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Messages - scooterfan

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Technical | How To / Re: Kymco UXV 500 - No Spark Carb model
« on: December 11, 2018, 06:45:43 AM »
I experienced an exact similar problem on my 125 Agility. Eventually discovered that the CDI was causing the problem.
I initially saw a comment by someone who mentioned that a CDI just dies, and the engine will not start again. To my experience a faulty CDI does not behave like that.
When the CDI is on it’s way out, the engine start switching off suddenly during a ride, and will start again after a while. The engine switches off more regular as time goes by, but always starts after a while. Untill the CDI finally dies.

Agility 125 / Re: CDI died at 9200km (2009 125 Agility / Movie)
« on: December 11, 2018, 05:35:51 AM »
Keep an eye on the rev limiters, they're not always set correctly on aftermarket CDIs. Otherwise, good job!

Thanks for the warning. I never went faster than 100 km/h with both CDIs, and performance seem to be exactly the same. I don’t like over revving engines, so unfortunately I will probably never experience any difference.
Who knows - maybe all these things come from the same manufacturer ?

Agility 125 / Re: CDI died at 9200km (2009 125 Agility / Movie)
« on: December 09, 2018, 05:26:41 PM »
Outstanding report!

Thanks ! I actually thought maybe we can actually try to keep record about the lifespan of these components, and maybe we can find a “short cut” to solve problems.
I wasted almost three days on reading, watching Youtube videos, even cleaned the carb., instead of just using my spare spark plug to see if there is any spark !

Agility 125 / Re: CDI died at 9200km (2009 125 Agility / Movie)
« on: December 09, 2018, 05:14:50 PM »
Would you like to give this helpful dealer a plug here? (name, location?)
Always nice to know where we can find dealers like this.

Unfortunately I am from South Africa. Local dealers should be willing to help, but I think time and shipment cost might kill a deal.

I will try to contact the dealer tomorrow. Unfortunately the aftermarket CDI has no brand name or any ID numbers. Maybe I will be able to get a part number or brand name from the supplyer. All I know at this stage - they sell Jonway (Chinese) scooters, but they also work on all kinds of scooters.

Agility 125 / Re: CDI died at 9200km (2009 125 Agility / Movie)
« on: December 09, 2018, 05:03:37 PM »
Good report! [emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]
I've had similar problems with my Agility City ( ), and narrowed it down to the CDI, TPS unit or wire harness.
Will probably buy a new CDI soon.
The scoot has been working fine the last couple of rides, but don't trust it.

Thanks !
To my experience I think it might make sense to keep a spare new spark plug inside the the box as part of a “tool kit”. In my case the CDI did’nt die instantly - it started shutting the engine off more regularly by time.
Problem is, it looks like it is quite imported to check if there is any spark as soon as the engine died - because it would’nt help to wait untill the engine has cooled down. By the time the engine cooled down the plug will have spark again,  and the engine will start anyway.  I think there is no need to unscrew a hot plug from the engine when it died - just keep a new plug handy, remove the plug wire from the hot plug, connect the plug wire to the new plug, ground the new plug to the cylinder head, and hit the start button to see if any spark can be seen.

Should you decide to go the aftermarket CDI route, this info might help:

1. When I started making calls trying to find a suitable CDI, two different dealers told me they would’nt have the original part, but they needed to see what the original part actially looks like. They were not really interested in the part number on my CDI   (TYC-D401).
By trying to find out what they actually needed to see, they told my :
- They needed outer dimentions of the original CDI,
- They needed to see the color of the plug on the original CDI.
- They needed to see a close photo of the plug itself, to see what the plug pins look like,
- They needed to see if there is a small gap between the plug and the CDI body.
  (Aparently the existance (or non existance) of a small gap between the plug on the CDI, and CDI
  itself is very important.) They told me should the original CDI has a small gap between the plug and
  the CDI body, an aftermarket CDI MUST have a similar gap . According to them any aftermarket CDI
  without that small gap will simply not work - even if everything else looks the same.

In short - I received an aftermarket CDI from the supplier. Plug color is the similar (white), plug pins are the same, and the aftermarket CDI also has a small gap (about 4mm) between the white plug and CDI housing. And yes, it works perfectly - at about 1/3 of the price of an OEM component.

Sent from my Redmi 4 using Tapatalk

Agility 125 / CDI died at 9200km (2009 125 Agility / Movie)
« on: December 09, 2018, 04:29:33 AM »
So after just more than 700 happy kms. my “new” scoot suddenly started letting me down. The engine started cutting out after a couple of kms., and I soon noticed that the engin started instantly after the engine cooled down a bit. But after riding a couple of kms again, the engine would cut out again.
Eventually the engine died completely, and would’nt start again.

My first thoughts were “feul problems” - and I checked everything. I checked the Feul filter, hoses, breather hole in feul cap, and stripped the carb for a proper clean. When I opened the carb, it became clear that the problem could not be fuel related. Everything was perfectly clean and the fuel level inside the bowl was correct.

So I realized I was facing an electric problem, and removed the spark plug to see if there is any spark.
I immediately realized that I should have checked the spark in the first place - there was no spark at all. I immediately tried a new spark plug, but could’nt find any spark either. Then I did an ohm test on the spark plug ignition coil, but could’nt find anything wrong.

So I started doing some reading at the forum, and watched some Youtube videos. I soon realized that
I should focus on on only three more possibilities - loose or faulty wire connections, the CDI, and ignition switch.
I checked all wire connections, but because checking the wires properly would take quite some time I started doing some phone calls to try and find a new CDI.
I then hit the Jackpot. A local scooter dealer offered me an aftermarket 2nd hand CDI just to see if my problem was CDI related. The dealer actually sells cheaper Chinese scooters and told me I just had to send him photos of the Kymco’s CDI. According to him he would’nt have a geniune Kymco CDI, and although some of the CDI’s in his posession might look similar to the Kymco CDI, it would not work. He wanted to see spesific appearance details on my CDI.

I sent a couple of photos to the dealer, and after a while he gave me a call. “Got one for you - it’s an aftermarket component, but it should work” he said.
So I collected the CDI, plugged it in, and Bingo, it worked and still works perfectly !

After I realized that the problem was solved I was considering rather to install a geniune Kymco CDI, but soon discovered that the price of a genuine Kymco CDI would be about three times more than the price of an aftermarket CDI. Being a “cheapskate” all my life, I decided to go for the cheaper aftermarket component from the dealer who helped me.
After all, this dealer was wery helpful and I have no reason not to support him.

Downtown 300 / Re: do i need to replace my tires?
« on: December 09, 2018, 03:20:22 AM »
I mixed tyre brands many times on different motorcycles before, and never experienced any problem. Should not cause any problems on scooters either.

General Discussion / Re: Pen dropped on oil filler hole.
« on: December 09, 2018, 03:12:50 AM »
Depending on what scoot you’ve got - I’m not sure about other models, but the 125cc models have a biggish oil drain plugs which hold the oil sieve in place. That outlet is quite close to the filler hole.

Maybe you can just drain the oil, remove that big plug, and try to hook the pen out with a piece of wire. If the filler- and drain holes on your scoot is located at the same locations as on my 125, the pen should be lying quite close to that big plug.

Agility 125 / Re: the scooter doesn't start
« on: December 08, 2018, 05:17:19 PM »
i suspect that is the "starter relay"; because of this scheme.

Correct - unfortunately the manual refer to the starter solenoid as a “relay”.
The scooter does not have a “relay”.

The solenoid is located close to the fuel outlet at the tank - right next to the ignition coil.

Agility 125 / Re: where is placed the solenoid?
« on: December 08, 2018, 06:18:00 AM »
It only has a relay no solenoid. A solenoid is not the same as a relay...........Good Luck

Unfortunately the wrong description for an “external starter solenoid” get used in the manual, and this is clearly causing confusion.
Like you mentioned , a solenoid is not the same as a relay - unfortunately the manual refer to an external solenoid as a “relay” - which is obviously incorrect.

If you have a good look at images of starters on these scooters, you”ll see that the starters do not come with solenoids bolted to the starters. In cases like that, starters always come with “external solenoids” - which get bolted elwhere to the frame, engine, etc. :

kymco 125 agility starter images

This is what an external starter solenoid looks like. The appearance might be slightly different between different brands, but it always look almost the same:

external starter solenoid images

This is what a “relay” looks like - very different from an “external starter solenoid” :

relay images

Most vehicles come with a seperate relay AND starter solenoid before the starter - while the scooters do not have a seperate “relay” at all.
Therefore I think the manual is causing too much confusion - the scooters do not come with extra relays at all.

P.S. Sorry, I tried to forward direct links to the different images, but it did’nt work.
Anyone who might be interested could just Google the subjects above, to have a better understanding about the different names of the components.

Agility 125 / Re: where is placed the solenoid?
« on: December 07, 2018, 07:15:28 PM »
The starter has no “relay”, it only has a solenoid.

On my 2009 Agility / Movie the starter solenoid is located close to the outlet at the fuel tank, right next to the spark plug ignition (pulser) coil.

“Ignition coil” and “pulser coil” is the same thing, just different words for the same component.

People GT 300i / Re: 2019 People S 300
« on: December 05, 2018, 04:13:12 AM »

I finally understood your question. No, he is a Boston Terrier/Australian Shepard mix. Absolutely the sweetest dog we have ever had. Smart too.

Talking about mixes, yesterday I realized I am a proud owner if a mix too.
According to the stickers on by 125 Scoot it’s an “Agility”. That’s what the agents told me as well.
But when I had a proper look at the logbook for the first time yesterday, I noticed that my scoot is a “Movie”.
Maybe that’s why my scoot is so smart lol

LIKE 200i / Re: For I Have Gone A Thousand Miles
« on: December 03, 2018, 06:44:35 AM »

Thinking motor oil change every 500 miles, .........

I like the idea of getting the motor oil changed more often. It definitely can’t hurt.
The only problem I can think of - the thread at the plugs holes might eventually wear out if the plugs get removed that often. Special care should be taken when the plugs get tightened.

I am also thinking of changing the motor oil more often - at least untill I find a high quality magnetic drain plug. Hopefully I will be able to find a suitable Dimple plug somewhere.

LIKE 200i / Re: For I Have Gone A Thousand Miles
« on: December 02, 2018, 05:03:42 AM »

 I checked the valves at the 600 mile mark. I checked them every 2k miles like the manual states at first. Now I check the valves every 4k miles. They haven't moved since the 2000 mile check.

To my understaning the correct gap settings for these 200cc engines is 0.1mm. On smallish gaps like 0.1mm I can understand why the manufacturer recommend valve clearance checks / adjustments every 2k miles. The manufacturer obviosly rather “play safe” by recommending clearance adjustments more often.

If the manufacturer recommend valve clearance checks at 2k miles on an engine with a 0.1mm gap setting, it obviously means valve clearance checks on smaller engines (i.e. 50cc engines with a 0.01 /0.02mm gap) should be done more often.
The smaller the recommended gap, the more often valve clearances need to be checked.

Agility 50 / Re: Problems
« on: December 01, 2018, 10:09:26 AM »
Give the guy a break!  It's a new scooter, and he didn't say "the problem can’t be detected easily".  THAT'S NOT WHAT HE SAID. He said it doesn't seem to have much power.  There's no need to check the valve clearance (which will cost $100+ to do) on a new machine.  Calm down!  You guys will make everybody nuts (including the dealer) with all your hare-brain ideas.

Typical comments from somebody with no mechanical knowledge and no mechanical experience.

Just have a look at some comments by another owner who reported his experience with his NEW 200cc scooter:

1.  Valve adjustments have been made by the dealer after 200 miles on the scooter.
2. The valves clearances have been checked by the dealer at 800 miles AGAIN.

Take note - this is a NEW scooter ! For what reason do you think the dealer bothered to “fiddle” with valve clearances at 200 miles on a new scooter ? They even checked the valve clearances AGAIN at 800 miles !

Please calm down. Are you a salesman ?

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