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Messages - Syl

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Downtown 300 / Re: High Pressure Wash for my DT 300i
« on: March 07, 2012, 07:00:36 AM »
Well, not a much type dirt other than the splashing areas, wheel wells, tires, rims and foot rest areas. I think after the input, I am not going to use the power wash...thanks. I did loof forward though to the NO Spot rinse which comes out very easily and without pressure. I am talked into the hand wash again!....thank you. Going to 68 today possibly and I do know I'm going into the garage which is open already! Maybe to work with it also this afternoon! Good thing there is a exclamation to describe our feelings!

Downtown 300 / High Pressure Wash for my DT 300i
« on: March 06, 2012, 10:31:20 PM »
I would like to use the hand held "High Pressure Wash" for my scooter but am not knowledgeable if that can be done & if certain parts have to be covered or avoided. I have no idea of covering or avoiding anything other than covering or protecting the instrument panel. Do any of you practice this wash and how does everything work after doing so? Appreciate your knowledge of this.

Downtown 300 / Re: DTi 300 screen
« on: March 05, 2012, 04:59:45 PM »
captainA... have you come up with anything suitable yet, I'm curious. I read on here about changes the owners make and wonder what their final analysis is. Appears there are a good bit of new 300i owners.

Downtown 300 / Re: She's here!
« on: March 05, 2012, 09:00:51 AM »
zombie...thank you for finding and reading. All they found of my uncles is his hand and ring and guitar. This is my mothers (susan) brother. part of the chilling mom felt him pulling at her feet while in bed in the early morning, "susan I need you", she woke up call from Naval Dept. "brother is missing". First ship to the rescue was the susan. in 1961, Feb 19th, my troop transport coming from Germany almost sank and coast guard called and standing by in a big storm, Feb 19th year ?? uncles son on fishing boat in Florida, cracked in storm sinking, coast guard rescued them. I truly respect the coast guard and feel it was a miracle right from the beginning. For some reason I couldn't get into the coast guard as I earlier wrote.

Downtown 300 / Re: She's here!
« on: March 04, 2012, 11:44:30 PM »
zombie...thank you very much, if you heard the lengthy story it would honestly give you chills I believe. Those many years ago, he was aboard the Coast Guard Cutter EastWind. 11 all toll were killed. Again thanks.

Downtown 300 / Re: DTi 300 screen
« on: March 04, 2012, 10:33:49 PM »
oldcoastie... I am 6' 1", 245 and I use the windshield that came with the 300i and purchased now my second Fulmer Helmet 9B or AF-9B ISHADE. I wanted to purchase a full face helmet initially but I didn't like the restricted breathing for me. The 9B has a daylight shade and a 3/4 clear pull down over top that and this is enough for me to look over top the windshield and have mask & windshield giving me all the air blockage I need. I also like the air vent slider on it and silver for hot summer days.

Downtown 300 / Re: She's here!
« on: March 04, 2012, 10:18:52 PM »
oldcoastie...I failed to mention my thought about under the seat storage. I wouldn't place mine in there being there can be a somewhat heat build up which is more to be concerned about than the vibrations. I do carry a break down tri-pod in there and sometimes in the Givi.

Downtown 300 / Re: She's here!
« on: March 04, 2012, 10:13:45 PM »
oldcoastie, I am a retired news photographer...better know as a photo-Journalist !!! Just a high class name !!!, Further, taught photo class in an Art Institute and gave classes for basic's and up in the local YMCA. I found it difficult to purchase a Kodak Camera but I learned that was a great move. I talked several friends into the same and they never looked back. Hey, there are other great cameras out there and I am not advertising this one. No way to talk about anything if one doesn't mention what he/she is talking about. At work we used all Nikon Gear and some Hasselblads. Canon was the first company to make a camera with everything on it right from the start while others added on through the years. Canon it a great outfit but again..cost has to be a consideration. If one wants undefined quality, shoot Raw being there is no reduction in original shot quality. Many cameras are coming into play with this feature today and as long as your editing software can handle it. Also today, one doesn't really need anything much bigger than a 12 or 14 mp and if along with the RAW, it can go to much greater resolution. Rattling on here but whatever you decide, good luck and looking forward to seeing some of your pix's.

Downtown 300 / Re: She's here!
« on: March 04, 2012, 09:57:00 PM »
I have several different cameras. I don't take the good ones out the way I take the Kodak Z981. If I take the Kodak, I merely place it in a water proof bag and than into a side bag. If I am concerned about vibration, I use a good case for my camera/s and place it in the Givi Case which I have a 1 inch foam bottom on. The inside straps in the Give are great to keep the bag tight onto the foam. Never had any problems with any of it. If you want an all around great camera to carry and not have a great deal of money..check out the Kodak has all one wants for a all around box.

Downtown 300 / Re: She's here!
« on: March 04, 2012, 09:08:15 PM »
Good you have it settled. We look alike other than the side packs.

Downtown 300 / Re: She's here!
« on: March 04, 2012, 07:40:18 PM »
oldcoastie...forgot to add
1. With the case LID just resting in the down position in order to lock.

Downtown 300 / Re: She's here!
« on: March 04, 2012, 07:37:44 PM »
oldcoastie...I had the same difficulty and finally figured it out!
1. With the case resting in down position to lock.
2. The key in upright unlock position.
3. Press down on the BLACK BAR above the RED BUTTON until it clicks in the down position.
4. Turn key to right to lock only after the BLACK BAR is pressed down and snaps down.
Hope that helps, I thought I had a reject had first too!

Downtown 300 / Re: She's here!
« on: March 04, 2012, 10:49:57 AM »
oldcoastie, good luck with your new ride. too bad you had the mirror problem, but you'll find you will very much enjoy the 300i in rides to come. I have this constant anxiety for the weather to get warmer here in PA and it is coming too slow. I started with the 200 which just wasn't enough for me. I was new and thought it was all I needed. It was great but just not strong enough for the hilly area I live in. I am 6'1", 245 and this 300 is right for what I do.

Downtown 300 / Re: She's here!
« on: March 04, 2012, 10:43:31 AM »
zombie, my uncle was killed in the coast guard years ago and before I went into the Army, I tried to enter the Coast Guard and it was closed/full and couldn't enlist. I was really hurt with that. Anyway his story which is quite long and remarkable I wish I could tell you about. I always had respect for the Coast Guard and even wear my Coast Guard hat often in honor of....

Downtown 300 / Very Helpful & Interesting Hearing Others
« on: February 29, 2012, 08:58:26 AM »
My thanks to all on this Forum and the people that run it. When I first purchased my 200 scooter a while back, I felt all alone out there being no one around here (my home town) had the same of similar. Than I went into purchasing the 300i with a bit more confidence gained from the riders on here. Everything I learned to this point about scooter life was on here. It's just too bad all of you/us don't live close enough to group together as a club or just close helpful friends to each other. Again, thanks to all of you concerned in helping others.

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