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Downtown 300 / Re: Downtown 300i First Ride
« on: February 03, 2011, 09:48:14 AM »
Thanks Whisper for your reply to my post. I'm not a very long user of the "scoots"! Sure am looking forward to receiving it today.
Went to the place of origin taking an item down they needed for pre delivery process from my package that came with it. It was the battery cover they needed to complete the installation. I looked at the process and couldn't believe that the entire seat and more had to be taken off to get into that compartment. I had them install a quick connect to the trickle charge that I had for the 200 which work's great. Like a kid with a new toy can't wait to get home from work! Just like "downtown" you know! I have a large frame and needed this bigger scooter. I have to say here, I really loved the Peoples S200 and hate to see it go (Trade-In). :(  Photography was my profession and is my Hobby and the storage space will be nice. The V46 Box is being added to this unit. Wonder how this will run on some of my longer trips at say 50-55 or maybe 60! 21 degrees this AM in PA :( Will post my delivery impression!

Downtown 300 / Re: Downtown 300i First Ride
« on: February 02, 2011, 09:22:32 AM »
Delivering our new Kymco, Downtown 300i Thursday replacing our Peoples S200. Feeling the 160 some CC in the 200, we surely wanted bigger and more comfortable. I am 6'1" at 245 and want to be able to travel a bit further from home. Had to talk myself into 14" & 13" wheels from the 16's on the 200. Looked at the 250 Grand Vista but too tight from seat to handle bars. The 200 was Red & went to the Silver for the 300....just like "downtown"! Further, ordered the V46 Box for the back. Can't wait till warm weather here in PA!
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General Discussion / Re: Thought's and ideas
« on: May 31, 2010, 08:32:33 PM »
Met a friend of mine today running a small scooter that looked like a Vespa was wasn't. H told me it was 150 cc and further he had his boy on and we joined in a nice local ride. He is a Vietnam Vet as I am a peace time vet who was scheduled for Nam but wasn't called up. For the vet's out there, I was in a Combat MP Company and a Garrison MP Company in Germany. Further, I was a proud protector and guard for the late Audie Murphy along with my partener MP from Cedar Rapids. The Vietnam Vet (Dave) told me on his last trip to Vietnam several weeks ago, all bikes and scooters had 16 inch or so wheels. At a park, we met another scooter rooter who had a 500 cc and was very happy with it. He never gave tire sizse a thought when purchasing. He said he had a 125 cc prior and was scared to death getting on most roads being he is a 200 lb + 6'er  I E-Mailed the owner from where I purchased my Peoples S 200 from asking if he could give me a good deal on mine trading it in. I have but 375 miles on it and keep it well cleaned and Polished. I would like to get the new 2010 Peoples S 250....hopefully. My 200 is only 163 cc vs the 250 will be 249cc. The dealer never told me that, I thought it was 200 cc..damn.

General Discussion / Re: Thought's and ideas
« on: May 30, 2010, 11:06:32 PM »
Are the Peoples S 250, 2010 on the market yet? Sounds like this would have been the way to go??

General Discussion / Re: Thought's and ideas
« on: May 30, 2010, 10:42:36 PM »
Thanks for the speed response. Today I pushe a bit just to check it out and 45 to me will be max. I went up to 50 just for a short bit and it seemed like I was possible asking for trouble on this scooter at that speed. Maybe a dumb question but say if I had a bigger scooter say 250 or more, would the 50 mile per hour be less chancey? My thoughts of course go to the size of the wheels on the more powerful scooters. I am convinced to stay with the larger wheels, any comments? Today I cleaned up the scooter for the first time...used the Honda Pro Cleaner/Polish (Spray Can), I found it to be very good. The Carnuba Wax in it is a must for Polish....would you believe Carnuba is found in Good and Plenty Candy! What it means with that in it, the polish won't oxidize in the paint...I was told that by a reputable paint company years ago. Back to the Peoples 200 speed, I find it difficult to believe some of the comments on here where as people ar traveling 60 to 65 mph on this scooter. Like you mentioned, there is no comfort in riding that fast and further don't feel thee scooters are meant to do that.

General Discussion / Re: Thought's and ideas
« on: May 28, 2010, 10:41:30 PM »
I am located 23 miles N.E. of Pittsburgh, PA along the Allegheny River. Not city like here but enjoyabble to scoot around. Was curious as to what speed do some of you feel comfortable with running along a highway with the 200? I guess I should ask what is a safe crusing speed on some highways?
Wife wants me out of the garage! Build a shed or something! I have all summer ro decide! I inquired about what it would cost for an oil change...was told almost $70.00 and I almost..well. I was curiuos but purchased my own oil and will do it myself. Talk about a potential rip off huh.

General Discussion / Thought's and ideas
« on: May 25, 2010, 09:07:20 AM »
The more I ride my scooter....the more fun I have! At first it was making sure or at least doing all safe, logical things in riding. Now getting used to the particulars, I am enjoying going around seeing places and people I normally don't stop and talk to and places I like to see. I have been taking over my wife's garage though and that is the bad part! I have to get out of there and find a new scooter parking area! I like keeping things clean etc. and so with my scooter. Blackening the tires is not over-looked. I do that with a clear shine spray can. My dealer remarked about this and told me to be careful not to get the spray beyond the sideway ridge which rides the road on turns and curves...why, makes the tire smooth and possible not gripping. I'll heed that...never gave that a thought. Another thought, I have a scorpion ex0-100 helmet and got tired of the buckle system. I have taken off the 2 chrome rings and installed a quick release...what a differnece. The rings were such a pain in the ......

People s200 / Re: New Guy
« on: May 12, 2010, 09:17:17 AM »
Yes, thanks, it was my technique. Went back to dealer and had one show me how easy it is...duh me !! No, kick stand is ok, I just can't get used to trusting it if I am stating that correctly. Again, that's me also...again..duh me!!
If I am wrong or whatever...I admit it. Thanks to a good bunch of people on here....wished we scooters lived closer.

People s200 / Re: New Guy
« on: May 11, 2010, 09:17:12 AM »
WordSlinger, I am new to scooting around but so far I found if I nod my head instead of waving I will get a same response from most bikers. If they don't respond than the heck with them if they can't take a joke!!!
Is the Kymco Peoples S 200 a popular Scooter anywhere or is it too new or what? Is there any difference in the 2009-vs-2010? I haven't seen hardly any scooters in my area. Wonder if that means anything!!

People s200 / Re: New Guy
« on: May 09, 2010, 08:29:09 PM »
Am located 25 miles N.E. of Pittsburgh along the Alle3gheny River. Anytime out for a ride, a hill has to be taken on and have no problems whatsoever. Being new, I never feel secure when I put the stand down! Sorta like the old bike days when the kick stand wasn't up to par! Further, To put down the center stand, I really struggle with it I hate to admit. I may be just attacking it the wrong way. As for my mirrors, I like the ones that are on but just wished they made them with strong telescopic ability. I searched as advised but didn't find anything to my liking. Still going to visit a machinist to get a couple extenson rods made to fit. This PA weather so far has been terrible. I look forward to the week-ends and darn it it isn't raining, cold or extreme winds! By the way, nice meeting others with the S 200 on here. I haven't found any in this area yet.

People s200 / Re: People s200 First Post & Review
« on: April 30, 2010, 09:14:02 AM »
I am a proud owner of a 2009 Kymco Peoples S 200. Please see my post of today 4-30-2010 in New Guy Post area.

People s200 / Re: New Guy
« on: April 30, 2010, 08:53:18 AM »
Have had my S 200 for about a month now and was out on it 7 or so times. Weather so far here in PA is not cooperating yet! I am 71 years of age, 6'1" and 245. It does everything I want it to do with my size around town and up big hills. Going past kids walking, I hear, "nice bike", along with my padded jacket, helmet w/shield, gloves etc. Not bad for an old guy. The S 200 (red) really is a good looking machine. only problem I find is for my wide shoulders, the mirrors that came with it just don't extend up and out far enough. I was told I wouldn't be sorry for purchasing this scooter and I certainly am not!
Lots of fun!

People s200 / Re: Top speed for an S 200
« on: April 16, 2010, 09:08:28 AM »
I have to add, at my age I don't worry about that top speed! I purchased it for local and around town and as long as I stay at those speed limits all is well. For sure...the 16 inch wheels was my first consideration when looking at these scooters. Years ago, I had my fun and well..with a Harley but now being I slowed don't a bit in life....again..this scooter is Grrrrreat!

People s200 / Re: Top speed for an S 200
« on: April 15, 2010, 09:36:48 PM »
I purchased my Peoples S 200 about a month ago. I am 6'1" and 245 lbs. When I purchased it I was assured it would carry me about hill and all with no know they were right!! I have no problem on hills or through community roads and lights. To add, people love the looks of it...I am 70 years young and married and as I drive past schools etc...even the young ones holler out..."nice Bike". I wear the padded jacket, $150.00 and it is a well spent investment. $150.00 helmet with face shield and of course good gloves. At first I thought about wearing all this and than I made up my mind and I feel so much better. All this weight and this Scooter is fantastic, I'm haveing a ball.

People s200 / Re: Mirror Extension for people s-200
« on: April 15, 2010, 09:17:37 PM »
Longer mirror shafts is exactly what I am looking for...for my 2 200 2009. I looked all over the place with no luck for this 10mm connector mirrors. I am starting to thing of possibly looking into having a couple extension shafts made up by a machinist. I like the original mirrors but my problem is they do not clear my shoulders for safe viewing. Going to Ebay does not answer the original question...I searched there and found nothing. The dealership couldn't help so as above...have some extension shafts made by a good machinist. May have to take the mirrorsw off for a day or 2 for him but.....where else to find...forget it.

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