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Messages - matthew_addison

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Agility 50 / Re: agility 50 problems :(
« on: October 14, 2012, 09:30:22 AM »
I went way to fast round a corner on a wet greasy road with a lot of road camber and just slid off :(

Agility 50 / Re: agility 50 problems :(
« on: October 13, 2012, 10:31:15 AM »
When I fell off I snapped it in half along with the Kickstart case at 10mph!

Agility 50 / Re: agility 50 problems :(
« on: October 12, 2012, 07:34:44 PM »
I hope I don't have to do another rebuild I've had it all fully apart before to nothing when replacing crank case really don't want to do anything like that again was a twat, gonna put new jet abs clip on the hose if it works without dieing then its time to get rid :P no longer my problem haha ;)

Agility 50 / Re: agility 50 problems :(
« on: October 10, 2012, 05:43:03 PM »
In the 2 years I've had it there's never been a clip :-\ yeah I'm gonna get them found and bought see if it sorts it if not then I don't know what!

Agility 50 / Re: agility 50 problems :(
« on: October 10, 2012, 06:07:00 AM »
Everything is standard its even still got the original rollers in :O and its at 12700km hmm maybe time for some new ones, I will be ordering a 82 jet and find a jubilee clip from somewhere for the air filter hose and hopefully that will sort it, could it be the valves? As they get warm they expand too much and kill the engine? Just guessing but it could be a possibility

Agility 50 / Re: agility 50 problems :(
« on: October 09, 2012, 07:40:45 PM »
A plug chop ??? I have replaced it recently the old one looked quite black and around the washer seemed to be oil so it could be burning oil, my mate has noticed a bit of smoke when riding behind me I hope its not the piston rings I really don't fancy stripping engine again :/ I guess it could be the ht lead? But it has no signs of wear  :-\

Agility 50 / Re: agility 50 problems :(
« on: October 09, 2012, 06:46:08 PM »
Ahh maybe that's it did take a good 5 mins for the bowl to fill enough to start it so it must be an undersized jet, surprised that its only recently stopped working and not straight away

Agility 50 / Re: agility 50 problems :(
« on: October 09, 2012, 06:39:23 PM »
I wish it was simple as a blocked pipe I've had the fuel pipes air pipes filter and carb apart and cleaned out the full lot whilst getting high on white spirit but done a good job of it nonetheless, and plenty of petrol, I hope its nothing electrical that will be a twat to find :/ doesn't seem to be overheating although it has smelt of a sort of melting/ burning rubber smell but it has always done it so maybe this could be something? But when it has been running I never seem to be able to tell where it is coming from???

Agility 50 / Re: agility 50 problems :(
« on: October 09, 2012, 04:29:49 PM »
Its dead again argh took it for a ride was working for 15mins then that was it can't seem to get it going :( it seemed to be fine before as its had that carb in since Jan

Agility 50 / Re: agility 50 problems :(
« on: October 09, 2012, 01:13:17 PM »
Right so I've stripped the carb cleaned it all with white spirit soaked the jets in it for about 10mins there was a tiny bit of dirt barely any from the carb, also cleaned air filter box and air filter, 20 kicks later we have life :) but it seems to be still almost dieing when I touch the throttle not been for a ride yet will do later, the jet is a 79 I guess that's the right one? If this hasn't sorted it I'm unplugging the choke and will see if that's the culprit.

Agility 50 / Re: dead
« on: October 09, 2012, 01:04:22 PM »
I managed to snap the entire case in half found another from a brokers £60 delivered, only down side is you will need to rebuild the entire engine as kymcos amazing design means the 2 pins that hold the case on run to the top of the engine where the valves are! I didn't need and specialist tools just a new gasket set and a lot of spare time :) the chain runs from the top to the bottom of engine just make sure you get it back on the teeth properly :)

Agility 50 / Re: agility 50 problems :(
« on: October 03, 2012, 06:46:18 PM »
So a tyre compressor with a football needle would work just the same then? already got one kicking around saves spending more money :) and then clear hoses and fuel filter with white spirit.

Agility 50 / Re: agility 50 problems :(
« on: October 03, 2012, 05:22:01 PM »
Just can't find a damn can of compressed air I guess I will have to strip the carb fully and clean it with white spirit a job for the weekend I think

Agility 50 / Re: agility 50 problems :(
« on: October 03, 2012, 05:59:45 AM »
Okay thanks guys I shall have a go at that on the weekend :) oh yeah there are so many parts to the carb as I know from before just gotta be super careful.

Agility 50 / Re: agility 50 problems :(
« on: October 02, 2012, 10:37:00 PM »
Stupid question I know but what do I use to clean all air filter carb etc? A can of compressed air? Or just a damp lint free cloth?

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