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Downtown 300 / Re: My First Ride on the 300! wooooooo!
« on: February 13, 2011, 10:42:51 PM »
Thanks MaryK I have some things to think about now. I have a Colorado truck (short bed) but getting the 300 upon it would be quite a challenge. Sounds like you have a great deal through AARP. So what company than are you with through AARP? I would be able to haul it on this truck but even with ramps, you would need several people helping get it up. Would be advantagous to have a wench at the head of the truck bed. Going to toss some of this around and possibility get some other thought's here on the Forum. Wonder if anyone else with a 300 has just a bit (1/4) inch or less of play in turning the throttle? In other words, start turning throttle and at first there is this bit of nothing at first.

Downtown 300 / Re: My First Ride on the 300! wooooooo!
« on: February 13, 2011, 10:12:59 PM »
Thanks Agent Bob, yes, I traded in the S200. The S200 was a 2009 purchased in 2010 (new) at somewhat a reduced price. Received 2500 for it and had the 300 (new) reduced somewhat also. One never get's a deal worth really bragging about. It all boils down to how bad you want to upgrade and I needed to being the S200 was just not powerfull enough for me. You know the S200 is nowhere near 200cc......about 160 some only. Did I like the S200, yes, very much so, hated to let it go. Do I like this 300, very much so with just a few querks I don't like. I repeat myself Bob, sorry but, I am too big for the S200 the way I really wanted to use it. I am not a fan of traveling much over 55 on these units but I merely want to be comfortable doing at least that speed which I didn't feature doing with the S200. I find Kymco thus far to be a very neat, strong and exciting manufacturer. I have yet to do more riding with this new one and am certainly looking forward to it. One issue with the 300 so far is, I don't believe it to be a very comfortable (sitting position) ride for a long distance. The S200 was more comfortable really other than the total upright sitting position. I express my thanks to this Forum and the ability to express and receive written conversation from many friendly people. One thing I want to post question to on the Forum is, what do most people do if they break down or have a flat tire a considerable distance from home? Would like to hear opinions on this is possible. Again, thanks Bob.

Downtown 300 / My First Ride on the 300! wooooooo!
« on: February 13, 2011, 08:30:42 PM »
Anxious to get out for the first time, 45 degrees still spotty snow areas on the ground and very windy. Put on my Shift (backdraft) jacket with liner in and placed my silver helmet on my head, Shift gloves on and opened the garage door nervously! Thought to myself people are going to think, that guys crazy scooting in this weather. Figured the heck with people I hit the starter and slowly powered out of the garage. First thing I noted, good thing I had left hand on the brake this thing jumps! Just barely throttling the power is immediately noticed. Down the alley I went sort of like not gasing a vehicle enough with the clutch out.....jumping! First thing I noted was as being 6'1", it was a bit cramped at the legs and seat but the arms were extended in a comfortable position. My pant legs rode up a bit being the seating tendedd to give me so called rattle snake under wear! Stayed off the faster roads and drove around the neighborhood and town. Had a hard time getting used to the jump at first throttle from a stop...still have to get used to that. Nothing got cold other than my cheeks so it was not a bad day after all to ride around. I noted that the rear disk brake didn't appear to be as affective as the drum was on the S200 I had. Have to check if about a 1/4 inch turn on the throttle is normal before the unit is throttled up. Put on 13 miles and really enjoyed the ride. Back to the garage, I had a heck of a time getting it back in. Have to put it in perpendicular to the garage being not much room. Couldn't believe how heavy this thing is trying to get that back end in! It is definetly 400 lbs or so! Had many stares everywhere but I believe it was just due to all the Silver, scooter, helmet, jacket etc. By the way, the sun was out and making everything even brighter.

Downtown 300 / Re: Want to ask 2011 Downtown 300i owner's
« on: February 12, 2011, 11:28:33 PM »
Jprestonian, thanks for the input. From what I see in the spec's on the 300 is that it is 400 + some lbs. I am 6'1", 245-50lbs. I honestly don't feel I'm weak being a jock of many sports when younger. I just have to practise. Can't wait for warm weather. Been using the trickle charger in this cold weather. Water cooled so I go out and start it once and awhile.

Downtown 300 / Re: Want to ask 2011 Downtown 300i owner's
« on: February 12, 2011, 10:46:39 PM »
Thank you for the replies, I was hoping someone would say they have trouble too!! Gonna practise all that has been explained here. Knowing my S200-Peoples was lighter, I had no trouble with it to center stand. By the way...just a note here. I read that the Downtown 300 is the hottest unit in Europe now. Thanks again everyone.

Downtown 300 / Want to ask 2011 Downtown 300i owner's
« on: February 11, 2011, 11:06:14 PM »
I have had someone explain with video on setting the 300i on it's center stand but just about ashamed to say, I have a rough time even doing it by way of the explanation. Do any 300i owner's find this difficult to do and have any advise? I don't believe it is lack of strength but I just can't get it going readily. Thanks.

People s200 / Re: Top speed for an S 200
« on: February 07, 2011, 01:54:04 PM »
Well, knowing what I posted and happy with the Peoples S200, I went and made that move to stepping up! I know people said, "wait", you'll want something bigger and they were right! I traded in for a Downtown 300i and am looking forward to warm enough weather here in PA to ride. I decided that I wanted a higher crusing speed to go to some of the places of interest here in Western PA. What I didn't know about the S200 when I purchased it was it was only about 160 some cc. The 300i is listed at just about 300. I went from Red S200 to Silver in the 300. I started out by going to the 300i forum's prior to purchasing this new ride. As in here, there are very helpful people eager to help out. Thanks, 200 forum.

I would never knock any scooter, I was to purchase a Grand Vista until I felt the crowded feeling between the handle bars and the seat. Coming out of the Peoples S200 which is much smaller than 200cc, I got into the Downtown 300i. It is just about the 300 cc which I need being 6'1' and 245. Have not yet driven it due to PA nasty winter! Can't wait till warm weather. I went into the Downtown Forums and read much prior to purchase and thank many of the people that placed their note's etc. in....a great great help.

General Discussion / Re: Kymco sale! NOT GOOD!
« on: February 05, 2011, 10:04:22 PM »
Just purchased a Downtown 300i and previously looked at the Grand Vista but seated on it, I felt the crowding between the handle bars and the seat. I was surprised that it was so tight. Went into the 300i after having the Peoples S200 which I thought was  a 200 cc but was surprised to find it was a 160 some. I understand the Peoples may not be shipped to the U.S. readily anymore. Looking forward to warm weather to get to use this new one!

Downtown 300 / Re: Downtown 300i First Ride
« on: February 04, 2011, 11:01:23 PM »
I had Shad 40 and added reflector's to it but what I like about the V46, it has wrap around reflection. My thought's the more the better. If I am correct, the V46 is in fact 46 Litre's and the shad is 40..not sure but ...I also like the brighter box. I too hate the price but...again...

Downtown 300 / Re: Downtown 300i First Ride
« on: February 04, 2011, 10:06:05 AM »

Downtown 300 / Re: Downtown 300i First Ride
« on: February 04, 2011, 09:50:32 AM » The previous is some info on the V46 Box I have ordered. I let the dealer do the research for ordering it and providing the mounting hardware. I had 1 40 litre box on my S200 and I know how worth while it was. It was not a V46 which is pricey but understandingly rock like. Am looking forward again, to warm weather. Heck I might run up and down the alley at the least sign of warmth! You know, kid with a new toy!

Downtown 300 / Re: Downtown 300i First Ride
« on: February 03, 2011, 10:01:22 PM »
Tech Guy, thanks for the information and the video. Seems very easy the way you showed and I tried that other than rocking it back and forth as you described. I had no trouble with the S200 and I didn't even know about the rocking! Nevertheless, your way will be attempted tomorrow and again, I thank you for all. When it was delivered at 11 AM, I attached the trickle charger at 11:30 AM and it's been going since to the checking on it at 4:30 PM. I noted that the red charging light was on and the green light blinking ever since placing it on at 11:30. Hope that is normal but I didn't have that happen when the S200 was put on charge/trickle.

Downtown 300 / Re: Downtown 300i First Ride
« on: February 03, 2011, 05:37:37 PM »
OK..OK !! It arrived at 11 AM!! The more I looked at it, the more I liked it. Ice and snow still on the ground and the garage door and pulling it is I found it spinning! A bit of help and it went in. It is definetly heavier than the 200 and being I had to park it sideways in the garage I didn't have that little bit of run backwards to get in on it's center stand!...left it on the side stand and it is ok for now...just like "downtown". Of course it doesn't start or run with the side stand down. Ok with the center stand for starting and running. Next, I sat on it and ran it for so many minutes getting the feel of it in this state. Of course at noted, the side stand was up. I wanted to place it on the center stand and even with my size, I couldn't do it in the garage with it sitting cross wise in there. Not enough of that little bit of run room to get it up! That works with age too!! Anyway, now I can't wait till warm weather get's here. Also, I hooked up my trickle charger right away after shutting it down, it stayed on charging for a good while then switched over to trickle eventually. Will shot some photo's when I get the V46 Box Whisper which I know is going to be a great add on. I do know that the color will correspond with most of the scooter's. Called to make sure that oil filter is stocked...thanks for that info! I did note while running in a idling mode and just barely throttling a want's to jump!

Downtown 300 / Re: Downtown 300i First Ride
« on: February 03, 2011, 10:18:08 AM »
In looking at the prices of the service manual for the Downtown 300i decided to down load the 200 some page for 14 bucks.
Not really a mechanic so it's not like I will be tearing into anything! I didn't print double side paper so the result will be just enough for a umm a normal note book (1"). I already wrote down the notes from Whisper on bulb's, thanks whisper!

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