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Messages - bleys

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General Discussion / Re: Redline
« on: June 23, 2013, 02:02:04 PM »
Thanks for the feedback guys...along the lines that I was thinking as well.  And to it is not a rev limiter at 7500...I've had it over 8000 -rpms on a couple of occasions when accelerating and it still has throttle left.  The Xciting is heavier than the Bet & Win (407 lbs - dry wt.)  but still responds well to throttle at redline.  I just try to not go over for concern of causing damage to the engine. 

General Discussion / Re: Redline
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:27:53 PM »
To add....I don't expect anyone to recommend going over the redline limit...just wondering why it is there and why 7500 rpm....I know earlier models of the Xciting 250 redlined at 8000 rpm for instance.  And again why put a tach on some scooters and not others?

General Discussion / Redline
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:16:30 PM »
Some various musings about CVT scooters and tachometers.  My Xciting 250 has a tach and it redlines at 7500 rpm.  This limits my upper speed to around 72 mph.  I do not exceed redline, yet on the interstate, I could use a little more speed.  The scoot still has plenty of throttle at redline and I also know many scooters have no tach and are ridden WOT all the time with little seeming harm to the scooter.  So why a tach on a CVT? Is the redline for real?  Am I just being stupid about this?  I know it is a different engine but the Ninja 250 revs about 10,000 consistently, with a upper limit of 14000.  So any feedback on this would be welcome guys.  Thanks.

General Discussion / Re: Got hit today.
« on: June 03, 2013, 11:19:04 PM »

Sorry to hear about your fender.  Unfortunately accidents do happen.  Glad to hear you are okay and the scoot is not down for the count.  Congratulations on your daughter's wedding.

General Discussion / Re: A little pezzed off tonight
« on: June 01, 2013, 01:13:06 PM »
That sucks, 08.  Hope your scooter is back on the road soon, and if someone messed with your bike, I hope the fleas from a thousand camels infest his nether regions.

General Discussion / Re: Summer riding jackets?
« on: June 01, 2013, 01:10:39 PM »
Mesh Sports Armored Motorcycle Jacket $60

Might work.

I have this jacket and it works great.  I got it from Leatherup for the same price and had a code for an add. 10% off.  For an armored jacket, it is light and comfortalbe.  I also have a nice leather 3 season jacket, with vents, but there is no comparison in hot weather.  The wind flows through the mesh.  Obviously it is not rain proof, but anything rain proof will by nature not breath - so pick your poison there.  You can soak in your sweat or occasionally risk getting wet from the rain.  As far as road rash - it ain't leather, but it is slick, tough material that should offer decent protection.  If you like the look, it's a great deal.


Xciting 250 / Re: Fair price?
« on: May 25, 2013, 12:56:57 AM »
I would recommend the Downtown 300 or People GTI 300, which you may find a left over or slightly used bike for under $5000, although you may need to do a lot of searching.  They may even get a little better gas mileage.  A Xciting 500 will cost more new, but used ones can often be found in good shape.  Very highway capable, but not as good on gas.  However less maintenence is required on the 500 and this may help even up the driving cost.  Good luck.

General Discussion / Re: At what speed
« on: May 23, 2013, 04:50:22 AM »
About 10 mph.  Early in my riding career on a dirt bike...trying to go up a steep started to stall and I hit the throttle too hard.  Ended up on my back with the bike on top of me.  Also on a minibike at about 10 mph when I shifted gear from 1st to 2nd at WOT....but I was about 11 years old.  Finally, when I started riding again after a 20 year absence.  Went around a corner, waved at a driver that had waved, forgot to look at where I wanted to go, and hit the fence I was staring at (you know so that I wouldn't hit it).  Again, I was going about 10 mph.  Now, I immediately remove the 10 from my speedometer of all my bikes and I haven't had an accident since.  LOL.

Xciting 250 / Re: Fair price?
« on: May 21, 2013, 11:36:12 PM »
That is not a bad price especially if it is truly "out the door."  You should expect between 55-65 mpg depending on how you ride.  That has been my experience anyway.  One thing to note - the Xciting does fine up to about 65 mph, but struggles to do 70-75 - this puts you right at redline, so if you are planning to ride on the Interstate, keep this in mind.

The tmax is probably more directly comparable to the 500 rather than the 250 xciting. One of the scoots I recently looked at before buying my 500 was a tmax and it would have been up for serious consideration if it wasn't for the steep price for high mileage and obvious signs that some of that distance wasn't traveled right side up.

You are right on the comparison...I was simply noting what had shown up for the ride and expressing pleasure that my scooter appears to compare well in general.  Still impressed with the Hyosung top speed, but not with it's build quality.  Believe me, I would love to have an Xciting 500 to go with my 250.

Xciting 250 / Xciting 250 vs. Hyosung MS3 250 vs. Yamaha T-max etc
« on: May 20, 2013, 01:33:54 PM »
So, I went for a ride with several fellow scooterists.  One of them had a Hyosung MS3 250.  While the build quality did not match my Xciting, it was not a bad looking bike.  The guy with the Hyosung noted that the floorboard had cracked underneath. Otherwise, the two scoots were comparable.  Both have front dual disc brakes and a rear disc brake for instance.  His bike was also about $1000 less than an Xciting.  However, he also noted that his MS3 could hit about 85 on the highway.  Now I know that his scooter is about 40 lbs lighter than my Xciting, but I struggle to hit 75 at redline with my Xciting.  I checked several reviews online and his claim of 85 was supported by these reviews.  I'm not saying that I liked his scoot better, but overall not a bad bike for the price - although I will admit the cracked floorboard would be a serious red flag for me.  My guess is that since it was a flat floorboard (no hump like the Xciting), the structural integrity was affected by this.

Another guy had a Yamaha T-max.  Obviously a very nice bike, but limited storage underneath due to the parallel twin engine set-up.  He could not fit his full helmet under the seat.  Despite it's size and weight, it handled pretty well at slow speeds.  Nice looking, but I was not as impressed as I thought I would be.  The build quality was obviously good, but did not seem to be better than my Xciting.  The T-max owner was surprised at the similarity of build quality.

There was also a Vespa 250 GTS and a Znen 150cc.  Both were beautiful traditional looking scoots and did well on the ride.  Overall, though, I was pleased with how my Xciting compared to the other scoots.  Nice job Kymco.

General Discussion / Re: Will Kymco Philippines be affected....?
« on: May 20, 2013, 01:15:54 PM »
Wow, that sucks.  I think that it is primarily posturing, although having military ships on maneuvers does seem to indicate that Taiwan is seriously pissed.  However, Taiwan depends heavily on their exporting of manufacturing goods and I don't think limiting trade would be a viable option at this time.  Hope things get resolved soon.

General Discussion / Re: First ride with new scooter group.
« on: May 20, 2013, 01:09:59 PM »
Thanks for the comments guys.  Since we have posted about our first group ride, membership has gone from 8 to 19 members.  This may grow faster than expected.  Apparently a lot of people in the area have scooters and are looking to talk about same.  I would eventually like to see a regular meeting with ride options - short, medium, and long, and also taking into account the different capabilities of the scoots.  I will keep you all updated with the good, the bad, and the ugly of our group as it continues.

General Discussion / First ride with new scooter group.
« on: May 19, 2013, 01:00:30 AM »
Well went on a group ride today with a new scooter group that just formed - first ride for everyone in the group.  An interesting turn out.  We had a Znen 150cc, a Vespa 250GT, Hyosung M3 250cc, a Yamaha T-Max, and my Xciting 250.  Oh and the organizer showed up scooterless as she was still putting her scoot together - some Chinese 50cc scooter.   Stopped at India Point for free food, free sailing lessons, and a presentation by the RI Audabon Society on owls.  Then rode down historic Benefit street to the Brown University Observatory.  Dinner at one of my favorite Mexican Restaurants, and then a ride with the guy on the T-Max - everyone else had to head home.  Had a blast and will definitely ride with this group again.

General Discussion / Re: What's your....?
« on: May 18, 2013, 02:40:30 AM »
Okay, for RI, it would have to be quahogs and little necks with coffee milk to wash them down...oh and a cabinet or frappe for dessert.  If you want something more traditional, then you can go to Federal Hill for Italian food.   As for the sight to see, I would say a toss up between the mansions in Newport or Block Island. 

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