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Messages - Neil955i

Pages: 1 ... 282 283 [284] 285 286 287
General Discussion / Re: Bike/scooter camping
« on: October 05, 2019, 10:46:12 AM »
Kudos to you John. Been years since I camped with the bike. Kinda got put off one year in Ireland where we had torrential rain which lasted the whole week. The final straw came the night my tent blew away in a howling gale! Spent the remainder of the night trying to catch 40 in the camp site shower block.

Still, a lot less to pack for the schlepp home [emoji16]

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General Discussion / Re: Screeching X-Town 300i
« on: October 04, 2019, 01:50:43 PM »
Sounds like QC at Kymco is going downhill fast.
Maybe Karl, but I'll hold judgement on that front until I know.  If it is the Variator though, then I guess it's either poor work in installing or a faulty part and if either's the case then your argument on QC is valid.

General Discussion / Re: Screeching X-Town 300i
« on: October 04, 2019, 12:44:35 PM »
Thanks Stig, you are sooo right!  As instructed by the Dealer I attempted to try and limp the 7 miles to them, but it only got me about three quarters of a mile and then lost all power! Smoking transmission and strong smell of frying clutch plates 😟

I’ve a strong feeling there’s a “told you so” episode coming along. I mentioned an odd transmission noise at the 1st service, only to be told “they all do that” 🤔

On the positive side, the guy from the Dealership in the van was with me within a half hour and has his money on it being the variator. I’ll let you all know.

Roadcraft / Re: Slalom Riding
« on: October 04, 2019, 08:10:25 AM »

Now as most people in US, scooter or motorcycle do not ride very skillfully (MSF?) using rear brake as balance aide not important to them or is gas/clutch/rear brake in real slow speed stuff important to them....they just chug and jerk thru.

Not just the US unfortunately John  :-\ 

Surely ANY time spent on two wheels emphasises the need for skills acquisition, even if only as a survival tactic?  I rode for a year or two before taking my first advanced training and regard it as one of the best biking-related things I ever did.  To anyone reading this who is thinking about it, but hasn't yet done it, just get out there and DO IT.  You won't regret it.

General Discussion / Screeching X-Town 300i
« on: October 04, 2019, 06:16:48 AM »
Hi Guys, I’d welcome any thoughts on this. My XT, which is just a month (& 750 miles) old, started making an horrendous screeching noise and has lost most (but not all) power. I’m guessing drive belt-related?

Hoping to try and limp 7 miles to the dealership later...

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Roadcraft / Re: Slalom Riding
« on: October 03, 2019, 10:46:30 AM »
I have had at least 3 new maxi-scooters with linked brakes.....and do not like the feature----hand full of left lever and front may come on, dumping you!.
With you there John.  My Honda PCX had linked brakes and I could never get to like the idea.  I've not yet tested it in anger, but I've been led to understand that the Kymco XT300 has ABS on the front disc (a welcome addition), but not on the rear.  That being the case, this could be a winning combination!

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: Ignored by a fellow moped rider~!
« on: September 30, 2019, 04:11:05 PM »
With blue tooth phones popular these days may explain why we get ignored from time to time.
Not just phones.  I'm amazed at the number of bikers who admit to using bluetooth headsets for music under their helmets.  I know I've been tempted to use this option on long tours, but have always come down on the side of silence to help concentration well, this and the fact that I always wear earplugs to protect my hearing by reducing the wind noise full face helmets seem to generate.  (I have a number of biking buddies suffering from hearing loss.)

Roadcraft / Re: Slalom Riding
« on: September 27, 2019, 10:57:33 AM »
..."in the dark..."?  No, no! If it's dark 100% concentration on the road is vital.  Acting the goat at whatever level needs clear visibility to avoid such variables.

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: Ignored by a fellow moped rider~!
« on: September 27, 2019, 10:46:35 AM »
A topic which periodically crops up in the motorcycle press over the pond.  :-\

I still nod or wave to passing riders, but have noticed that it more often than not elicits... nothing!  Never mind, I'll carry on with my acknowledgements  :D

Roadcraft / Re: Downpour riding...
« on: September 24, 2019, 01:55:20 PM »
It's currently bouncing off the pavements here so the scooter remains firmly tucked up in the garage...  BTW, can anyone advise if its possible (& if so how) to upload short video clips here?

Roadcraft / Re: Slalom Riding
« on: September 24, 2019, 01:51:19 PM »
on fairly straight, dry roads w little traffic I ride slalom style.

Do others do this?  Is there any reason not to?
Any traffic at all and I'd counsel not to.  I suspect that any non-biking (or scootering) motorist witnessing this behaviour would misinterpret it as hooliganism! 

That said, yes; I have indulged and I'm not even a new rider, as you say it helps skills and as a beneficial side effect warms the tyres up more - watch GP & WSB riders on warm up laps.  I'd also support John's view that feet, legs and even shifting body weight all enter into the equation, or should do.

Roadcraft / Re: Downpour riding...
« on: September 24, 2019, 10:34:03 AM »
Nice photos (again) Stig.  Rain on the homeward leg OK.  Outbound, not so good!

Roadcraft / Re: the jail
« on: September 24, 2019, 10:32:15 AM »
It's been a while since I rode through a warm summer's night and then smelt the odours dawn seems to unleash, but I do recall a night back in the 80's when I rode from Denver to South Dakota on a big old Honda - we call them Pan Europeans (ST1100), not sure what you called them Stateside.  Began the journey at about 2am as I was jet-lagged and couldn't sleep, so thought I may as well head up to see the last bit of that year's Sturgis Rally.  What a ride and what smells!  The strongest of which (decaying carcass) I couldn't narrow down until dawn, when I could at last see the dead moose (road kill) which seemed to be at the side of the interstate every few miles!  Phew.

A much happier experience was the herd of bison which roamed freely across the road near Mt Rushmore as I stopped the bike to film them.  Magical.  Wonderful scenery in SD and what a joy to find some twisties after the long interstate run.

General Discussion / Re: X-Town 300i Fuel Consumption & Range
« on: September 22, 2019, 02:44:54 PM »
I am not a mechanic (not even close), but would this work?

In a home garage or safe place, siphon all of the gas from the tank into a container with measurement marks (.25 / .5 / .75 / 1.0 litre or gallon).

Now, pour .25 litre of gas back into your tank. Cap it. Start the scooter.

Note whether the fuel light comes on and fuel one bar indicator flashes. If so, then .25 litre is below the threshold to trigger the alert.

Now, pour another .25 of gas back into your tank. Cap it and start the scooter.

Note whether the alert goes away.

If you can add smaller amounts and then start her up, the more precise your measurement would be.

In the end, you will have added enough gas to turn the alert off.

Perhaps, with the knowledge of how much you have added and an accurate km per hour gallon, you can do the math and calculate an approximate number of miles left when the alert surfaces.

In the eyes of more experience riders and mechanics, this recommendation might fail on several fronts. But, I only offer it in the spirit of providing a solution, good or bad. YMMV.
Sounds like that would work Dan. In fact, I’d go as far as to say ingenious!

Now I just need a long winter’s evening and a length of pipe...

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LIKE 200i / Re: Nearly 16,000 miles on this City Grip
« on: September 22, 2019, 02:38:13 PM »
The Like 150i uses a 110/70-12.  The Vespa Sprint uses the same size but the bigger Vespa's use a 120/70-12.  The City Grip comes in a 120/70-12 but not a 110.  At least I haven't been able to find it in the USA.  I'll bet it is offered in other parts of the world.  The Michelin Power Pure does come in a 110 so that's probably what I will use when I need a new front tire. 

I'm sure a 120 would fit on the 150i but using a different tire size may confuse the ABS so I'll stick to the stock size.
Same story in the UK with my XT300 Klaviator. I can get a matched pair of Power Pures, but not City Grips. Maybe that will change as they sell more?

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