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Messages - Snoopzilla

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General Discussion / Re: Got hit today...
« on: October 11, 2018, 04:13:26 PM »
God do I really hate people now a days.  Unfortunately it’s becoming almost the norm for people to hit and run.  My brand new VW Golf (now 10 months in my possession) has been hit 5 different times by bad parallel parking without so much as a sorry note.  Luckily the worst hit was captured on our buildings security camera and the cops were able to hunt the driver down, albeit I haven’t heard a peep from him and he had until yesterday to cough up his insurance information or they are suspending his driving and registration privileges (which reminds me to call the officer and see what’s what).  And few months ago my girlfriends Audi was hit and run with $4000 worth of damage and the only reason I was able to find the idiot that hit it was a piece of his car was left at the scene and after looking up the part # to find what vehicle I was looking for and driving the neighborhood for an hour I spotted his SUV missing said part and her paint scraped down the side.   His excuse to the officer was he didn’t know what to do when it happened....the officer was like sure buddy it appears you didn’t even stop.  Anyways sorry to hear about that and glad someone blocked the prick from driving away.  Is it just me or does it seem like the majority of society now a days, seems to pass the blame on everything/everyone else and most people can’t accept responsibility for the consequences of their actions.  It’s always someone else’s fault they were negligent, but of course if the shoe was on the other foot, one better look out. 

General Discussion / Re: Spam again?
« on: October 01, 2018, 09:50:30 PM »
Jesus it’s on the fritz.  Don’t think I’ve ever been in a forum with this much at once ever.  Weird spam too.  Not that I am clicking on any of them but what odd titles

General Discussion / Kymco USA website down?
« on: September 29, 2018, 11:13:54 PM »
Been trying to look at it the last couple days and it’s not working?

General Discussion / Re: Finally the 1000 mile mark...
« on: September 24, 2018, 01:32:18 AM »
Agree. Nice display on that dash.
Is it a handsome display at night?

If you gotta nice looking dash at night - that's cool - because there ain't much else happening out there in the boonies....except that dash and those yellow eyes out there in the dark.
Overall, I think Kymco did a nice job on this new model. It's changed a bit from the prototypes we started seeing 4 years ago - but still nice.
The dumbunnies at my dealership could probably sell a few - if they'd put some on the showroom floor! Almost into Oct., and still none.


PS: Now that it's broken in properly - please report a top speed . TS's are important to most of these guys.

Here’s what it looks like at night (minus the check engine light and abs light, wasn’t running at the time.). It’s very well lit and easy to see.  Yep planning a top speed run now that she’s broken in.  Gonna change the oil in the next couple days again and give it the beans

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General Discussion / Re: Finally the 1000 mile mark...
« on: September 24, 2018, 12:19:49 AM »
Pretty impressive panel! Outside temp, battery volts, time! Where's the tire pressure?
I know right?  Tpms would be pretty cool if they added it.  But considering what I do have I am not complaining.

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General Discussion / Finally the 1000 mile mark...
« on: September 24, 2018, 12:12:12 AM »

Well after a rainy chilly week, we finally got some nice weather today (75 and sunny).   Went on a nice 2 hour scoot and 1 mile before getting home hit the 1000 mile mark on the 150i.  I can finally give it the beans!

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General Discussion / Re: Very good reviews for 3 Kymcos
« on: September 21, 2018, 11:46:42 PM »
What's the service interval like.  If I remember it is still very short.  People who don't service them themselves and need to take them into a dealer usually want longer service periods.  Don't know why Kymco do this, even the new 150i has short service intervals for a new hi-tech engine.

I mean I did buy a new Like 150i for this “new” engine, but isn’t it just the same one they’ve used before in the movie 150?  Hp and torque are the same, maybe they did some revisions?

General Discussion / Re: 2008 Kymco 2 stroke
« on: September 19, 2018, 04:41:23 PM »
You don’t change the oil on a 2 stroke, you just add oil as you go.  Oil gets burned with the gas on a 2 stroke. 

LIKE 200i / Re: Burnt belt smell after riding my 200i. Is this normal?
« on: September 19, 2018, 01:10:26 AM »
Not sure Snoop.  Just something I never smelled before on any of my bikes.  And this is the first CVT vehicle I've owned.  That's why I'm guessing CVT belt.
My guess would be the exhaust coating is still burning off.  Otherwise you would get the familiar smell of burnt rubber if it was the belt. Does it feel like the belt is slipping or anything? 

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LIKE 200i / Re: Burnt belt smell after riding my 200i. Is this normal?
« on: September 19, 2018, 01:00:31 AM »
Like vacuum belt burning smell or exhaust coating burning smell? (May still have that exhaust coating stuff not quite burned off)

General Discussion / Re: Cold start issues, downtown 125i, 2015.
« on: September 18, 2018, 10:23:24 PM »
Valve clearance maybe...

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General Discussion / Re: Led vs halogen headlight
« on: September 15, 2018, 12:03:39 AM »
OK, a light designed to properly use an LED lamp. But they don't even list the lamp? That's nuts!

Here’s a close up (with part number if anyone is interested). Not sure if there is just a lamp replacement or not (there’s gotta be right?).  Been a little headache trying to find parts and I really would like a nice repair manual.  But am being patient....sometimes it’s the pain of being an early adopter

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General Discussion / Re: Led vs halogen headlight
« on: September 14, 2018, 11:12:44 PM »
Snoop, what is the make, model and dealer source of that LED lamp?

Yes like stig mentioned it’s the stock unit out of the Like 150i. I looked up replacement cost for it and all I could find was the whole assembly at a cost of $285 if memory serves right.  It’s pretty much an led projector unit. 

General Discussion / Re: Led vs halogen headlight
« on: September 14, 2018, 04:24:37 PM »
No "level" adjuster on most scoots, or left/right for that matter.  You got up and down.
Bet his scoot was not perfectly level on the driveway.

You are correct Stig.  Driveway is slanted

General Discussion / Re: USA to require ABS on motorcycles
« on: September 14, 2018, 12:54:39 AM »
I get both sides of this.  Though I don’t get why people wouldn’t want abs, unless they are doing some off roading and don’t some BMW dual sports come with the ability to turn off the abs and traction control when desired?  I may have to do some digging, can’t remember where but was reading something about a guy testing the abs brakes in all sorts of terrain and found it stopped better and had more control with them on, which surprised him.  But I know if that Genuine Buddy I was riding last November would’ve had ABS, I wouldn’t of gone in that slide that fractured my ankle.  That’s why I am so happy to have it now on my Kymco Like 150i.  Granted I live in Minneapolis and pretty much everytime I go on a ride someone is either looking at their phone or just not paying attention and suddenly just pull out right in front of me, so my hands are always at the ready of the brake handles, just too many idiots out there.  I love libertarianism and wish we all could be left to do as we please and be left alone in peace, but there’s all these idiots out there where it just isn’t possible.  I don’t look at Government mandated ABS as a training wheel thing, it’s just more an added safety protection against idiots.  I mean ABS is only there when you need it.  And ABS systems have come so far.  Plus if every manufacturer has to add it, it will bring the price down.  But speaking of price...what was the sticker price for the 200i vs the 150i again?   If Kymco can do it.....  I really do wish that they could ship all the idiots to their own island and over govern the ones that need it and leave us civilized folk alone and peace love and happiness and all that.  But since the technology is here and keeps people safer from harm, whether self inflicted or due to others.  Then why not?  At Least it isn’t CBS.  But maybe offering a way to turn it off would be a happy medium. 

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