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Messages - Neil955i

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General Discussion / Re: Heated Gloves? solved again @#$%^!
« on: October 09, 2019, 12:55:17 PM »

Maybe by then I'll learn to stay home like most sane riders do?


Don't do that Stig, we love the moody shots taken in adverse conditions!

General Discussion / Re: What do you use your scooter for?
« on: October 09, 2019, 12:51:02 PM »
You live in the UK, and don't own a car?
Do you have very good public transport?
A few yrs ago I refused further repairs to a 25 yr old Jetta (great car BTW!) and decided to work commute in Ohio with a LIKE200I. We have nearly no city bus service - snow mornings meant poor wife driving me in to my work - interrupting her preparing for work! Then bussing to within a mile of my house after work....and lovely, brisk walk on road's berm.
Dumb plan.
Father-in-law eventually tried to sell me his nearly new Chevy truck. I refused to cave on my dumb plan. A year later he handed me the title & keys to the truck - gratis.
The family concensus was that I would be found frozen in a snowbank come spring thaw.
My family envies anyone living in a city which has good public transportation!
The USA sorely needs it!
As Viper has already said Stig, it depends where you are in the UK.  Here in rural Cheshire, I am lucky enough to have a bus roughly every hour into the two nearest towns so, in extremis, I do have an alternative and it's free as I'm now of retirement age!  ;D

That said, I did have 20-odd years of my working life where I only owned a motorcycle and travelled the length and breadth of the UK in the course of my management duties.  My best year saw me clock up 45K miles on a Triumph Daytona 900.  Getting to meetings in a sharp suit, collar & tie took logistics of an interesting nature sometimes.  The worst being getting changed on a public car park behind a parked car - fortunately in the days here before the proliferation of CCTV cameras!

General Discussion / Re: What do you use your scooter for?
« on: October 07, 2019, 09:31:05 AM »
I used a Vespa P125X for several years before moving to Malaysia. There a motorbike (scooter is not a thing) was essential and was what I used for everything. We have a small home in Thailand now, with two 150cc Yamahas for daily drivers. The first thing I did when moving back to our hometown in Arizona was buy a Kymco XTown. Whatever the occasion it's either the Like or the XTown. I've driven the Subaru only twice in the 2 months we've been back.

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I can identify with that and can actually go one better as we've now done away with my car as I was driving it so infrequently!

General Discussion / Re: Not so quick intro
« on: October 07, 2019, 09:28:06 AM »
Welcome Paco to the forum. I have driven scooters for years in Rome and now I continue to do so in the US. It is much easier on the hands, back and

That's so true Dean.  My back plays me up on occasion such that I found I was riding my scooter far more than my racing crouch Daytona 955i!  Forced a reappraisal, after which I reluctantly traded in my 20 year-old Triumph in for a Street Triple and I find the more upright stance on that much more to my back's liking  :D

Day long comfort on either mount now which suits me fine.

General Discussion / Re: Not so quick intro
« on: October 06, 2019, 11:16:20 AM »

The X-town's not perfect but it seemed to me a perfectly useful mount.
Thank you for the welcomes!

Welcome Paco, I'm sure you'll enjoy your scoot when you get it and the forum.
As for the XT300, I bought one a month ago and am really enjoying riding it.  One hiccup so far which you can read about elsewhere, but overall, no regrets so far in opting for the XT over the £2K more expensive (over here) Honda Forza 300!

Roadcraft / Re: Slalom Riding
« on: October 06, 2019, 10:44:41 AM »
From Japan days, I remember little Japanese girls on 50cc scooters, smoking Macho Man Marines on their Harleys in traffic. Funny.

That I would pay to see!!   ;D

General Discussion / Re: Bike/scooter camping
« on: October 05, 2019, 04:00:27 PM »
I like reading/hearing about other's motorcycle camping adventures...always sounds like a good time...but have never done it....come to think of it...I have never actually camped.....

En suite kind of a guy huh? [emoji23]

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General Discussion / Re: Screeching X-Town 300i
« on: October 05, 2019, 11:23:27 AM »
Thanks Stig and yes, they are.  Kymco UK say this is the first such occurrence, but then they would say that wouldn’t they? [emoji1787]

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General Discussion / Re: Screeching X-Town 300i
« on: October 05, 2019, 11:14:03 AM »
When I bought my first rubber band scooter in 1990----I thought the drive train was the weakest link,  and now over 400,000 miles later and on 11th new rubber band drive scooter---I still believe that.
Since bike is new, let warranty take care of problem and not worry.....but I always carry spare drive belt as dealer usually do not have them in stock!  Delays on trip can get expensive.

You’re right there John, I guess that’s the price we pay for the convenience of an enclosed, clean and low-maintenance drive train?

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General Discussion / Screeching X-Town 300i
« on: October 05, 2019, 10:56:31 AM »
Pretty much on the money there Stig!  Turns out the nut on the variator hadn’t been torqued up right (presumably) and had worked loose wreaking all sorts of havoc.

Still, credit to Kymco UK the warranty claim was honoured immediately and all being well I get it back in one piece on Tuesday.


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General Discussion / Re: Bike/scooter camping
« on: October 05, 2019, 10:46:12 AM »
Kudos to you John. Been years since I camped with the bike. Kinda got put off one year in Ireland where we had torrential rain which lasted the whole week. The final straw came the night my tent blew away in a howling gale! Spent the remainder of the night trying to catch 40 in the camp site shower block.

Still, a lot less to pack for the schlepp home [emoji16]

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General Discussion / Re: Screeching X-Town 300i
« on: October 04, 2019, 01:50:43 PM »
Sounds like QC at Kymco is going downhill fast.
Maybe Karl, but I'll hold judgement on that front until I know.  If it is the Variator though, then I guess it's either poor work in installing or a faulty part and if either's the case then your argument on QC is valid.

General Discussion / Re: Screeching X-Town 300i
« on: October 04, 2019, 12:44:35 PM »
Thanks Stig, you are sooo right!  As instructed by the Dealer I attempted to try and limp the 7 miles to them, but it only got me about three quarters of a mile and then lost all power! Smoking transmission and strong smell of frying clutch plates 😟

I’ve a strong feeling there’s a “told you so” episode coming along. I mentioned an odd transmission noise at the 1st service, only to be told “they all do that” 🤔

On the positive side, the guy from the Dealership in the van was with me within a half hour and has his money on it being the variator. I’ll let you all know.

Roadcraft / Re: Slalom Riding
« on: October 04, 2019, 08:10:25 AM »

Now as most people in US, scooter or motorcycle do not ride very skillfully (MSF?) using rear brake as balance aide not important to them or is gas/clutch/rear brake in real slow speed stuff important to them....they just chug and jerk thru.

Not just the US unfortunately John  :-\ 

Surely ANY time spent on two wheels emphasises the need for skills acquisition, even if only as a survival tactic?  I rode for a year or two before taking my first advanced training and regard it as one of the best biking-related things I ever did.  To anyone reading this who is thinking about it, but hasn't yet done it, just get out there and DO IT.  You won't regret it.

General Discussion / Screeching X-Town 300i
« on: October 04, 2019, 06:16:48 AM »
Hi Guys, I’d welcome any thoughts on this. My XT, which is just a month (& 750 miles) old, started making an horrendous screeching noise and has lost most (but not all) power. I’m guessing drive belt-related?

Hoping to try and limp 7 miles to the dealership later...

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