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Messages - Syl

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Downtown 300 / Re: Riding at Night & or With Passenger
« on: February 28, 2012, 11:57:15 PM »
Personally, Oil, Water and Gas come from the earth which really belongs to everyone. Yes it's realized that companies that prospect for it should make money on getting it out to all but it should stay more reasonable for all to be able to afford it. Prices are set taking advantage of the worlds population being we all need these natural resources and they can manipulate the profit they make. I can well imagine the high profits they bring in even though they tell us all is regulated by PUC etc. I don't believe it for a moment.

Downtown 300 / Re: 39-41 Degrees Out With My 300i
« on: February 28, 2012, 08:56:30 AM »
This unpredictable weather...... a couple days were 45-50 degrees with the sun in and out and not feeling too bad thinking to scoot to work 4-4:30 the sun goes totally hidden the wind picks up (cold) and it just don't feel as comfortable as the 39-41 degree day with no wind and the sun out all day with clear sky. Tried it once with the chancy sun and that was the last time until Spring/Summer. I envy the warm weather bike states!

Downtown 300 / Re: Riding at Night & or With Passenger
« on: February 28, 2012, 08:45:04 AM »
Well I do have a new Hi-Viz color T-Shirt that reads, "CAN YOU SEE ME NOW". Well, I guess I have that to look forward to, a passenger. I believe this summer will be a big influx of 2 wheel scooters etc. with this gas price going through the roof.

Downtown 300 / Re: Well just got a new DT 300i
« on: February 27, 2012, 11:19:48 PM »
Not quite sure what you mean by "leaning back some"? Are you saying to actually feel your hands/arms pulling back on the handle bars? I have never concentrated on doing such but of course I will try it. Sounds like one has to stiffen up his arms to do that. I need much attention on the feathering the throttle for corners as I mentioned elsewhere.

Downtown 300 / Re: Riding at Night & or With Passenger
« on: February 27, 2012, 11:12:55 PM »
Thanks for the input and I know driving at night is not like driving during daylight but using lights!! I have great peripheral vision, but can't use that with mere scooter lights unless replaced from it said on here. Yes, deer is a always concern day and night in Pa. can't reduce speed much or get run over from behind. Ok, I weigh 245 and with the said limit, best I watch the passenger weight. I have not rode a passenger as yet. Another question would be, with a large Givi box with the back rest cushion it a good reason not to have the passenger depend on leaning back on it? These all may be dumb questions but this stuff will all be new to me. Years ago I was on a large Harley when the front tire blew out at 70 mph...don't even want to recall and tell what happened. Just purchased another Fulmer Helmet 9B AF-9Bishade and if anyone else does so due to a broken hinge system...don't for that reason only. I found I could have ordered just a replaceable hinge system. OH well, at least I now have an extra when and if I take on a passenger!

Downtown 300 / Re: 39-41 Degrees Out With My 300i
« on: February 27, 2012, 09:17:34 AM »
I used a balaclava (if that's what it's called)! the other day to clear snow while it being a very cold, snowy, windy day and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Glad you brought that up so now I will attempt to use it on the scooter even though I thought restricting my breathing would be bad. I still have my Military Fatigue Jacket w/liner and winter shooters gloves and the cold was not a factor, age was though! Thanks!

Downtown 300 / Riding at Night & or With Passenger
« on: February 27, 2012, 09:10:25 AM »
I honestly feel that I may a bit chicken yet to tackle either one of these yet! I never gave it much thought but does this make me a beginner scooter enthusiast yet? I've had my 200 and now the 300 for approx. 1 1/2 yrs or so and had taken the PA Motorcycle Safety Course (which) I enjoyed and learned from). The instructors were very good with people and they knew their stuff. I would recommend new scooters to take such a course. What is it like riding the 300i at night and/or having a passenger? I weigh 245, should I still run a passenger? Where do most of you keep your spring adjustment? Thanks

Downtown 300 / Much Difference in the 2012 vs 2011?
« on: February 27, 2012, 09:00:56 AM »
I'm the type of person that attempts to look at upgrades and if there are, wish there was a way to move up! Of course I am not rich but an average scooter person and have to save or finance what I want. I need someone to tell me that I should be happy with what I have being there isn't much change to be worried about anything new! Further, is there anyone who just went from a 2011 to a 2012? If it wasn't such a large money difference in upgrading things, I would do so....saving or...!

Downtown 300 / Re: Well just got a new DT 300i
« on: February 27, 2012, 08:52:56 AM »
I'm 6' 1", 245 lbs, 10 1/2 shoes/boots and broad shoulders! I didn't feel comfortable at first with my new 300i but people on here told me I would get used to it...which I have. The only part that bothers me still is the slant of the short driver back rest. I never feel back far enough but feel I would be more comfortable if that part was vertical. In all, I am pleased with this unit other than what I just mentioned and the defined engine idle going down under 11 mph or so while cornering. Good luck with your new purchase, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Am Thinking Spring!

Downtown 300 / Re: 39-41 Degrees Out With My 300i
« on: February 23, 2012, 09:04:31 AM »
fshfindr....thanks for that name! when I was young and in shape, I swam, and did some scuba diving and bragging a bit, used to be able to hold my breath...timed at 3 minutes 14 seconds. At my older age today!....I never try to hold my breath for time being I don't think I want to try for even a minute! Anyway, full face mask or my new word "balaclava", either give me a blocked breathing feeling. Probably could try breathing through my nose only but through all the sports and all sorts of bumps, that's not easy. Maybe I should carry my tanks for breathing! Really I stopped diving years ago and had my experiences. I guess I have to keep hoping for half decent weather like at least 40 degrees with clear sky and sun!

Downtown 300 / Re: Enough talking about it, time to do something!
« on: February 22, 2012, 09:12:01 AM »
zombie....thank you for that information..even though that is over my head, I will look into it more being this subject is the only thing that bothers me about my scooter. I have to think this would be a service call with a good mechanic. Would it have any affect on warranty? If this is a way to solve this issue...I would be grateful for that. A big problem I have with this condition is going around a corner, I have to always try to get to a good coasting speed and let off going around it or in attempting to throttle any makes it a bit chancy in order not to jump it around and maybe out of control.

Downtown 300 / Re: Be Safe Be Seen
« on: February 22, 2012, 08:57:24 AM »
In Magazines, newspapers, photographs in general, red is the best first noticed color. We are are taught red to stop most of our lives and the once orange caution at lights and workers, is now the new Hi Viz color to train on. Absolutely correct about seen but not really....this is definitely scary. All good advise and thoughts read here and the thought is to pre-read what others are about to do. It is surely getting worse out there with the drugs, cell phones etc behind the wheel along with the driver. I merely feel that every little bit MAY help in one way or another. Truthfully, when I get out on the road I am deeply concerned about the other drivers and their next move. I love to play chess and try to make riding my scooter a think ahead move also....Good Luck to all of us who can't hurt anyone much out there but they can surely hurt us.

Downtown 300 / Re: 39-41 Degrees Out With My 300i
« on: February 21, 2012, 10:26:25 PM »
For some reason, a full helmet restricts my breathing to a point besides everything fogging up. I have the Fulmer helmet with the double shield visors, tinted and clear which the clear covers 3/4 of my face. Further, I ordered another same thing for any riders I may have. I also put on the quick release strap.

Downtown 300 / Re: Be Safe Be Seen
« on: February 21, 2012, 10:22:40 PM »
boo...good thought, we can't ever have enough visual on the scooters or our body. To each his own of course but when I see many bikers with all black, I wonder how safe are they? I have a silver helmet with bright stickers on it and extra reflective tape on the Givi box behind me. my gloves are the new bright color and my jacket is black and white with the colored vest over top. No, I don't feel I'm over doing it and even had good reports from many people that it's wise to do so....good luck, do your thing no matter what you may think others would think.

Downtown 300 / Re: Enough talking about it, time to do something!
« on: February 21, 2012, 09:06:49 AM »
Cortez, appreciated all your input on the 300i, thanks. I have one point/question I believe I asked much earlier while on this Forum. Try to give an example here: Coming to a stop sign or light, letting off the throttle and basically trying to coast up but than finding I need a bit more throttle to the stop, I attempt to throttle as easy as I can but no matter what, I get that jump of the bike to throttle up a bit. It almost feels like there is no engine idle during that coasting and than the throttle up a bit....makes the jumping to speed up just a hair. Tried to explain that to the best of my layman knowledge! I rely more on the knowledge on here than I do from the area I live being I haven't run into any other 300i owners close to me.

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