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Messages - Rianna

Pages: 1 ... 115 116 [117] 118 119 ... 121
Agility 50 / That CDI box thingy
« on: September 12, 2010, 04:09:50 AM »
I'm guessing I have an unrestricted one.

Because the scooter is a 2007, but the sticker on the black box says May 2008 and doesn't look to be cut or anything. Do they sell them unrestricted?

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: ..a50 in th' dark..
« on: September 12, 2010, 03:53:25 AM »
colored lights we can have but can only be on when parked.

What fun is that? LOL And after yer parked u don't need no lights. Those funny, funny lawmakers.

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: Rain, Rain, GO AWAY
« on: September 12, 2010, 03:48:02 AM »
They want 24 bucks for shipping to my area!! LOL. That Shoe helmet I snagged was $9.99 with $12.35 Shipping. Go figure. Yeah, if I had me some money, I'd have them boots, missing spikes or not and my feets would be on the ground. hahaha

lol, art. They better do it. I don't think they come much bigger than that.

Technical | How To / Re: Seafoam
« on: September 12, 2010, 03:43:51 AM »
I might need some of this already. Was a little chilly here today so I let it run a good little while before jumping on and it just wanted to sputter, then rev, then gag. Could be just the weather, but I'm gonna get me some soon anyway. Sounds like good stuff.

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: Rain, Rain, GO AWAY
« on: September 12, 2010, 03:39:45 AM »
Stuck in a drought here....

Hoping your rain will go away and come here.   

No, problem, I'll send it your way.

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: Rain, Rain, GO AWAY
« on: September 12, 2010, 03:38:59 AM »
OOPs, I posted in the wrong section. Sorry.

Okay, here's DA Boots

Not really my style, but look at those soles!  :D

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Rain, Rain, GO AWAY
« on: September 12, 2010, 03:31:22 AM »
I was all rested up and feeling refreshed today. Got the scoot up to the road with no problems. Then I only got to ride for like 10 minutes and it started raining. Grrrr

Okay, I'm done complaining (for now.)

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: ..a50 in th' dark..
« on: September 12, 2010, 03:28:55 AM »
Awesome pic! Looks really good.

Agility 50 / Re: Somebody is Smiling :) :) :)
« on: September 12, 2010, 03:20:20 AM »
I like the look of the Agility. It caught my eye. The style's a bit different that the ppl. Maybe I'll find me a deal on some tall boots or something. The size is a bit intimidating for me, but I may be able to learn how to deal with it over time. The push through the yards out to the road seems to be getting a bit easier.

I suppose if I had twice (or 3 times the money) at the time I would have gone in to the local dealer and sat on and tried out everything he had. No telling what I would have come out with, but I'm sure my feet would have touched the ground. I would have had it registered and been rolling already. I suppose the good thing that may come out of the frustration is that I'm forced to be extra cautious while learning and starting out because I know it's difficult for me to manage it.

I suppose if I find I really don't enjoy it or something I could always try to sell it and look for another deal. I don't hold high hopes of finding another deal on something as new as 500km for $900 bucks in my area, though so I may as well try to learn to deal with it for awhile.

Okay, you all talked me into trying the center stand thing again. But it's gonna have to be tomorrow if the rain lets up. I don't have much room in here to move around. lol. If I can't do it, I'm gonna just rig something up (that should be funny) for the times I will need it like to deal with oil and such. Or....ask somebody else to do it for me.

Agility 50 / Re: Somebody is Smiling :) :) :)
« on: September 11, 2010, 03:24:45 PM »
Okay, so I get my weight on that little pad and I got half a chance? I can't lift the rear even a 1/4 inch from the ground with both hands when I'm standing directly behind it, though. When I saw my neighbor's son and the guy at the dealership do it they were both standing near the back of the scoot facing front and just had to bend slightly to reach the front handlebar. It was almost as if I could see the weight transferring in a little half circle. Looked real cool. I'm guessing the guy at the dealer was about 5' 11" or so and the other fella is taller at 6' 2". But when I try to do it, sid, I'm like sideways, facing the side of the bike. (They were near the back facing front.) I am up near the front of the seat. Sounds like that's good for putting all of my weight on the stand, but then I have no body weight or muscle near the rear rack to help me lift, just an outstretched hand. Maybe I need to see if I can find somebody to take a pic of me trying to do it to explain it better. Give y'all a good laugh, lol. I kinda just gave up on it for now. That kickstand is real pretty, though.  :)

If I get up that hill this week, maybe I should ride to a gym and lift some weights, huh?

Agility 50 / Re: Somebody is Smiling :) :) :)
« on: September 11, 2010, 05:51:08 AM »
lol @ art, that's funny. you prolly just said that to make me feel better. hehehee

Okay, folks, (you can laugh at me now) here's the problem...When I put my left hand on the handle bar and my right hand on the rear rack I am stretched almost completely out and the top of my body is near the seat! LOL. I have no leverage in this position. Also I cannot lift the rear of the scooter even with both hands. I believe I understand how to do it, I just don't belileve it's possible for ME to do it.

Agility 50 / Re: Transporting the Agility 50
« on: September 11, 2010, 05:29:20 AM »
oh, so you're a daredevil and you got the pics to prove it. uh-huh. lol

Thanks, wordslinger. I'll check the manual out tomorrow. Gettin' too tired now.

Agility 50 / Re: The numbers on the Carb, where are they?
« on: September 11, 2010, 05:25:41 AM »

They gave you a fancy sticker, though. I got robbed. lol

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: Rianna's New Furniture! lol
« on: September 11, 2010, 05:22:35 AM »
I wanted blue, then I changed my mind and wanted red, then I changed my mind and wanted silver. Then I got blue. Funny how that worked out.

Agility 50 / Re: Somebody is Smiling :) :) :)
« on: September 11, 2010, 05:19:27 AM »
Thanks, wordslinger! May have to check into adjusting that shock then. As it is now, I pretty much have to come off of the seat when I stop. Add to that the fact that I can't lift the back of the bike using both hands and I'm just too short and too weak for the Agility. I gave up on that center stand altogether, lol. I may actually build up a bit of muscle pushing it up to the road every day, though. I'm not giving up. Just gonna have to find ways to make it work. Other than the comfort factor (or lack of) I'm loving it so far.  :D

And yes, gotta always be vigilant and aware of all of your surroundings on the road. I think he meant well, though.

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