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Messages - Viper254

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13 ... 55
OK, it's a toughie as every bike is wired differently, but you say there's two grounds?

My suspicious is red (live feed) to black (ignition live)

The second part is harder. Some bikes use black/white to green to KILL the engine, rather than let it start. As you've ascertained the engine won't run when the black/white isn't grounded, I'd try grounding the black/white (which I strongly suspect goes to a pin on the CDI, via the side stand switch if you have one) and give that a whirl.

I would be very wary about putting the black/white to power - you could do some damage :S

General Discussion / Re: GACK! California DMV sure gets their money.
« on: June 24, 2020, 06:58:00 AM »
Reading this thread, for once I can feel smug about how few bureaucratic hoops we have to jump through with our dear old DVLA!

(Driver & Vehicle Licensing Authority)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Yeah, I don't find the DVLA too bad. Dealing with a different authority, state by state, sounds like a right nightmare.

Even importing stuff isn't that difficult here, if that's your bag.

The most sold motorcycle in history(Honda Super Cub 90) had 17 inch wheels if my memory is correct. 2.5-3inch by 22 inch scooter wheels are awesome(older Lifan wheel design). Fuel economy was up there.

Yes, 2.50-17. Or that's what's on mine, anyway.

I don't think I've had a bike for 4 or 5 years now, and I don't really feel much of a pull to have them again. I had my first scooter (Lexmoto Gladiator, quality piece of kit at £180) and remember being struck at how good the weather protection was, and how well it did the winter commute (I didn't have a car until relatively recently) and how little maintenance it needed.

I'm not saying I wouldn't ride a bike again - just that I prefer scooters, I think.

My riding mates all prefer bikes.

I used to ride something with 10" wheels. It took a bit of getting used to but I never felt unsafe, particularly.

I miss the sheer variety of tyre sizes and the bargain basement prices for them. When I first started courier work I was on a Pulse Scout (Chineseium, but it did very well) on 10" wheels - 4 stroke 50cc - the Anlas Winter Grips that I had fitted to it were awesome. Great in heavy rain and cold temperatures and cheap as chips - I had different wheels for winter and summer :)

General Discussion / Re: Car guys, what is this?
« on: June 23, 2020, 02:19:14 PM »
"Tuesday" Spanish -  I  think.....or the white stuff  Chipotle uses?

It's a Ford that we get over here and I'm guessing you didn't - you're not missing much.

General Discussion / Re: You ever doze off?!
« on: June 19, 2020, 09:59:26 AM »
Nearly rearended somebody in the Peak District last week. I'd like to say they didn't have brake lights but the reality is I probably was too out of practice after not driving for weeks really. Plus I'm a crap driver.

Before we had a car, my partner fell asleep on the back of my Suzuki Address 110 scooter on a dual carraigeway stretch once. She just went kind of limp, between me and the top box, and I had to bat her with my arm to wake her up.

General Discussion / Re: Car guys, what is this?
« on: June 19, 2020, 09:56:59 AM »
Or, as I routinely jibe my X-type driving friend with, a poser's Mondeo.

Even the most efficient modern scooters can't keep up with the 140mpg my 39-year-old Honda C70 routinely pulls. It's that direct chain drive that makes the difference.

There are rumours of the new C125 Cub cracking 200mpg from time to time :O

General Discussion / Re: Car guys, what is this?
« on: June 18, 2020, 08:04:43 AM »
Yeah, older Jaguar XJ.

My highest year was 18K on a Suzuki Address 110. I'd be surprised if I crack 1000 miles this year, at this rate

General Discussion / Re: Buying OEM parts...
« on: June 12, 2020, 01:30:40 PM »
I'm sure I posted here this morning - I must be going mad.

Essentially, I agree with Souza.

General Discussion / Re: what I see as bad for scooter dealers in US
« on: June 11, 2020, 08:49:20 AM »
Kymco is very, very quiet in the UK in the last couple of years. I wouldn't be overly surprised if they disappear in the next few.

It depends on the dealer, I think. There's a Honda dealer over in Crewe I use for parts and they're as helpful as can be, so I always want to go back, despite the fact I've never bought a bike off them.

Sounds like things are a bit different over the pond.

General Discussion / Re: Dealer problems
« on: June 09, 2020, 02:05:57 PM »
I'm not sure that the general public realises the quality breadth of what scooters get made in China - from the top end stuff coming out of Longjia, Jianshe, Wuyang through to the dross coming out from Fosti, Jiajue and some Lifan stuff for African/Asian market where euro type approval and whatever the USA uses isn't an issue.

General Discussion / Re: We need a group for the Xtown
« on: June 09, 2020, 02:03:09 PM »
Yeah, there doesn't seem to be much interest in new sections from above.

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