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Messages - Rianna

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Agility 50 / Re: The higher octane gas...right?
« on: September 11, 2010, 05:00:10 AM »
Thanks all. I didn't want to do the wrong thing. Added Seafoam to the shopping list. I think he told me different than the manual for the oil too. And he never did tell me about the brake fluid. He showed me where to see how full it is (and it didn't look very full, lol) but that was it. I think they were in a hurry to go home. They stayed open late for me so everything was rush rush.

Agility 50 / Re: The numbers on the Carb, where are they?
« on: September 11, 2010, 04:38:03 AM »
Yeah, I expected the numbers to be right there on that little cover, but nope. I took the bucket off last night and couldn't find anything that looked right there, either. So they gave me the good one then?

Agility 50 / Re: Transporting the Agility 50
« on: September 11, 2010, 04:30:16 AM »
Ah, THAT'S the difference! I forgot about the rear being drum. I was still thinking about that super 9 with the disc brakes on both front and back. Makes sense now. I was expecting too much outta that poor little drum. Thanks for the tips. I will practice more tomorrow with hitting the rear brake first and holding it when I use the front one.

Sliding the rear tire at 30mph! Yikes!

Agility 50 / Re: HAND MADE EXHAUST
« on: September 10, 2010, 04:55:06 PM »

I think there is a kit. I read a lot about Malossi and such brands on here. I'm sure somebody will know more than me and can point you in the right direction or give a link with different choices. It just surprised me because I thought I saw a post somewhere around here that you got your scoot about the same time I got mine. Maybe even same day. I should feel lucky that mine was at least already derestricted for me. Although, from the pics I've seen it seemed to be easier to do than changing out rollers and such. Congrats on your new scoot, Conley! How's it running? 

Agility 50 / Re: Somebody is Smiling :) :) :)
« on: September 10, 2010, 04:43:38 PM »
Thanks, sid. That's good to know. Maybe it's a good thing I'm stuck down in the bottom here at first.  :) Best to learn some of these things before I go out on the road.

The only things I remember the fella up the street telling me was not to constantly be looking at the speedometer or gauges in traffic in case you hit a bump then try to over steer or something. And I think he said something about not always trying to look behind to see what everybody else is doing. Like if somebody is gonna pass, just let 'em and keep looking straight ahead. It reminded of learning to drive a car as a youngster, I was told to flip that rear view mirror up and not even worry about it or the people behind me at first.

All tips are appreciated. Ya never know what situation you might find yourself in and I might just remember the right thing at the right time when the unexpected happens.

Agility 50 / Re: Transporting the Agility 50
« on: September 10, 2010, 04:05:56 PM »
It is a shame, but once I do it...Look Out! First time I succeed they will probably hear me whoopin' and hollerin' all the way down in the bottom and across the creek on the other side of the hollow. hahaha

We gots a small hill down here. Yesterday I practiced just coasting down it and hitting the brakes to get an idea what would happen coming down a larger hill. Seems the front brakes jerk much more than the back ones do. Both of them together seemed less jerky. I'm not sure, but I think the front ones seem to slow it down faster. May need both coming down that grade.

Agility 50 / Re: Somebody is Smiling :) :) :)
« on: September 10, 2010, 03:56:11 PM » I see what you mean. No worries, axy, ain't nobody gettin' near my scoot uninvited right now. And if'n they try I might have to break bad and attempt to hurt them. LOL.

I tried googling Disco Platforms in the Shopping section, sid, but only got a bunch of pics with really high heels. I doubt I'd be good with heels. Maybe I'll try google's images later this evening. Yesterday I put my sneaks down in some oil where cars park along the side of the road when I stopped to talk to someone and I regretted it. Was slicker than I don't know what. Kept scraping my shoe on the pavement to try and get it off. lol. May want to look at something with slip resistance like restaurant or construction workers wear as well as a taller sole.

Agility 50 / Re: The numbers on the Carb, where are they?
« on: September 10, 2010, 04:55:34 AM »
Thanks, art. The only thing I see on that side is one of those little star or asterisk type symbols with little numbers around the outside and something in the center. Not sure if that is helpful. If that is the number(s) I will need a magnifier for sure because they are small. On the other side (the one away from your arrow) I see a long string of numbers that looks like 114003744 and it may have some other numbers in front of the 1, It's obstructed from my view. Now, down inside the helmet box there is a sticker with some part numbers on them for about 11 parts or so. But the diagram is lousy or I am tired. It makes no sense. lol.

I snapped a pic of it. But I can't read anything in the pic. I may have to try again in the daytime with better light. I'll post the pic anyway. Maybe someone else has the same sticker inside their helmet box and can tell which number is for the carb. The shots are wearing off here and the dentist's torture of excavating and digging to prep for the root canal is setting in here. I'll look again tomorrow.

Okay, here's a better pic. Hope it's large enough to see. If I can identify what parts the numbers 1- 12 correspond with the problem might be easily solved.

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: Rianna's New Furniture! lol
« on: September 10, 2010, 03:49:48 AM »
Thanks all for the confidence boost. Ill get there. I'm afraid that I will get about halfway up where there's no more driveways or anything on the sides and a car will turn down the hill. I might freak out and try to pull over and really there's no where to go. It's narrow at the top. A little brick wall on one side and trees and big rocks on the other. The two other hills really aren't much better. So I'm gonna do this one that's beside my house as soon as I get up the nerve. When a snow storm is coming there are no cars on this street. Everyone parks up at the college and walks down because the snow plows don't come here. I've seen many a car try to take that hill and get about half way and start sliding on ice and end up back at the bottom again. Newcomers to the neighborhood only try it once. Lol.

Funny thing. The lady that drives the garbage collection truck can't make that sharp turn to go up without hitting that there pole. My big old van I had was longer so I don't know why she couldn't do it. That poor pole might fall over one day. She complained and complained until the city put up signs that say we are not allowed to park in front of our own houses on the morning of collection day. Guess she thought we would all park down in the woods by the creek or something. But that didn't happen. She would stop on that hill and make the fellas get out and bring the trash to the truck and then back up the hill.

Agility 50 / Re: Somebody is Smiling :) :) :)
« on: September 10, 2010, 03:26:46 AM »
That's right. Had my first taste of fun, now I'm determined.

Ha! Nah, no wheelies yet. Worked mostly with curves and turns and speed today. Can't go but so fast down here. It's not posted but everyone (but me,  ;D) drives only one way. Lots of blind curves and such. I put on about 7 miles, but just up and down on my one lane street. Will be easier tomorrow in the daytime, when everybody is at work and no traffic. I think I talked to someone from each of the 8 or 9 houses on my street today. It must be an attention getter.

It's taking me some time to get used to it because I feel like I'm too short for it. I'm (almost) 5'4". That's not extremely short, but my feet won't sit flat on the ground. One or the other could if I lean the bike, but not both at the same time. Slightly more than toes touching. I'll never get the benefit from that neat little backrest. lol. I have to sit way up at the front of the seat, so when I stop I will be able to lean the scoot one way or the other a little around my leg to set a foot flat on the ground. I don't know if I explained that right. It's like my knees are almost directly under the handle bars. Not real comfy. I feel like if I had one or two more inches on the bottom of my shoe it would be much more comfortable and easier for me. I wonder if there are shoes or even boots like that, where the whole bottom sole is bigger, not just a heel. There should be some kind of easy solution.

Near one end of our street, there's a nice little house for sale with a small horseshoe type driveway, it's kind of on a hill. (It's all hills down here, lol.) First time I pulled in there and came up the hill and pulled out the other side and turned right into the street without slowing to a stop or putting my foot down I was like, Whoa, did I do that? This is too cool.  ;D

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: Rianna's New Furniture! lol
« on: September 10, 2010, 01:37:37 AM »
Lol. She's all bark and no bite. Weighs about 9 lbs. I've seen her scare some pretty big men, though.

Yours has a trunk and some nice tires, blue. I like it. I'm jealous. hehehee

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: Rianna's New Furniture! lol
« on: September 10, 2010, 01:27:58 AM »
Just for fun...See the Taco Bell dog.

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: Rianna's New Furniture! lol
« on: September 10, 2010, 01:27:11 AM »
My obstacle - The big hill! It doesn't look so big in the picture. You can see the Telephone pole/Light pole on the top side of the street you turn on to it from on the left side of the pic. There are cars parked on the bottom side of that street and a guard rail right behind where I'm standing with reflectors on it so cars know to slow down at night and don't go over the cliff into my neighbor's living room. A taxicab almost did that before they put the guard rail up. Not much room for a running start. lol. The street dead ends just past the edge of the photo on the right side. At the top of the hill you can see the very top of a big two story house. If I can make it up there and turn right I will have plenty of room to practice in the college parking lot. My goal is to conquer that hill before I run out of toilet paper in the house and have to go to the store.  :D

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: Rianna's New Furniture! lol
« on: September 10, 2010, 01:15:48 AM »
Odometer and the piece that is missing. I need to figure out what to put there to cover that gap with so dirt and such does not go down in there. hmmm

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: Rianna's New Furniture! lol
« on: September 10, 2010, 01:13:30 AM »
Front and back views.

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