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Messages - Syl

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Xciting 500 / Re: Said My Goodbye to 300i
« on: July 17, 2012, 11:12:40 PM »
Just the other view!

Xciting 500 / Re: Said My Goodbye to 300i
« on: July 17, 2012, 11:08:50 PM »
I placed this photo a while back but feel some may not mind seeing the until I am very happy with!

Xciting 500 / Re: Most of The Play Out of The Throttle
« on: July 17, 2012, 11:03:14 PM »
It doesn't take much to do this yourself and I at first did not know how until way back on a forum for my 300 I read how to do so...I owe much to these forums and keep thanking the people that put and keep this together...we all owe them least I do for sure!

Xciting 500 / Re: Said My Goodbye to 300i
« on: July 17, 2012, 11:00:15 PM »
Thanks for was definitely a good move. I am a fairly good size male and the 300 had some limits with my weight and staying up with bigger units of same or different make. I would do it all over again. One thing noticeable of course is the weight, I didn't struggle at times with backing or moving the 300 about but with the 500, the weight difference is very noticeable in doing the same. I have a bad knee but even still I am able to do want I need to with a bit more effort. Also, even though I had many good comments on the 300, I get many people coming over and asking about my white 500 RI and the words from them was all very good at what they were looking at. The gas, well, as can be expected, the 3.38 gallon tank doesn't give the mileage the 300 did of course but rest assured when you want some power and speed, it is there and than some. You will not go wrong with thinking up for sure. Good Luck!

Xciting 500 / Re: Most of The Play Out of The Throttle
« on: July 16, 2012, 11:59:10 AM »
Yet to this day, I am surprised just how much difference there is in my control and comfort in this. I have but very little play other words, just enough to say there is a bit of play. 1/2 inch as you have would drive me crazy! My adjustment didn't bother the idle but gave me seriously better control around turns etc. I am not a mechanic or an authority and I did check with service with what I did and this along with the larger hand grips makes life easier...for me anyway! Good Luck

Xciting 500 / Most of The Play Out of The Throttle
« on: July 12, 2012, 12:01:31 AM »
I wasn't satisfied with "the Play" in my hand throttle so I tightened it up to very little play and I can't believe the difference it gave me in throttle control. I used to have to creep into the throttle up which was always touchy and had taken too much time. Now, I'm into throttling up when I need it without worrying about slowly sneaking up on it! It is more enjoyable for me....

Xciting 500 / Re: POP...My First Time Engine Quit
« on: July 09, 2012, 09:40:49 PM »
I had 1,112 miles on mine when it died and it was a very hot day about 97 degrees. It occurred about 4 minutes after starting out. I have approx. 1,300 miles on it now and it hasn't happened again. I am always conscious of that now.

Xciting 500 / Re: POP...My First Time Engine Quit
« on: July 08, 2012, 10:40:30 AM »
Thanks sissy mary for your intelligent reply, I appreciate it.

Xciting 500 / Xciting 500 Ri Service Manual
« on: July 07, 2012, 10:39:46 AM »
I was able to download a manual for my 300..finding it with no problem. Is there a FREE down loadable 500 manual. If not of course, I will have to find one to be purchased if they are available. By the time one is down loaded, with ink and paper cost, I guess one still has some bucks involved! I do realize one thing though, in riding many miles beside another scooter of a different brand, their's sounded smooth running compared to the rough sounding Kymco.

Xciting 500 / POP...My First Time Engine Quit
« on: July 07, 2012, 10:28:11 AM »
Started up fine as usual in the garage run it about 2 minutes prior to pulling out...rode about 2 miles slowing down for a red light on a bit of a down grade and about 50 feet from the light..."POP"....ENGINE QUITS. Good thing I was on a down grade to the intersection, coasted around the corner and having enough speed going to pull over to the right about 50 feet from the intersection. Needless to say, traffic and all of a sudden no engine. Have no idea what caused that, I use good gas, been running everyday and this never happened before. Pulled the emergency brake on, waited a few seconds, turned the throttle slightly and hit the starter and it started like nothing ever happened. Needless to say the "Pop", like a big balloon bursting, scared the hell out of me. Is there something I should get checked???

Xciting 500 / Re: About The Front Shocks
« on: July 02, 2012, 12:32:42 PM »
Went to service, man checked the scooter somewhat with start and quick stop but couldn't produce what I said I felt several times. They are not very familiar with shock action but did state that if they are to be serviced, "much has to be taken apart to get to them. His bottom line, didn't really feel anything has to be done with them. Further, said, there has to be some shock action and as long as not bottoming out all the time, it will be ok. So....I have to go with that and wanted to pass that on here.

Xciting 500 / Re: What about a Flat Tire?
« on: July 02, 2012, 11:37:49 AM »
There is much to say about flats as I have found here. Now I am beginning to wonder, is it my imagination or are bike tires made being inferior to say good automobile tires? I realize you get what you pay for but people purchase cheap tires for their auto's but we don't have to check the tires every time in use. So the question again, can these bike tires be made safer? Since reading on this forum, I check my scooter tires every time I go out and still am not sure what to do for one ounce of prevention or correction. There are different inputs here and needless to say, it's difficult to choose which one would be best. Like someone mentioned on here, they worry about tire blow-outs and believe me I know about that being a victim of a 70 mph blowout. Could it be rims are not standard safe on bikes as most auto and trucks are also?

Xciting 500 / Re: I placed this question in Yager 200GT
« on: June 29, 2012, 04:54:49 PM »
The Coil was checked and showed good. To be sure, it was changed anyway and this solved the problem!  Runs fine now...thanks

Yager GT 200i / Re: Friend of mine wanted me to ask
« on: June 29, 2012, 04:49:34 PM »
Problem solved after many checks.....The Coil was bad even though it check good but was replaced just to be safe and behold..."Problem Solved". Again, thanks for the interest and help.

Yager GT 200i / Re: Friend of mine wanted me to ask
« on: June 28, 2012, 11:55:31 PM »
Thanks CROSSBOLT, passing these questions on to be answered and I will get back...till than thank you for the response

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