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Messages - Neil955i

Pages: 1 ... 277 278 [279] 280 281 ... 286
General Discussion / Re: I love living and riding in the Southeast USA
« on: December 10, 2019, 11:33:01 AM »
It was 41 here yesterday K, but sunny for the first time in 10 days so I took it as a sign and got the XT300 out for a quick spin.  However, no heated grips or gloves and me foolishly still using my summer weight Dainese gloves meant I returned home with blue fingers!  Notwithstanding that it was great to get out on 2 wheels again after the enforced break.  If we only had the sort of weather you get, I'd be out most days.  Roll on Spring.

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: Piaggio Liberty 125 in Vietnam - video
« on: December 09, 2019, 03:03:45 PM »
Looks very pretty Stig... and the Piaggio's not bad either!   ;D

Technical | How To / Re: coolent leak my 2019 XTown 300i ABS
« on: December 09, 2019, 02:59:06 PM »
"I hate walking"  ;D

And so say all of us!

General Discussion / Re: I love living and riding in the Southeast USA
« on: December 09, 2019, 12:17:46 PM »
Some beautiful photographs in this thread.  Thanks to ALL the contributors.

Technical | How To / Re: coolent leak my 2019 XTown 300i ABS
« on: December 09, 2019, 08:54:04 AM »
Interesting John. As a 2019 XT is it not under warranty? Or do you just prefer to trust your own spannering with your pride & joy?

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General Discussion / Re: Beware of Chapparal Motorsports!
« on: December 09, 2019, 08:39:13 AM »
After riding for over 60 years, I've concluded that 20 year old tires are made a lot better than 60 year old tires.  I have no problem riding on 20 year old tires.  I'm thinking the tire date thing is just another marketing gimmick.
To an extent JJ, but old rubber can tend to harden and crack, my rule of thumb with bike & scooter tyres is “if in doubt, sling ‘em out”! 

I’ll tolerate more on a car’s rubber, but then maybe that’s just risk compensation factor at play?

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General Discussion / Re: the Red Green ambient temp sensor
« on: December 09, 2019, 08:33:02 AM »
Barking mad Stig, but huge respect!

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General Discussion / Re: Getting your knee down
« on: December 08, 2019, 05:14:54 PM »
One time I was following an open class sportbike through Deal's Gap.  The rider was pushing pretty hard and it looked like he dragged his knee a few times. 

My 2000 XT350:

That puts me in mind of something that happened to me a couple of years after returning to biking back in the '80's.  I was following a mate of mine on his 851 Duke through some twisties on, I think, a GPz900R and admiring how far over he was leaning it.  I then thought to myself, hang on a minute, if I'm keeping up then I must be....

Happy days.

General Discussion / Re: Getting your knee down
« on: December 08, 2019, 03:32:00 PM »
Guess I was lucky Stig. Three or four circuits within an hour of here (including Donington Park) which run track days! 

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General Discussion / Getting your knee down
« on: December 07, 2019, 03:01:36 PM »
Read this on a Triumph forum I belong to. It’s a comment about the joys of getting your knee down on a sports bike; I could’ve written it myself! [emoji23]:

That's a shame it's such a great feeling, which is why I miss it. Even the sound it makes is cool (dunno how to type it out - get something hard and nylon and run it over some tarmac, like the back of a plastic broom  :001:). The annoying thing is I got to the stage where it honestly felt easy under the right conditions, and now I've no idea now how I ever managed it at all. It's like it was in a different lifetime! The last time I tried on my Street I had absolutely no idea how far away I was. Really weird. On the plus side, I don't fit in my leathers now so it's not really an option I have to worry about any more, lol. Lots of things like that in life now and I'm not even that old!! I'm waiting for the day I can't tie my shoe laces and have to buy slip-ons!

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General Discussion / Re: Beware of Chapparal Motorsports!
« on: December 07, 2019, 02:37:32 PM »
Isn't that an important function of a forum?

IMO, yes!

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Roadcraft / Re: Riding a scooter is fun
« on: December 07, 2019, 02:35:13 PM »
Bigger OD, longer wheelbase = easy rider!
Although the wheels& tyres are only marginally bigger (2”) on my XT300 compared to my PCX, for my money the handling on the XT is much better out of the crate!

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Roadcraft / Re: Riding a scooter is fun
« on: December 06, 2019, 07:47:45 PM »
You’re right Stig, a good trade off between form and function. The small wheels may look good and be manouverable, but they don’t perform anywhere near as well all round as the larger ones.

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General Discussion / Re: Windshields
« on: December 04, 2019, 11:12:12 AM »
My FIL taught me a trick a few decades ago. Saturate a bath towel with water and lay it over the windshield. Leave it alone for 15-20 minutes and it will do all the work for you. Almost no elbow grease needed, and no scratches. Still do it occasionally.
Sound like a cheap and effective approach OC and one I have used myself in the past.  I guess my issue is impatience, so I'm going to have to learn to swaddle the screen then wash the rest of the scooter before I return to the screen as the last job?!

Добрый день, извиняюсь если ошибся веткой, у меня на компе открытие сайта происходит с ошибкой наверное у меня программа глючит не пойму в чем проблема, у всех так или нет?
Если Google переводчик работает нормально, то не нужно извиняться, я просто опубликовал это в надежде получить совет. Приятно видеть, что мы достигаем России сейчас! У вас есть Kymco? Если да, то как езда в России?

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