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Messages - Nireen

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Downtown 300 / Re: I paint so I can ride :D
« on: June 06, 2019, 12:18:55 PM »
Kat, you should be able to make a good living with your painting skills if you hang out at tourist places and paint local scenery and display at sidewalk. they do around Montmartre, in Paris.

agree PEI is full of tourist during the summer months.  I have to get my butt going and paint!! I need to paint some PEI scenery. 

Downtown 300 / Re: I paint so I can ride :D
« on: June 06, 2019, 10:14:51 AM »
Perhaps the belt is too long or too narrow. If you still have the old one,do a comparison .

Sent from my Mi Max using Tapatalk

Thank you. I lost my top-speed a few months before my belt went on me than I put a new belt.  I know the width of it is correct and do think the length but can't be certain about that.

Downtown 300 / Re: RPM
« on: June 06, 2019, 09:30:39 AM »
Who was it that said they get there bike up to 160km/h!!!! how do they do that!

Downtown 300 / Re: RPM
« on: June 06, 2019, 09:26:40 AM »
Still no top-speed like I use to have.  I get reach 75 mile per hour and that is it.  I use to do easy 85.  New filter K&N New heavier rollers (better rpm) when I reached 75 mile this morning it was maxed out 8000 rpm.

Downtown 300 / Re: New Video Test CVT
« on: June 06, 2019, 09:26:08 AM »
Still no top-speed like I use to have.  I get reach 75 mile per hour and that is it.  I use to do easy 85.  New filter K&N New heavier rollers (better rpm) when I reached 75 mile this morning it was maxed out 8000 rpm.

Downtown 300 / Re: I paint so I can ride :D
« on: June 06, 2019, 09:25:12 AM »
Still no top-speed like I use to have.  I get reach 75 mile per hour and that is it.  I use to do easy 85.  New filter K&N New heavier rollers (better rpm) when I reached 75 mile this morning it was maxed out 8000 rpm.

Downtown 300 / Re: I paint so I can ride :D
« on: June 06, 2019, 08:15:26 AM »
A real small voice told me this in an idea, recently. I am not that smart. The Holy Spirit woke me up that I was being disciplined. That told me I was saved! Yes, I know about what you said but He is not gonna let anyone in His Book miss the bus Home!

Something deep inside me feels that in the very end of it all all will be saved.  I don't see a God that loses anything.  I know many teach otherwise but I just don't see the God of my understanding failing at anything. :) It just may take some time.  All I know my life works so much better knowing where  I stand with the creator of the universe.

Downtown 300 / Re: I paint so I can ride :D
« on: June 05, 2019, 09:14:36 PM »
It is God's gift to you, among others. Just do not screw up like I did and fail to give Him credit for such a wonderful gift! I awoke recently to why NONE of my many career choices never went anywhere: I did not give thanks to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for those skills. Navy, flying, mechanic, sales, management all reached a minor plateau and leveled off or declined. That's why: no proper credit to the One/Three who run every thing.

But you know what Karl you have accomplished the greatest thing knowing what you know now.   Many leave this world not even coming close to this understanding.  Bless YOU!  This life is just a blink and it is the moment that your in now that counts.  :D I'd say well done.

Downtown 300 / Re: I paint so I can ride :D
« on: June 05, 2019, 08:46:50 PM »

and I always want my GIFTS TO bless and touch others lives in ways that really count. I told God many years ago after that profound dream that I was not interested whatsoever if it doesn't help others to grow closer to God.  I won't do it I said if it don't bless others.  It has been noting but a complete joy for me and others since I began my art again.  I can link you to the actual dream if you wish to have a read.  It is precious. :)

Downtown 300 / Re: I paint so I can ride :D
« on: June 05, 2019, 08:38:44 PM »
It is God's gift to you, among others. Just do not screw up like I did and fail to give Him credit for such a wonderful gift! I awoke recently to why NONE of my many career choices never went anywhere: I did not give thanks to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for those skills. Navy, flying, mechanic, sales, management all reached a minor plateau and leveled off or declined. That's why: no proper credit to the One/Three who run every thing.

YES! My whole life I have BEEN THANKING God/Jesus.  I know but I know I am nothing without God. Nothing.  Everything belongs to him and it only comes through me as I am just a tool.  I see this all to well my dear.  I fall to my face many times a day knowing I need to lean on him for every single thing in my life or I am a complete mess.  I am ALWAYS SO GRATEFUL!!

Downtown 300 / Re: New Video Test CVT
« on: June 05, 2019, 06:14:21 PM »
He may have epoxied some weight in each roller which should work fine. Ask him what weight target he used since some of us may want to do the same! Compliments on your description! That is a good way to describe a normal DT300i as it does its stuff around 5000 to 6000 rpm, smoothly and quietly.

Still Karl my rpm's are not where yours are.  But I feel much better about it.  I will do a early morning run on the highway with no traffic and get some readouts and see where my top-speed is.

Downtown 300 / Re: New Video Test CVT
« on: June 05, 2019, 06:12:35 PM »
He may have epoxied some weight in each roller which should work fine. Ask him what weight target he used since some of us may want to do the same! Compliments on your description! That is a good way to describe a normal DT300i as it does its stuff around 5000 to 6000 rpm, smoothly and quietly.

I will ask Karl for sure.  Another thing that stands out that was a bit irritating before was whenever I letgo on the gas to slow down the bike would jerk and it felt like I had put the breaks on when I didn't touch them now it is the same but not nearly as bad more normal like it was when I got the bike.  I just found before it would almost come to a complete stop after I took my hand of the throttle. 

Downtown 300 / Re: I paint so I can ride :D
« on: June 05, 2019, 06:08:17 PM »
Oh, that is stunning! It is amazing the gift you have! And you are a doll as well!

Blush Blush :D

My art came to me after I had a profound dream!  My deceased brother came to me and well it was completely magical this dream.  My brother basically told me to do my art again and I cried and said no I can't people won't understand.  He said, yes it is your gift.  I had done it a wee bit as a child maybe for a couple of years but it was than taken from me and I had not touched it until this dream some 24 years later.  I woke and drew faces as though  I had done it all my life.  I could not go near paint for years until about a year and half ago now.  So painting is pretty new.  It is a gift I didn't know I had really.  I have never had training.   I just woke up and did it.  People ask me how do I do that and I can't really answer. :P :P   

Downtown 300 / Re: New Video Test CVT
« on: June 05, 2019, 02:18:25 PM »
It feels like the bike is less STRESSED!  That is the best way for me to describe this.  It feels relaxed now.  I feel like everything is moving and flowing.  RPM's have lowered I would say 1500rpm and I noticed the needle moves fluently not sticking in one spot for very long.   It isn't roaring and grinding so much as it was.  Everything sounds and feels softer LOL is that descriptive enough? :D  He took the rollers that was in it and made them heavier (I have no idea how he did this I will ask!)  and the back clutch bushing was not moving so he said.  I am waiting for a a quiet morning and I will see where my top-speed sits now so stay tuned!

Downtown 300 / Re: I paint so I can ride :D
« on: June 05, 2019, 02:12:16 PM »
:) some of my very recent work. This is my Mom on the floor beside me and my dad sitting behind me in the chair :)

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