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Messages - bleys

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Xciting 250 / Re: Trying to make sure I'm not getting ripped off
« on: July 09, 2012, 09:54:50 PM »
My manual is for the 2009 scooters, so they may have adjusted the intervals...sorry, I should have specified the year the manual covered.

Xciting 250 / Re: Trying to make sure I'm not getting ripped off
« on: July 07, 2012, 03:14:21 PM »
For all those with the XC250, valve clearance adjustment (according to the manual) is at 200 miles, then again at 1800 miles.  After that, the manual recommends valve clearance adjustment every 2400 miles.  My mechanic is an independent, but used to work at a Kymco dealership and stated that after the 1800 mile adjustment, once a year should be enough.  I've only 860 miles on my 250 at this point, but noticed a definite difference following the 200 mile adjustment.

For the 500s, the manual suggests inspection and adjustment if needed at 16,000 miles and every 16,000 after that....guess bigger tolerances for bigger valves?

Hope this helps.

Xciting 250 / Re: Trying to make sure I'm not getting ripped off
« on: July 07, 2012, 01:30:02 AM »
$94 dollars for the entire job, or $94 dollars an hour?  I had all fluids changed, valve clearance adjusted, and general check over of my XC250 in May.  The total time was 3.5 hours, mostly due to removing the body panels.  My mechanic charges $60 an hour, so total cost came to about $235 with taxes and fluids cost.  By the way, I checked with 3 other places that work on scooters and the price of all was within about a $15 dollar range of what I paid.

General Discussion / Re: It's Friggen HOT!
« on: July 02, 2012, 10:31:56 PM »
Hot and humid in RI too though we didn't quite make a 100 -only 98 with a heat index of 109, thanks to 89% humidity.  I actually like the heat - grew up in it, but the humidity can be nasty.  Still, I ordered a mesh jacket - not due to arrive until tomorrow - would have liked to have it this last weekend - the leather is too hot, even with the vents open.

By the way, I haven't had an air conditioner in my home for 5 years and don't really miss it.  Of course I don't have any guests all summer either :)

General Discussion / Re: helmet law
« on: July 02, 2012, 10:21:04 PM »
Very sorry to hear about your friend, Axy.

General Discussion / Re: When passing a truck don't delay or linger.
« on: July 02, 2012, 10:18:38 PM »
Yeah, trucks are nasty.  I was going through some "S" curves today at about 60mph with a truck next to me.  Between the shift of the wind around the curve and the suction created by the truck, I started being pulled into the truck.  Nothing to do but lean down further and hit the throttle - one of those examples of knowing when it is better to accelerate - if I had slowed down, it would have made the situation worse.  Still no fun having that sinking feeling in your stomach for a second. 

Xciting 250 / Re: Windshield options
« on: June 29, 2012, 10:49:35 PM »
Congratulations on your purchase.  The XC250 is a fun bike.  As for windshield options, I know that GIVI makes a windshield that several others have used, but I think they had to slightly modify it.  I suggest that you check older posts in this forum area and also check the XC500 part of the forum for ideas.  Good luck.

Those were very funny...more please.

General Discussion / Re: Astrology
« on: June 29, 2012, 10:41:44 PM »
I would say I'm ignoring you... but I just replied.  Okay I'm ignoring you now....Okay now....damn this doesn't work  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Scooter manners
« on: June 29, 2012, 10:37:34 PM »
I think you did great. I would want someone to stop and ask if I needed help.  Great job.

General Discussion / Re: My Hi Def helmet cam this morning.
« on: June 28, 2012, 11:44:44 PM »
Nice.....impressive width of angle and clarity.

General Discussion / Re: Astrology
« on: June 28, 2012, 11:40:54 PM »
Okay, last response and a short one.  08, of course the study of tides is a science.  The implication you were making was that any thing that affected large bodies of water would also affect our bodies.  As for the 1g while driving your Cobra, you may feel it, but it does not have a physiological effect on your body.  I also would not use Jung or Hippocrates as arguments to support Astrology.  Jung was a well know fan of mysticism and Hippocrates believed that the world was flat and held up by a giant turtle.  He also believed in a mutli-god religion that used Astrology to predict the future.  Finally, yes various police departments have resorted to Astrology to help them profile criminals.  They do so to gain insight into what the criminal may believe or be motivated by - the Zodiac killer in L.A. being a perfect example of this.  They also have been known to use psychics - don't believe in them either.  If I was psychic, I would play the lottery and retire.

One final note.  It is very easy to misinterpret the written word as there are no verbal cues or expressions to help decide nuances of meaning.  I had thought you wanted opinions.  If  giving an opinion on a subject that disagrees with yours,  makes me a moron, than I hope I am missing some nuance in your message.  I personally don't get upset with what people want to believe and would defend your right to believe it.  However if you don't want me to challenge those beliefs, don't invite me to comment on them.  I only offer my opinion if invited to do so.  When you post a question, you are inviting comment from all members of the forum.  And for the record, I really recommend refraining from name-calling, it does nothing to help your argument.

I ride a p250, and I love it because of the larger size wheels. I ride long distances and needed something that could deal with the speed. I ride 30 miles one way to work and 80 miles one was to school. I have other cars ( and Audi s4 and a Nissan Truck) but riding is just way more fun. It feels like traveling not just going some place. I am prepping my scoot for a ride of 3200 miles round trip later this summer and can think of no other way I would want to see the Rocky Mountains than on my Scoot.

Sounds like a great trip.  I hope you share some pics of the journey.  Scoot safely and have fun.


General Discussion / Re: Astrology
« on: June 28, 2012, 12:43:21 AM »
Don't know where you get your info 08.  There is no science in your response of the tides.  Your comments are based on old wive's tales.  Just because our bodies contain water, doesn't mean we have tidal effects.  Thankfully we don't as that would likely result in severe physical distress.  As someone who has worked in the field of psychology for 28 years, I can definitively tell you that the tidal pull of the moon has no effect on human emotions or thinking.  Forget for a moment the fact that our bodies are self-regulatory systems that require at least 2 g's before we start to notice any effect (many times the g-force effect exerted by the moon - which technically is a moon not a planet), but there have been actual studies done to show that the moon does not make people crazy or dangerous.  These studies examined admissions to hospitals and ERs.  They also looked at the frequency of crimes , violence, and accidents.  Guess what.....absolutely no correlation to the tides and the gravitational effect of the moon or even to the phases of the moon.

As for astrology in general, about the only argument for it affecting people would be if someone was so convinced that astrology was real that they put themselves in a semi-delusional state, causing them to change their behaviors based on their beliefs.  Show me data or even a semi-plausible theory using actual physics to explain how the placement of planets on the date of your birth continues to affect you throughout your life, and I will consider it.

General Discussion / Re: Safety gear
« on: June 28, 2012, 12:27:45 AM »
I always wear 3/4 helmet ( I am actively looking for a modular helmet for the fall/winter).  I also always wear an armored jacket - mesh for the hot days and a leather/textile one for spring/fall/winter.  I also always wear padded gloves and boots.  I also always wear pants, preferably jeans.  I should probably look into something with knee and hip protection, but haven't done so.  I just don't trust the cagers around here. 

I used to ride dirt bikes many years ago - and that taught me that at some point you are going down - and I am not into pain. 

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