents in and had great replies from you and I thank all of you for that. Like a kid with a new toy, I await my excitement with the new Xciting!

Downtown 300 / Re: Wouldn't start until...
« on: March 16, 2012, 07:54:15 AM »
This difficulty starting was a rare situation. The scooter was run in the garage maybe every 2 weeks or so through the cold weather and on nice days out for a run. The unit started on first try every time and even when shut off at times at places while doing things, it kicked over right away. This difficulty in starting was carried on the same way and it didn't turn over 3-4 times until holding the pedal down so to speak and it kicked right over. Seemingly, it acted totally as though it didn't receive any fuel again, until I throttled just a bit. Ok, would this possibly have anything to do with the idle set too lean now after so many miles...1800 and if the idle were set up a bit, would it be possibly some of the trouble at low speeds.... 11 mph or slower, going around corners and such when the engine seems to lose idle and this jumping to throttle up occurs. I do recall all said on earlier posts about this situation but would any of my layman thoughts have anything to do? It was brought up once on how to increase idle but aging here, I forgot what they suggested. I know I can run to service but experience show's paying too much for any little thing is a bad experience. Thanks

Downtown 300 / Wouldn't start until...
« on: March 15, 2012, 07:53:32 AM »
Yesterday in the 60's and had taken the 300i to work. Prior to going, rode around locally for about an hour. Parked at work on the center stand, sat for several hours. Went to start and it just turned over and nothing. Turned it over 4 times and finally after concern to try something, opened the throttle a bit and it kicked over right away. Never had a hard start before to do this therefore am questioning what happened here? Would it mean that the idle has to be set up more or.....  Appreciate advise or thought's.

Downtown 300 / Re: Sales trying to talk me into a 500!
« on: March 10, 2012, 12:04:20 PM »
After reading all thoughts, I believe I want to stay with the 20 mpg more option. My thinking now is, I don't do any long distance driving so the comfort idea loses! I am now looking at all the gas prices and it is something to consider big time. In later years from now, if I were to sell this unit, I personally feel the better fuel option would sell faster than power. Than again, that is just my thought now after making a decision after reading the input on here......thanks. This summer I will  be using the scooter for most everthing I can. When I hear that people in England pay approximately $12.00 a gallon, that is scary.

Downtown 300 / Re: Sales trying to talk me into a 500!
« on: March 08, 2012, 08:44:10 AM »
The "dealer" does not have any in as yet, would take two weeks to order. I am hearing the bit about the pro's and con's on the weight and me with a bad left knee will have to take on a concern about the increase. I can understand the mention of getting used to the weight but in weighing both comments, at this point I am hesitating and going to do a lot of thinking. Money is a factor as much as I try to over-look that being we never get a honest price on a trade-in even if it is like new. I am to receive a call today with figures but above gives my thoughts so far...thanks

Downtown 300 / Re: 39-41 Degrees Out With My 300i
« on: March 07, 2012, 11:22:12 PM »
Great day but very windy and I had taken a long ride at 51 degrees out. After all the fresh air and scootiing around, I found myself tired and really too tired to take it to work at 62 degrees afternoon. That has to do with age I believe and I am blaming it on the fresh air and long ride! I really felt the wind moving me around some. I ask questions and read opinions on here and am not ashamed to ask for either one. I have found many good people willing to state their mind by opinions or answers to questions I know nothing about. Would you upgrade from a 300i to the 500 if the figures were acceptable?

Downtown 300 / Sales trying to talk me into a 500!
« on: March 07, 2012, 11:08:18 PM »
I should have my head examined even talking about up-grading. I only have 1700 miles on my 300i, 2011 and the base price was 5,500 while the 500 without ABS is priced at 6,295. Those prices are without all the extra add ons...Tax, Shp etc. Would be nice to have for two reasons....ride anywhere and two up if want or need be. Has anyone make such an upgrade and what is your gained knowledge of this. I went from the Peoples S200 to the 300 and now...again...just talking and not thinking too hard!

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