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Messages - Syl

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"The Small Side Bags", Are "Tourmaster", Nylon Cruiser III Tool Bags. They came with a FREE Rain/Dust Cover inside. They have a four-way strap mounting affair..meaning the straps can tie on vertically or horizontally. I use mine for keeping my thermos cold and camera in at times with the Rain and Dust cover. Many people
asked me about them..they are heavy duty water proof and keep their shape. I put the soft strip velcro in places I didn't want too much rubbing.

Xciting 500 / Re: 2010 Xciting 500Ri Stalling
« on: August 02, 2012, 11:19:48 AM »
Weeks ago, my 2012 stalled in traffic and was the only time that happened. Had less than 1,000 miles on it and when coming up to the traffic light, a loud pop like a balloon busting. Lucky I was on a small grade to the light and drifted to the corner and around. Sat there a few minutes shocked as to what happened and wondered if something serious just happened. It started up ok after trying the first time failed but turned the throttle a bit the next time and kicked over right away. Didn't bother any further and now having aprrox. 1800 miles, it hasn't happened again. I use 93 octane only on each fill. What bothers me more is that growl when pulling out at times.

Brent..tnx. Happy to hear another goes to any event consisting of mostly the other type. The bigger event I went to was so called "The Ride For Homeless Vets". Past years I had gone to them but couldn't go on the ride being my scooters were a bit too short of power to stay with the groups of 3-400 bikes. Therefore I did my hobby bit which I am also retired from....News Photographer...a so called Photo-Journalist. With the 500 I made the trip this year and kept up with all on the trip with no problem. I came from the 200, 300 and now as said...the 500 and I think that is the last step up. I used to be a certified diver but gave that up after the local rivers got so darn dirty, one couldn't see more than 2-3 feet in front of you. Years ago, New Smyrna Beach, I was hit in the leg by either a Moray or Barracuda. That was the end to my ocean wandering. I do much hobby photo shoots now and go simply with one camera which I am very comfortable with. Nikon CoolPix p510. 42X, 16.1 megapixels is very comfortable for me. I don't care to carry all the different lenses when one like this is available. I worked with two Pulitzer Winners, John Filo and Eddie Adams, both lived near me. The Filo shot was about the 13 year old girl from FL which showed her after she was not found for awhile. Talk to you more.

"Doesn't Belong"....! On the contrary, There is nothing that sez it doesn't belong. "Different", yes, I just wish there were many many more of the different ones. Like I said, I am proud to go where ever with my scooter even though it is something different and looking like out of place!!

Just a Note here.....probably 2-300 Bikes here and one guy comes in every year with what you found that is different! Is it noticeable...oh yeah and actually created a lot of interest. I was proud in my own way to talk about it even while surrounded with all the bikers. I am not backward nor worried what events I go to with my proud Kymco 500I. The organizer of this Block Party is from whom I purchased my unit. Again in the 2 day event, I shot probably 5-600 photo's.

One More!

Another Photo.

Xciting 500 / Block Party Note Anything Different Following 3 Photo's!!
« on: August 01, 2012, 09:50:31 PM »
Every year, the local Cycle Shop (large) has a "Block Party" and it gets loaded with bikers from all over. I have been going to it every year and feel in problem at all! I shoot hundreds of photo's for the owner and enjoy the 2 day event. Someone on here asked that I place pix's on here so....! Here's several.

Xciting 500 / Re: Nice Day, Just Another Photo!
« on: July 26, 2012, 05:59:44 PM »
Next, it would be interesting to know what kind of scooter this is portraying? I would say they used pastels on this Art Work.

Xciting 500 / Re: Nice Day, Just Another Photo!
« on: July 26, 2012, 05:57:28 PM »
Well, there is an artist in the crowd and the sky just about gives one the feeling of unrest weather! The Art Work is different but must have been taken from a photo and something left out being the scooter is way off to the left and nothing balancing to the right!! Not being critical just wondering!!

Xciting 500 / Re: Nice Day, Just Another Photo!
« on: July 26, 2012, 10:44:28 AM »
Thanks "zombie", can't go out today...real bad lightning last night with rain and calling for more today with possible hail. When I was just a kid...many many years ago! I can't recall this kind of nasty weather. We had lightning and rain but not always these down pours..causing flooding and high winds. I just hope this summer is not eaten up with this crappy weather. Will have to design a top on the scooter !!!

Xciting 500 / Nice Day, Just Another Photo!
« on: July 25, 2012, 11:55:53 PM »
I have great fun with my 500 and further, enjoy shooting "Photo's". A ways back, someone wrote, "now let's see some photo's". I used this particular background again being it is one of my favorite places to ride to and relax....under the bridge, next to boat launching, fishing and just watching the world go round. My camera goes with me ALL the time and I carry it in the padded Givi 46 Box which was worth purchasing and using.

Xciting 500 / Re: Dark day for my Kymco
« on: July 22, 2012, 09:30:26 PM »
Just giving my thoughts on the tall Givi Windshield....I wouldn't want it being I wear the helmet with the pull down partial sun visor and the full clear shield over top of that if wanted. Between the partial stock windshield and the helmet as explained, I personally do not mind the little bit of air rush. Further this helmet is the type that covers the ears also. I put Rain-X over it and was in the rain twice and it cleared very easily while moving.

Xciting 500 / Re: Said My Goodbye to 300i
« on: July 17, 2012, 11:30:01 PM »
I don't want to leave out the fact that I went from my 200 - 300 & now the 500 with a Box on the back. This is one of the best things I kept doing with the fact I am a retired news photographer and carry my cameras and at times, one of my body guards.....pistols!! Am including the photo close up of this Givi 46.

Xciting 500 / Re: Said My Goodbye to 300i
« on: July 17, 2012, 11:15:49 PM »
Sorry, one more of my unit!

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