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Messages - bleys

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16] 17
General Discussion / Re: Interesting UK motorcycle safety video.
« on: May 29, 2012, 11:17:31 PM »
Very nice...I love creative video.  Wish they would show that in the states.

General Discussion / Re: Memorial Day
« on: May 28, 2012, 09:54:03 PM »
Thanks, Wordslinger...right back at you for a safe and relaxing Memorial Day and if any of the forum members are veterans....Thank you very are appreciated.

General Discussion / Re: Scooter Clubs in Eastern Conn or R.I.
« on: May 28, 2012, 09:52:04 PM »
Hey, Rogerd1944....I take it you are in Eastern Conn?  I'm in NE RI...really not that far and have been looking for someone to ride with.  I also just ran into the ex-leader of the now defunct Death Or Glory Scooter Club and he was also looking for people to ride with.  If interested, I can send my number...maybe we can get something started?

General Discussion / Triumph Motorcycles
« on: May 27, 2012, 01:39:29 PM »
Okay, so I had some time to kill 3 day weekends.   I went to the Triumph dealership - only a few blocks from my house.  It was a nice gathering of friendly souls.  I even ran into a guy riding a 1960 Lambretta.  Anyway, I was looking at the Triumph American and Speedster.  They are nice looking bikes...took the speedster for a quick test drive.  I would never give up my Xc 250Ri, but maybe there is room in the garage for another bike?..I'm just saying  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Why buy 50cc?..
« on: May 21, 2012, 10:42:09 PM »
50cc scooters definitely have their place...they are fun, inexpensive, and if you are looking for a fun short commute, they fit the bill fine.  However going faster than 30-35 will likely cause you to drive WOT all the time which can (and probably will impact engine life).  If you are looking for a faster scooter, then look at a larger cc will be happier in the long run as you will have less limits on where you can go and what you can do.  Also I highly recommend a motorcycle class and getting your license.  You can never learn to be too safe, and having the license is so worth will have a wide variety of scooters and motorcycles to choose from.  A 50cc scooter is not safer than a bigger scooter or a motorcycle...only slower.  Good luck and I hope you find the ride of your dreams.

General Discussion / Re: Close call today
« on: May 19, 2012, 01:57:47 PM »
Thanks for the welcome Vivo.....and very funny Blue....if I told my wife that, I would need my helmet and armor at home too.

General Discussion / Re: Close call today
« on: May 19, 2012, 03:19:04 AM » guys are a riot.  I had no intention of bad mouthing cows (not trying to be punny here) or of setting you guys up for a letter to Penthouse.  I am glad that I do keep an eye on my mirrors though.  Someone on a scooter or motorcycle gets rear-ended around here 3-4 times a week it seems.  Rhode Island is notorious for bad drivers, and if your head ain't on a swivel - you shouldn't be on two wheels, because a cager will take you out...and my wife wonders why I don't go anywhere without my armor.

General Discussion / Close call today
« on: May 17, 2012, 11:00:38 PM »
So, driving to work this morning and I notice this young 20-something girl following too close, chomping on gum like a cow chewing cud and watching everything but the road.  I keep a watch as she continues to creep closer and so I flash the brakes to warn her she is getting too close.  Then I'm approaching a traffic light which changes.  I know I'll never clear the intersection before it goes red, so I hit my brakes.  I watch miss gum chomper not see me until too late and then slam on her brakes in a panic.  I hit my throttle and go partway into the intersection and manage to just avoid getting hit - literally by the width of my hand.  Miss gum chomper then proceeds to start yelling at me.  I let her go all hysterical for a couple of minutes, then said calmly..."don't you think you were following a little too close?" and take off.  She follows in her car for a few blocks and then turns off blaring her horn at me.  I gave her the bird at that point.  Here's the kicker -  several co-workers saw the whole thing (it was close to work) and one had called the police and given them her license plate.  They plan to follow up with a report, which means she will get a summons to appear in court.  Really made my day - once I changed my underwear.

General Discussion / Re: nimble adiction
« on: May 14, 2012, 10:25:44 PM »
It's going to depend on the 250cc scooter - they are not all created equal.  I do a lot of city driving and like my Xciting 250.  Yes it may not be as nimble as a 220 lb 150cc - it weighs over 400 lbs, but it is still more than maneuverable enough in traffic.  Plus, since it is built to the same specs as the Xciting 500cc, it stops on a dime - very important in the traffic I commute in.  Also I like the added versatility of being able to take it on the highways for 50+ mile trips to Cape Cod or Newport.

General Discussion / Re: Not looking to start a riot
« on: May 13, 2012, 01:23:02 PM »
I agree with gregspeople250.  Well said and to the point...nothing more needs to be added.

Xciting 250 / Re: 1st oil change
« on: May 05, 2012, 12:19:48 PM »
93 octane or higher is no problem here.  The issue in sunny (ahem) New England is the freaking rain.  I might be able to ride tomorrow, and maybe Monday, but it is still raining today - 5th day in a row.  Oh well, Autumn will be nice.  By the way, 1st service is done and picking up the scooter today.  The mechanic said that pulling the body panels off took a lot of time and the valves were tight.  I will find out more when I pick it up, but looks like the bill will be around $250...seems a little steep for a first service, but I do plan to keep this scooter for a while.

Xciting 250 / Re: 1st oil change
« on: May 02, 2012, 10:37:10 PM »
Thanks for the feedback.  I decided to go ahead and change it...felt like I didn't want to leave the original break in oil in anyway.  I was going to do it myself, but decided to try a local scooter mechanic.  When I dropped it off, the shop was busy, but the owner still spent 10 minutes admiring my scooter and making sure he knew what I needed done.  Best part, is he will have it back to me by Saturday, which is the only day it's not raining out of the next 4. 

Xciting 250 / 1st oil change
« on: May 01, 2012, 10:49:19 PM »
So, I'm at 200 miles with my new Xciting.  The owner's manual states to change the oil and transmission fluid at 200 miles and to check the valve adjustment.  Really, at 200 miles...I know it's a small aluminum engine, but this seems a tad early...I would have thought more like 500 miles or is my thinking skewed by past experience with bigger motorcycle engines?  Any feedback would be appreciated.  Thanks.


General Discussion / Re: Safety Class Question
« on: May 01, 2012, 10:35:22 PM »
You are right, Wolf...where you look is where you go...truer words were never spoken.  I learned that early on, when I looked at a curb going around a corner.....guess what I hit...I have never repeated that mistake  :-[

General Discussion / Re: Safety Class Question
« on: April 30, 2012, 09:57:02 PM »
Congratulations on passing the test.  Keep in mind what they teach and remember - ATGATT - All the Gear, All the Time.

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