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Messages - Viper254

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General Discussion / Re: Auto dealerships and Hosp waiting rooms
« on: November 29, 2022, 11:22:57 AM »
My Suzuki 250 (haven't introduced her to the forum yet) is in the dealership for about 6 different recalls on Thursday; that was a nice surprise; receiving the letter from Suzuki to tell me that the previous owners had had no recalls rectified.

If I can get out in 75 minutes, that'd be grand :D

General Discussion / Re: well shoooot
« on: November 18, 2022, 09:56:20 AM »
Disappointing to wake up to if you were expecting a ride Stig. Still basking in late Summer temperatures here. 18c in Aberdeen for goodness sake!

Been a weird year, hasn't it. I have barely used the heated grips on my 'Zuma to date - usually by this time of year I'd be fully winterised but nor have I got the thermal insert in my jacket.

This is sad to hear and a sad loss for his family.

In my limited interaction with him he always seemed a good chap and his posts were great to read.

General Discussion / Re: Favourite Foreign Road
« on: October 03, 2022, 03:43:35 PM »
My best rides so far have been in the UK, but the coast road around County Antrim in Northern Ireland were pretty fantastic. I think I missed the best of the roads in Southern Ireland, somehow.

General Discussion / Re: 5°F commute to work at 4:51AM on my LIKE200i
« on: October 03, 2022, 03:39:48 PM »
I could never fault my Like 200 (yes, that's why I'm on this forum!) for it's fuel injection, it was always stellar.

I try not to buy anything without FI now. I never understand people who are the other way around - carbs 4 lyf.

General Discussion / Re: NSR - New Car on the Horizon?
« on: October 03, 2022, 03:38:04 PM »
Seems my better half has now got fed up with the amount of time that her Land Rover Range Rover Sport spends in the workshop.  She has been offered a lease vehicle through her work and the short list seems to be a BMW X3 30e M Sport

Anyone on here got any experience of them? Specifically, the trunk (boot) size. Will 2 dogs, one 50 kgs and the other 32 kgs fit in?

This is going to sound weird - but if it's just you and your wife and you have another car, have you considered a small van for the dogs? We used to have a Peugeot Partner for a work van and it was the most useful thing ever and would easily take two dogs with beds. Cheap on diesel too

General Discussion / Re: NSR: $1.03 to the £ ?!!
« on: September 26, 2022, 11:46:35 AM »
Yep - great time to holiday in the UK - give it a couple days and your cash may even go a little further!

General Discussion / Re: Condolences to our U.K. members
« on: September 09, 2022, 08:15:15 AM »
Thankyou - it's a very strange atmosphere here today and a few tears have been collectively shed.

General Discussion / Re: Hanging in there
« on: September 01, 2022, 11:41:21 AM »
Good to hear from you and wishing you all the best from the UK

General Discussion / Re: Replenished the USS Silverado today.....
« on: August 19, 2022, 08:15:32 AM »
It is simple = Americans buy vehicles like the Expedtion.....and the Avalanche....because we have to ford streams and climb logging trails to get to the Dollar Store. Only a small % of this country is settled.....or paved.

(in my Silverado was a gift from my wife's father when he heard I was selling my Jetta to work commute on my LIKE200i. First this kind fellow offered it for the very fair price of $10,000. I begged off. Then $7,000. Months later it was "$5,000".  "No, but thank you!...I'm fine with my scooter." A few mos later I rode home and parked the scooter, came in - wife handed me the title for the truck. At that point - it would have been rude to refuse to take it...though I did put it in my wife's name. MIL does not drive - in his passing last summer - he willed their Equinox to my daughter. I just have to put a battery in it.)


Yup, we have those parts of the country too, and those types of vehicles, just kitted out with very different motors.

Cultural, I guess!

I have had a look at Silverados on t'internet - handsome looking thing - I strongly suspect they're banned from import here on the grounds of pedestrian safety with that big flat nose.

General Discussion / Re: Replenished the USS Silverado today.....
« on: August 17, 2022, 07:40:10 AM »
I was never smart enough to convert litres to dollars with any accuracy.
Heck they've even started shrinking my ice cream tubs.
So, I  just gave up.

About 26USmpg at it's worst.

About $2.20 per litre

So about $9.98 per US gallon here in the UK.

It blows my mind that you accept vehicles that get less than 25USmpg over there in the states. Over here anything that's not getting 30USmpg is considered pretty thirsty and are rare.

Most wagons here are capable of 40USmpg

Well they've already taken on Royal Enfield, Royal Alloy and Sym...

Ah, they've gone down the MotoGB route.

On the upside, that'll give them access to the surprisingly nice Benelli range

I am actually a sucker for anything Suzuki, despite the finish not being as good as Honda by a long shot.

Yamaha I've never really gelled with but I wouldn't rule out trying them again one day.

Sadly the scooter range from Suzuki right now is absolute dross.

Right 1st time Viper!  Even going as far afield as SouthWales it’s the same story, no stock or idea when!  Just been browsing BMW C400X’s again…

Wow. Such a nice dealership. I wonder what they'll do instead.

Yet to explore that Stig.  I had hoped that a local dealer - whom I know & trust - would be able to pull a rabbit out of the hat, but no.  Honest answer we ain't likely to see one before March 2023 and in all likelihood by then, we won't be a Honda dealership!

Just to pick up on that - won't be a Honda dealership?

I'm guessing you're talking about Crewe Honda?

That will be a hell of a loss :(

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